Phoenix Dance

Chapter 554 Underground Auction

Chapter 554 Underground Auction

When Feng Range spoke out about her difficulties with some hesitation, Tang Xuexun's mouth immediately showed a hint of understanding.

Both Feng Range and Ouyang Huang noticed his expression, but they also automatically chose to ignore it.

At this moment, Tang Xuexun clapped his palms and laughed loudly, "So it's this matter! This matter is easy to handle! I often go to the underground auction house, so naturally I know where it is? How about, my son Let's take you there! Hehe!"

Hearing that Tang Xuexun took the initiative to invite Ying, a gleam flashed in the depths of Feng Range's eyes.Then, he pretended to be particularly embarrassed and said, "This... troublesome son, I always think it's not good... why don't you tell us the location, and my brother and I will go by ourselves!"

"No! No! I have nothing to do, and I can lead the way for you two, especially since the girl is a beautiful woman. It is my honor to serve a beautiful woman! Let's go now!"

When he heard Feng Range's slightly embarrassed opening, Tang Xuexun was really afraid that the stunning girl in front of him would not let him follow.So, he immediately opened his mouth to express his attitude.Moreover, he directly urged them to go with him immediately!

After seeing Tang Xuexun doing this, Feng Range turned to look at Ouyang Huang.As the two looked at each other, there was a tacit feeling, and they decided to let this idiot from the Tang family take them there!
Anyway, this is exactly what they wanted. After Xiao Ge'er finished his work, this Tang Xuexun of the Tang family...

Ouyang Huang looked at Tang Xuexun with a gloomy look, and there was a flash of killing intent!
Dare to hit his little daughter-in-law's idea, court death!

Now, it was Ouyang Huang's turn to speak, "Then go!"

This was the first time Ouyang Huang spoke after seeing Tang Xuexun. After hearing his words, Tang Xuexun immediately made a gesture of 'please', ready to lead them the way.

Seeing Tang Xuexun walking out of their pharmacy first, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang immediately followed.

At this time, the boy who was going to get the medicine also came out.When Tang Xuexun and the two guests were about to leave, he immediately wanted to catch up.

And, while chasing, shouted, "Master, your medicine!"

Hearing the servant's voice behind him, Tang Xuexun ignored her for a moment, and started talking to Feng Range again.

"Beautiful lady, this son is Tang Xuexun, the eldest son of the Tang family. I don't know the name of the lady? You see, we were busy talking about other things before, so we didn't get to know each other properly!"

Tang Xuexun's intentional approach at the moment, and asking for her information, made Feng Range see how obscene he is.For this reason, some are unwilling to talk to him.

However, in order to let him take them to the underground trading place smoothly, she still has to appease him now.

So, at this moment, he said lukewarmly, "Little girl Ouyang Ge, Mr. Tang is being polite!"

In order to reduce some troubles in the future, Feng Range will definitely not tell Tang Xuexun his real name at this moment.After casually prevaricating and giving this idiot a false name, Feng Range pretended to read something twice and stopped talking to him.

As for Ouyang Huang, as early as Tang Xuexun came up with the idea of ​​playing Fengrange, his complexion has never been better!
But just now, after Feng Range casually took a pseudonym and put his surname on it, the chill on Ouyang Huang's face broke a bit.

Moreover, he was submerged indifferently, but at this time, he was also stained with a deep smile!

It seems that in Xiao Ge'er's mind, he now has a detached status.

For a while, the three of them walked forward together.

During this time, Ouyang Huang has been quietly standing beside Feng Range.Feng Range just checked the things on both sides of the street for a while, showing great interest.

As for Tang Xuexun, he kept trying to get close to Feng Range, trying to curry favor with her, so as to win her favor.

For this reason, when he arrived at the entrance of the underground auction house, the 'rich' Mr. Tang bought all the things Feng Range was interested in, put them in a storage bag and gave them to Feng Range.

"Miss Ouyang, I saw that you were very interested in these gadgets before. You see, I bought some for you, so you can accept them and play!"

When she saw the storage bag Tang Xuexun handed to her, Feng Range's eyes were slightly startled!

Seeing her look like this, Tang Xuexun's first feeling was that Miss Ouyang was moved by his thoughtfulness!This is also just right, it can make it easier for him to capture the heart of this beauty!
Feng Range's dazed mind was only for a moment, and after she came to her senses, she reached out and took Tang Xuexun's storage bag.

Then he thanked, "Thank you Mr. Tang for your kindness! Before, I really liked these gadgets. But because I had to buy medicinal materials for Master, I didn't dare to mess with them. Now, it's all over!"

After seeing Feng Range take over his things, he was full of joy, and Tang Xuexun felt extremely happy immediately!

If a beauty likes his things, does that mean that the beauty has noticed his goodness?

In this way, he must be able to fully capture the heart of this beauty soon!

Just when the two of them were saying 'you and me', Ouyang Huang interrupted the conversation very 'inappropriately'.

I only heard his cold voice full of jealousy, "It's time for us to go in!"

"Huh? Oh!"

After seeing Ouyang Huang's abnormal reaction, Feng Range did not object.So, I walked in with him side by side.

At this time, Tang Xuexun hadn't reacted yet.When he reacted again, he could no longer see Feng Range and Ouyang Huang.

"Hey Miss Ouyang..."

When Tang Xuexun caught up with Feng Range and Ouyang Huang again, he had already seen them looking at various stalls in the underground trading field!

While walking and watching, Feng Range felt a little emotional at this moment.This is indeed an underground trading place. Some rare medicinal materials here are really not comparable to those of the Tang family.

However, no matter how rare the medicinal materials are, they are still incomparable to those in Fengrange Shihuang space.Therefore, when she saw these medicinal materials, it was not enough to make her fall in love.

Afterwards, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang went to the stalls one by one, looking for things that interested them.

What is their purpose of coming here this time?Actually there is only one!
That is, after a while, before she and Ouyang Huang entered the Qingwu Academy, she wanted Kayina to prepare an auction.

She wanted this auction to be very grand, and the items to be auctioned were very valuable, so that they could gain a firm foothold in this world once again!
As for the auction items, Feng Range planned to take out some by himself.There are still some, she plans to get them here!
(End of this chapter)

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