Phoenix Dance

Chapter 556 41 Sheepskin Book

Chapter 556

When hearing the stall owner's last question, Feng Range could clearly feel his nervousness and worry.

At this moment, Feng Range directly took out a small porcelain bottle and threw it to the stall owner.

And, he said to him, "Four drops of water of life, take it! Your physical condition, three drops can't save you. This holy medicine ice lotus belongs to me!"

After Feng Range threw the small porcelain bottle to the stall owner, before he could respond, Feng Range took the ice lotus from the stall into Shihuang space.At the same time, it also sent a sound transmission to Shihuang, asking him to plant this ice lotus in the creek of the water of life.

But when they saw Feng Range displaying this technique, everyone was stunned again!

Especially the stall owner, when he caught the small porcelain bottle Feng Range threw to him, he was dumbfounded!Some can't believe that in this world, there are really people who can produce such legendary elixir as the water of life.

Originally, because of his physical condition, he was just here to try his luck.But now, he never expected...

While the stall owner was excited and everyone else was stunned, Feng Range glanced at Ouyang Huang, and then prepared to leave quietly...

Now, not only is she carrying the holy medicine ice lotus on her body, which makes people jealous.What's more, the existence of the water of life is enough to make everyone who knows here stare at her.On this point, Feng Range is quite clear!

For this reason, she suddenly felt that she had acted rashly just now, which was a bit reckless.

If she had known that she would encounter such a situation here, she should have dressed up with Ouyang Huang before coming here.But right now, it's too late to regret!

Shortly after they left the booth, both of them felt someone trailing behind them at the same time.

Regarding this situation, Ouyang Huang just got acquainted with Feng Range and was not too worried.Anyway, they have no plans to leave here for the time being.

When they leave, think about getting rid of them then.

In this way, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang deliberately ignored those who followed them, and continued to wander leisurely!

Their leisure, in the eyes of those who followed them, unconsciously thought that their following should not be noticed by others!
Later, when hanging out with Ouyang Huang, Feng Range got seven or eight kinds of medicinal materials and other things one after another.Among them, several of them were obtained by her in exchange for medicinal materials and elixirs grown by herself.

After getting these things, Feng Range felt that it was time to leave what they had gained now!

So, after putting away the last thing she got, she gave Ouyang Huang a look, and was about to leave...

And just when they returned to the first floor and were about to reach the exit door, Feng Range's eyes were suddenly attracted by something on a booth beside him.

When she saw something like this, she immediately stopped in her tracks.Then, walked to the booth.

"Xiao Ge'er, did you find anything else?" Seeing Feng Range, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, and Ouyang Huang immediately followed suit!

And, when he followed her gaze to something on a booth, he asked a question.

However, this time, Feng Range did not answer Ouyang Huang's question.

Before or after she walked to the stall, she asked the stall owner who was wearing a black robe and couldn't see clearly.

"How do you change this thing?"

When he suddenly heard a young female voice speak, the black-robed stall owner revealed his eyes and glanced at Feng Range.

Then, with a slightly hoarse voice, he said, "An imperial-level healing elixir."

A royal healing pill?When he heard the exchange terms proposed by the black-robed stall owner, a moment of astonishment flashed in Feng Range's eyes.

Then, she immediately took out an imperial-level healing elixir that she had refined when she was on the Trace God Continent, and handed it to the black-robed stall owner.

He asked, "Is this okay?"

Seeing the pill that Feng Range handed directly to him, at this moment, it was the turn of the black-robed stall owner to be a little stunned!

However, he soon came back to his senses and took the pill from Feng Range's hand.Then, said to her, "Take this thing away!"

Hearing the black-robed stall owner speak again, Feng Range didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately picked up the parchment she was fancying, and put it away!

After getting what she wanted, she took another look at the black-robed stall owner, and then turned around with Ouyang Huang to leave.

Just when Feng Range turned around, the black-robed stall owner looked at Feng Range's back through the brim of the black hat on his head again.

This girl... is not an ordinary person...

Royal-level pills...

After Feng Range and Ouyang Huang left the underground trading field, they found that there were no less than twenty or thirty people following them!

When she discovered this situation, Feng Range was a little bit dumbfounded!
And Ouyang Huang took the opportunity to start making fun of her!
"Xiao Ge'er, it seems that you are very popular!"

Very popular?Is that all?
After hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range gave him a blank look!
Then, he said to him, "Six or seven of these people are stronger than us, we can't deal with them, so let's find an opportunity to escape first!"

Hearing what Feng Range said about Ouyang Huang's expression, he became a little dignified at this moment.

Then, he also responded, "Then listen to you!"

After the two reached an agreement, when the two passed through a dark alley, they suddenly began to flash their movements.

As they accelerated, those who followed them immediately noticed it.Then, I began to prepare to speed up the pace of tracking.

However, after they tracked for a while, they found that the traces of Feng Range and Ouyang Huang had disappeared...

And as their traces disappeared, even their breath.At this time, it also disappeared!

How is this going?For this sudden situation, the people who followed the two of them were a little flustered.

Afterwards, they searched this circle for a long time, but still found nothing.

Under such circumstances, many people could not take the time to leave first.But some people still stick to it!

These persistent people believed that Feng Range and the two should have hidden somewhere, but they couldn't find it.In the future, as long as they stay here, they will definitely be able to wait for their appearance!

When they were doing these things, Fengrange and Ouyang Huang in the Shihuang space could see it clearly.

It's just that they have already hid here now, so will they still look for opportunities for them to find it?
Of course this is impossible!

Anyway, they can get whatever they want in the Shihuang space, they are very comfortable staying in it!Just let those people wait outside!
Want to hit their minds, dream!

(End of this chapter)

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