Phoenix Dance

Chapter 531 Prepare to be promoted, leave

Chapter 531 Prepare to be promoted, leave (5)

After a long time without returning to his senses, at this moment, Feng Range, who was losing his mind, suddenly felt someone walking towards them!

Immediately, Feng Range exclaimed, "Someone is coming!"

After speaking, Feng Range quickly took out his long sword, pulled Ouyang Huang over, and Yu Jian flew into the sky.In this way, to avoid those who come to search.

And when looking down from above in mid-air, I heard someone talking below.

"Hey, I seemed to hear someone's voice before, why didn't it disappear now? Could it be a ghost?"

A person walked to the place where Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were standing, looked around, and then said to himself.

Regarding his question, no one could answer him.Because, after he heard the movement, when he came over to check the situation, he didn't bring anyone else with him.

Afterwards, he stood there for a while, and after confirming that there was no sign of anything suspicious, he turned around and left!
Moreover, when he turned to leave, he murmured unhappily, "What the hell!"

Hearing his words, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang standing above his head looked at each other, feeling a little speechless.

At this moment, Ouyang Huang, who was holding Feng Range's waist, suddenly leaned into her ear, and whispered, "Xiao Geer, I have a solution?"

"How? What way?" After hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range showed a look of surprise.Turning to look at him, he asked.

When hearing Feng Range's question, Ouyang Huang showed a bewildered smile.

Then he said mysteriously, "Just wait and see!"

After hearing his words, Feng Range felt the hand on her waist loosen.Then, just a light-hearted person jumped off the long sword!
Seeing Ouyang Huang's action, Feng Range showed doubts. She didn't know what Ouyang Huang was going to do next.

However, soon, she knew the answer!
She saw that when Ouyang Huang fell to the ground, he quickly moved towards the direction of those people.

Because of his high strength and fast speed, if it were not for Feng Range's equally high strength, she might not even be able to see Ouyang Huang's figure clearly at this moment.

He watched Ouyang Huang's figure move, and now she was driving Yujian, and she also started to move.She followed Ouyang Huang closely in the sky, wanting to go over to see how he could deal with those people over there.

Just as the two of them were walking in the sky and the other was walking forward on the ground, they soon saw a dozen people in front of them, digging something with a shovel.

When Feng Range saw these people, at the same time, she also saw Ouyang Huang start to do something.

Ouyang Huang's method is very simple, very violent!
The way he solved the problem was to quickly dodge behind everyone, one by one, knocking those people unconscious and knocked them down.

Even, when none of those people reacted, they were all brought down by Ouyang Huang!

Regarding this one-sided situation, Feng Range can only sigh at this time, it's not that Ouyang Huang is too strong, and it's not that those people are too weak.Rather, the strength gap between them is really a bit big!
After seeing Ouyang Huang put everyone down easily, Feng Range also drove the Yujian to the ground at this time.

After putting away the long sword, she walked up to Ouyang Huang.

He said lightly to him, "Well, you handled it well!"

"Of course!" Ouyang Huang accepted Feng Range's praise almost without hesitation.

Then, he said to her again, "Xiao Ge'er, let's hurry up and go in!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range nodded without hesitation.Then, he and Ouyang Huang walked towards the direction of the Qinglong Jinshi altar.

Walking to the front of the cliff, Feng Range glanced at the cliff that had been dug out a depression.Then with a wave of his hand, he removed the formation at the entrance of the cave.

After that, the two walked in one after the other.

After getting inside, Feng Range directly took Bai Jing out of Shihuang space.Then, stand with them!
This is what she promised Bai Jing when she left the barren space.

The three of them lined up in a line, and when they saw the Qinglong Jinshi Altar in front of them, Bai Jing's old eyes immediately lit up!
And, like an excited child, he exclaimed directly, "Is this the promotion altar? The Qinglong promotion altar? It's the Qinglong promotion altar!"

Bai Jing was almost talking to himself at the moment, originally he didn't take into account Feng Range and Ouyang Huang who were beside him.

At this moment, Feng Range turned his head to look at Ouyang Huang, and suddenly said, "Huang, help me fill that hole! Next, I will set up a formation around the altar of advancement." , to hide it. It would not be a good thing if this promotion altar is discovered and destroyed by others, we should cover it up permanently after we leave!"

"Okay!" After hearing Feng Range's words, Ouyang Huang immediately turned around and destroyed the entrance of the cave.

As soon as Ouyang Huang's side started to do it, Feng Range's side also started to do it.

In order to really make the array he set up to be used for hundreds of years without any problems, the hidden array set up by Feng Range this time has a defensive array superimposed on the outside and an offensive array superimposed on the inside. phantom array.

Her method of setting up the formation is even faster now.

When Ouyang Huang completely destroyed the entrance of the cave, Feng Range's side was almost ready.

After waiting for Ouyang Huang to come to her side, she injected spiritual power and activated the three formations she had set up.

When the formation was fully activated, Feng Range glanced at Ouyang Huang at this time, then turned around to look at the Qinglong Jinshi altar.

At this time, she was holding three top-quality spirit stones left over after arranging the formation.

These three spirit stones are said to be left over from the unknown formation.In fact, Feng Range specially took it out for promotion.

At this time, Feng Range looked at Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing, and said, "Let's hold hands and get ready! After I put these three spirit stones into these three grooves, we will work together Jump in, you know?"

"it is good!"


With the response from Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing, the three of them immediately held hands together.Then, I watched Feng Range put the spirit stone into the groove of the altar of advancement.

As the spirit stone was placed in, a beam of light immediately lit up into the sky!

Then, Feng Range immediately shouted, "Jump!"

Following her voice, the three of them jumped into the 'well mouth' of the promotion altar without hesitation.

Next, what awaits them later will be a brand new adventure...

 The content of the first part is successfully completed!The following content is Fengrange's return journey, a new adventure, a new beginning!
(End of this chapter)

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