Phoenix Dance

Chapter 555 Holy Medicine Ice Lotus

Chapter 555 Holy Medicine Ice Lotus
Feng Range walked all the way, and after being caught up by Tang Xuexun, she kept arguing again.

At this moment, even Ouyang Huang could resist beating up this idiot.But Feng Range couldn't bear it anymore!
This Tang Xuexun is really too noisy, and it has seriously affected what they want to do now.

Therefore, Feng Range took advantage of one time when he was looking at the medicinal materials, and with a mysterious twist of his palm, he secretly sprinkled a colorless and odorless poison with a small effect but not fatal to Tang Xuexun.

When she was doing this, Ouyang Huang who was standing aside also noticed it.However, at this moment he did not open his mouth to stop him!
Anyway, he has wanted to beat this bastard for a long time.Now that Xiao Ge'er has made a move, he should ask for a little interest at that time!

Just two seconds after Fengrange's medicine powder fell on Tang Xuexun's body, he heard a 'puff puff' sound from somewhere below him.

Accompanied by the sound, there was also a stench.When they smelled this smell, everyone who was standing beside Tang Xuexun immediately dispersed, including Feng Range and Ouyang Huang.

"Young Master Tang, you..."

After Feng Range and Ouyang Huang stepped aside, they looked at Tang Xuexun with a little concern.

When he heard that Feng Range, the beauty he was looking for, spoke to him at this time, Tang Xuexun wanted to dig a hole in the ground at this moment.

The eldest son of his dignified Tang family... actually farts serially in a public place!
This is simply the biggest scandal since Tang Xuexun was born!

However, he was fine before, why did such a thing happen suddenly?

At this time, although Tang Xuexun blushed and felt embarrassed, her thoughts turned gloomy!

Could it be that someone is killing him?But who is this person?
Although he has the heart to think about these things now, he is shameless and shameless to bring them here again.So, at this time, he said to Feng Range with an embarrassing face, "Miss Ouyang, this... may be Ben... no, it's me. The food I ate this morning was not clean, so... I'm sorry, two I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you if I go down, I... I'll leave first!"

After saying this to Feng Range, Tang Xuexun almost pushed through the crowd and fled.

In this underground trading market today, the eldest son of the Tang family is truly ashamed to be thrown at his grandma's house!

After seeing his leaving figure, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's mood became exceptionally better right now!

Especially Ouyang Huang, at this time he put his head close to Feng Range's ear, and said softly, "Xiao Geer is naughty! But, I like it!"

When she heard Ouyang Huang whispering in her ear, Feng Range knew that her little trick before had fallen into his eyes.

However, the two did not struggle much in this matter.After that, without Tang Xuexun as a follower, the two of them would have a more pleasant shopping experience!

After walking through one booth after another, finally in front of a booth on the second floor, Feng Range saw something that made her quite tempted, the holy medicine ice lotus!
At this moment, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang took a closer look, and found that there were quite a few people standing in front of the booth.Obviously, these people also came for this holy medicine ice lotus.

But now, no one has seen anyone make a move.This is probably because they don't have anything that the stall owner is satisfied with!

Seeing this, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang remained calm for the time being, and just watched quietly from the side.

At this moment, a pair of young men and women with domineering faces emerged from the crowd.

When she walked in front of the stall owner, the young woman spoke first, "You, sell me this ice lotus for a price!"

That tone, that demeanor, was simply that of an arrogant and domineering second-generation ancestor.After hearing what she said, the other people standing on the side showed contempt and disdain.

At the same time, the owner of the stall also said in good time, "Don't buy it!"

The two words of indifference directly criticized the woman's words to the point of indignity.

Seeing this, when the woman wanted to get angry again, she was grabbed by the man who came with her, "Don't be impulsive, Xin'er!"

After stopping Qin Shaoxin, the man turned his head to look at the stall owner at the same time, and said, "This stall owner is sorry! My cousin was doted on by her parents since she was a child, so with this temper... I wonder if the stall owner will exchange this ice lotus." , but what is the request?"

After hearing that the man's attitude was acceptable and apologized for his cousin, the stall owner's attitude became better.

Therefore, he answered the question asked by the man at the same time, "Three drops of water of life."

water of life!this……

After hearing the stall owner's request, everyone's eyes changed a little...

That thing, I heard that it only exists in legends!Now the stall owner actually said he wants that thing, does it really exist in this world?
Just when everyone was in doubt, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang passed through the crowd and squeezed forward.

"Is what you said true? Just three drops of the water of life can be exchanged for this ice lotus?"

When they heard Feng Range's voice suddenly sounded in the crowd, everyone's eyes turned to them.

Even Qin Shaoxin and the man who had clamored to buy this ice lotus turned their attention to her at this time.

Seeing Feng Range's beautiful face, Qin Shaoxin's seriousness flashed a hint of jealousy and viciousness.But that man was amazed and explored in a flash.

However, Feng Range didn't pay attention to their eyes at all.Instead, he still looked at the holy medicine ice lotus with fixed eyes.

If you talk about other people, when they talk about moving, ah, to exchange the water of life for the ice lotus, they will definitely not choose to exchange it.After all, this water of life is more precious than ice lotus.

However, as far as Feng Range is concerned, three drops of the water of life are just a little bit, so there is nothing to be reluctant about!
You know, when she was still in the Azure Continent, she had given this stuff to many people around her.Moreover, at that time, she still gave them half a bottle and half a bottle.

So now, the reason why she asked the question was just to confirm whether the stall owner's words were true.

As soon as Feng Range spoke, the stall owner's expression was the most beautiful!
He looked at Feng Range, instead of the previous indifference, he became a little excited!Arrangement why, when he heard this ridiculously beautiful little girl speak, he always felt that she should have what he wanted.

So, at this moment, he immediately nodded his head, and replied to Feng Range, "Yes! Just three drops of the water of life can be exchanged for this ice lotus! But, do you...have any?"

(End of this chapter)

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