Phoenix Dance

Chapter 532

Chapter 532
After Feng Range, Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing jumped into the Qinglong promotion altar hand in hand, they felt a pressure squeezing them in an instant, making them feel extremely uncomfortable.

It's not that their current strength is too low, but under such circumstances, they are somewhat irresistible.

Fortunately, this process didn't last very long. After they endured it for about half an hour, they suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness under their feet.Then, people began to fall down sharply!

At this moment, Feng Range opened his eyes immediately, and saw them falling down in mid-air.

God, what's going on now?
Below them, the three of them looked down and saw a forest with dense vegetation.

In this regard, the three of them were puzzled, have they reached the boundary of the previous plane?

However, their doubts only flashed in their hearts for a moment.Then, the three of them began to worry about their current situation.

In order to prevent them from falling into the forest below in embarrassment, the three of them were going to walk in the sky at this time.

But at this moment, Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing showed shock on their faces!

When they were in Yanhuang Kingdom, they were obviously able to fly in the sky, but now...why can't they!

Just when Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing showed the same expression, they barely stood up, but Feng Range, who was obviously still a little unstable, also noticed their situation.

So, he said to them, "Can't you stand upright? It seems that this is a world. After the strength reaches the king level, you can fly in the sky! In this case, Huang, Bai Lao, I will send you to the space first. Let's go!"

As she said that, she didn't wait for their response, she just dodged to their side, grabbed them one by one, and sent them to the Shihuang space with a flash of thought!

After sending them off, Feng Range's movements were a little unsteady.But it is still possible to control the dangerous fall to the ground.

After spending 2 minutes, she landed firmly on the ground.

Then, she brought Ouyang Huang out of Shihuang space again.

As for Bai Jing, it seems that he is not needed at this time, so let him stay in the Shihuang space!
Now at this time, there are fewer people, and it is more convenient to do things.

The two stood in place at this moment, and did not walk rashly.

Now, they have arrived in a strange and new world of cultivators. There are much more hidden dangers here than on the Azure Continent.

If they act rashly now, they may not be able to deal with a little danger.Therefore, before the various situations are clear, they should first explore the situation they are facing at this time, and then it is not too late to take action!

At this moment, Ouyang Huang suddenly grabbed Feng Range and said softly, "Something is coming here!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range immediately used his mental power to search.And the result of this search made her frown slightly.

He said to Ouyang Huang, "It's a fifth-order red flame tiger."

"Red flame tiger?"

"Well, the world we live in now is the world of cultivators, which is different from when we were on the Azure Continent. Now if we encounter wild beasts here, they may all be spirit beasts. Just this red flame tiger As far as I'm concerned, I feel that its strength should be at the fifth level. It shouldn't be too difficult for us to deal with it!"

After understanding Feng Range's analysis, Ouyang Huang's eyes flashed a hint of clarity.

The world of cultivators?Well, it's nice here!

"Then leave it to me to deal with it!" Ouyang Huang wanted to experience the power of the fifth-level red flame tiger at this moment, so he nodded his head lightly and said.

"Okay!" Feng Range did not object to Ouyang Huang's decision.

At this time, he tiptoed lightly, turned over and jumped onto the branch of a nearby tree and sat down.Then, I planned to watch Ouyang Huang do it from the branch.

Just when Feng Range sat down on the branch, the red flame tiger jumped suddenly, crossed the bushes that originally blocked Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's figure, and appeared majestically in Ouyang In front of Huang.

"Roar!!!" When Chi Yanhu saw Ouyang Huang, he let out a terrifying roar as if he had seen the most delicious meal.

Then, he threw himself directly, intending to throw Ouyang Huang down!
However, Ouyang Huang's figure is very flexible.When facing the Red Flame Tiger's pounce, he immediately dodged to the side.

Moreover, when his feet landed on the ground, he also used a "Nine-Jet Fist", which directly smashed the Chi Yanhu's bulky body to the ground!

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" After being punched heavily by Ouyang Huang, the Scarlet Flame Tiger immediately suffered from painful training.

Then, he turned around again and roared angrily at Ouyang Huang.

Following the anger of the Red Flame Tiger, Feng Range, who was sitting on the branch, discovered that the strength of the Red Flame Tiger had suddenly risen to a level because of his anger.At the same time, its body also began to blaze with fiery red flames at this time.

This is……

Facing this sudden situation, Ouyang Huang narrowed his eyes slightly.I feel that this situation makes him more and more interested!

When seeing the changes in Chi Yanhu, Feng Range naturally noticed Ouyang Huang's high interest.

At this moment, she opened her mouth to remind Ouyang Huang, "Huang, don't let your skin touch the blazing body fire directly. At that time, the flame burning with spiritual power, no matter how tough your body is, will be destroyed by it." Burnt. Huang, its fatal point is its head, you attack its head directly!"

Hearing Feng Range's reminder, Ouyang Huang didn't even look at Feng Range at this moment, just nodded his head slightly, and then rushed towards the Red Flame Tiger.

Because of Feng Range's reminder, don't let your skin directly touch the body fire of the Red Flame Tiger.Then, he just condenses the glove that Feng Range gave him earlier out of his body!

Seeing Ouyang Huang rushing towards it without fear of it again, the Scarlet Flame Tiger became even more angry at this moment!

He raised his head to the sky and roared violently again, and rushed towards Ouyang Huang directly.

Seeing that the two were about to touch each other, Feng Range narrowed her bright eyes slightly, staring at Ouyang Huang's figure nervously.

Although she believed that Ouyang Huang could deal with this red flame tiger, she was still a little worried at the moment!

This is probably because she is now Ouyang Huang's wife.And Ouyang Huang is her husband, this concern must come from within and cannot be controlled!
(End of this chapter)

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