Phoenix Dance

Chapter 530 Prepare to be promoted, leave

Chapter 530 Prepare to be promoted, leave (4)

Feng Range and Ouyang Huang stood proudly, holding long swords and pointing at the sky.

At this moment, they are domineering and awe-inspiring!At this moment, they are so proud!Just wait for the thunder disaster to land!

Ouyang Huang paid attention to Feng Range's situation from the corner of his eyes, and he felt that Xiao Ge'er at this moment was simply her pride!She is amazingly perfect!
When Ouyang Huang stared at Feng Range from the corner of his eye, Feng Range also felt his gaze.

Then, with a light drink, "Thunder robbery has fallen!"

After saying this, Ouyang Huang saw her leaping directly into the air, ready to face the first thunderstorm.

Seeing this, Ouyang Huang was not far behind, and jumped up immediately!

Crossing the catastrophe, such as Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, who took the initiative to meet the thunder catastrophe, were rare in the world.

Even for Ouyang Huang earlier, crossing the catastrophe was nothing more than facing the thunder catastrophe.

But as it is now, if Feng Range hadn't set this precedent by his side, I'm afraid he would never have thought of doing this.

The long swords that Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were holding in their hands at this time were both artifact-level weapons, and it was quite simple to deal with this mere advanced thunder tribulation.

Slashing down with a sword, he hit the first thunder tribulation smoothly.Then, they continued to wait for the second thunder disaster.

In Thunder Tribulation, there are nine paths in total.Both of them had to kill all the nine lightning tribulations one by one before they could continue on their way to Changbai City.

Otherwise, no matter where they go, Lei Jie will follow there.

In any case, they have to do the next thing, and the current thunder disaster must be passed first!

At the same time, because the thunder calamity is the power of heaven and earth, they cannot relax for a moment at this moment.Otherwise, this thunder calamity may be about to fall on them.

If it is now, they will be hacked into a charred body like Feng Range did last time.I'm afraid that their plan to go to Changbai City today will come to nothing.

Now that they have received a thunder tribulation, there are still eight more to come, they can only try their best to continue without hurting themselves!
The eyes of both of them are very sharp at this time, ready to meet the eight thunder tribulations behind.

The second thunder tribulation fell, and the two jumped up to meet it!

The third fell, and jumped to meet it again!

Fourth way, attack!

fifth way...

The sixth way...

Seventh way...

Eighth way...

Ninth way, when the ninth thunder tribulation fell, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were already in a state of embarrassment.

However, at this time, the two of them were going to face the strongest ninth thunder tribulation, but they didn't hesitate at all, and they were ready to attack with firm eyes!

There was a muffled 'boom', and the ninth thunderstorm fell with the accompanying sound. Feng Range and Ouyang Huang immediately reacted and rushed forward!

At this time, they are completely invincible.When they pass through this thunder tribulation, their strength will increase greatly.Then, you can continue to do the following things.

The ninth lightning tribulation is extremely powerful!It first fell on the long swords in their hands, then weakened three layers of strength, and then hit them, smashing them to pieces in no time.

However, these forces were much lighter than what Feng Range and Ouyang Huang had endured in the past.Therefore, the consciousness of the two of them at this time is still very clear.

After falling to the ground, Feng Range immediately put away the long sword, then took out a bottle of healing elixir, gave Ouyang Huang a few pills, and swallowed a few pills himself.

After they swallowed the elixir, at the same time, the light of advancement radiated from their bodies!
'boom!boom!boom! With three consecutive muffled sounds, Feng Range's strength has been raised to the level of the fourth rank of Lingwang and the fifth rank of Wu Zong.

As for Ouyang Huang, his strength has also reached the fourth level of Lingzong and the seventh level of Wuzong!

Regarding Ouyang Huang's speed of improvement in spiritual cultivation, even Feng Range, who is extremely talented, felt a little staggered when he saw it!

This guy's improvement speed, if she is a monster, then he is a ghost!This speed of improvement was something Feng Range had never seen in his life.

Fortunately, she and Ouyang Huang are not enemies.Otherwise, it would be a terrifying thing to have an enemy whose strength improved so quickly!

Originally, the difference in strength between them was two grades.But now, because of Ouyang Huang's powerful improvement, the gap has been abruptly cut into one.

Now, the strength of the two has been improved again.In addition, there is nothing else to stop them, so they should continue to march towards Changbai City!
At this time, Feng Range picked the flowers and turned the leaves into a leaf boat, and the two jumped onto it with a light leap, and sat down cross-legged.

Feng Range sat in front of Ye Zhou, controlling Ye Zhou to move forward.And Ouyang Huang was sitting behind her at this time, with his hands gently moving, he brought Feng Range into his arms, please hug her.

Originally, Feng Range wanted to struggle.But at this moment, Ouyang Huang's voice rang in her ears, "Little Geer, be good, don't move! Let me hug you!"

Ouyang Huang's voice at this time was very magnetic. When it reached Feng Range's ears, she immediately felt itchy ears and numbness in her heart, and she had no resistance reaction.

Just like that, let Ouyang Huang embrace him, and then headed towards Changbai City...

As Feng Range's strength has grown again, she controls Ye Zhou to fly even faster.

In just two hours, the two had reached the suburbs of Changbai City this time.

The two fell to the ground, looked at each other, and walked towards the dense forest.

However, when approaching the entrance of the cave where the Jinbit Altar is located, Feng Range's consciousness immediately sensed that there was someone in front of him.Moreover, this number is definitely not less than twenty people.

What's happening here?Could it be that someone has discovered the cave where the Jinbit Altar is located?Feng Range doubted this!
So, she stretched out her hand to hold Ouyang Huang's pace, and told Ouyang Huang what she had found.

"Little Ge'er, you mean, there are people in front, and the number is not less than twenty?"

"Well, this is what I noticed."

"If that's the case..." Then what are they doing here?
At this time, Ouyang Huang's expression was the same as Feng Range's, frowning a little.

There is some faint worry, whether the matter of the promotion altar has made people in the secular world aware of it.

If so, what should they do?

For a moment, both of them frowned tightly, lost in thought...

(End of this chapter)

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