Phoenix Dance

Chapter 561

Chapter 561
It wasn't until how long had passed that Ouyang Huang came back to his senses, and said in a deep tone, "Xiao Geer, I promise you, I will build a power!"

"Okay!" After seeing that Ouyang Huang agreed to her proposal, Feng Range felt that the breath stuck in her throat was smooth!
In the past few days, Ouyang Huang has followed her around every day, even without any behavior of his own, Feng Range's heart is extremely uncomfortable.

Ouyang Huang, he is also a powerful man, he has his own strength to break out of his own world!
But now, it is to protect her and be inseparable from her, but he has lost all his thoughts and actions.Facing Ouyang Huang like this, Feng Range couldn't bear it in his heart!

He is an eagle, and he should fly freely.He is a lone wolf who should also be prey in the jungle.

Seeing that Ouyang Huang is willing to do that now, Feng Range's eyes are also filled with a smile while he relaxes.

"Huang, here it is!"

At this time, Feng Range took out a space ring that she had already prepared and handed it to Ouyang Huang.Inside, there is a large amount of gold coins and purple gold coins, as well as some pills that Ouyang Huang may need in the future.

Seeing Feng Range, he directly took out a space ring and gave it to him. Ouyang Huang didn't refuse, so he accepted it and took a look.After seeing what was inside, Ouyang Huang's eyes changed slightly.

In it, besides gold coins and purple gold coins, there are quite a few other things.The next year, Ouyang Huang couldn't help being a little suspicious. Could it be that Xiao Ge'er had prepared it for him in advance?
So, this...

"Little Geer, this..."

"This is what I prepared for you when I was at the ghost gate base. I hope you can break out your own world here in the next period of time! Huang, I'm not weak I want to become a strong man, but I can't let you block everything. Otherwise, as a strong man, how can I improve my own strength? Huang, believe me, in this world, I still have my own life insurance Means. Besides, I still have room to hide! Don't worry!"

When he heard Feng Range suddenly say a series of things that he didn't need him to help her with the current troubles, Ouyang Huang's mood became a little lost.

But at the same time, it also made Ouyang Huang understand something.For practitioners, sometimes some troubles cannot be called troubles, but part of cultivation.

Someone coming to trouble you and fight you is just an opportunity to test your own strength.

On this point, Ouyang Huang really helped Feng Range solve all the disadvantages.In this way, Ouyang Huang felt that Fengrange's proposal to him was good!Maybe, he will be able to build up a bigger force and help her in many ways to a greater extent.

Thinking about it this way, all the doubts and bumps in my heart disappeared.

After discussing this matter with Ouyang Huang, Feng Range also settled down on one thing on his mind.

After the mood became more comfortable, the two of them went to rest first...

Early the next morning, when Feng Range opened his eyes, he did not see Ouyang Huang by his side.

When she went outside, through asking others, she learned that Ouyang Huang had already left the mansion to make arrangements for his affairs.

She suddenly felt that Ouyang Huang was no longer by her side, and suddenly she was not used to it.However, she still shook her head and told herself helplessly that she still had to get used to this matter.

Today, according to her plan last night, she will stay in the mansion today and set up a martial arts formation in the backyard.

At the same time, in order to prevent people from discovering the identity of the mansion, she also arranged a defensive formation and a phantom formation around the entire mansion.

In other words, her workload today is quite heavy, and she may not be able to finish it in a day or two.

Now here, it may be better than being in the lower plane.This formation can no longer be arranged as simply and casually as before.

If it is too simple, I am afraid that when an enemy attacks, or a strong man who understands the formation passes by, it will be easily seen.

In the world of cultivation, Feng Range knows this much better than others!
Who told Feng Range to be a young lady from a big family in the highest plane, if she didn't understand these things, she would really be an idiot lady.

Now that Ouyang Huang has left the house, she should not waste time, have some breakfast, and get ready to get busy.

When she woke up, someone already knew.So, after she went back to her room and washed up briefly, Kayina brought in the breakfast she had made.

Seeing her come in, Feng Range's face was stained with a faint smile.He asked lightly, "You haven't been busy with your work yet, have you?"

"Well, I'll go later!" After hearing Feng Range's question, Kayina responded briefly.

After that, the two didn't know what to say for a while.So, one dined, and the other sat aside thinking about things.

After Fengrange finished eating, Kayina removed the tableware.

As for Fengrange, after Kayina left, she prepared a little bit, and then went out of the room to get busy!

It is quite difficult to arrange two large formations around the entire mansion, just like she arranged the Five Elements Evolution Formation back then.It's like checking the range of the formation, because it's daytime, Feng Range can't stand up in the air to observe the overall situation, but can only look from below, which increases the difficulty for her to find the formation.

In addition, there is no one here who has a little foundation in formation, of course, except for Ouyang Huang who has left the mansion, which means that this formation can only be completed by her alone!
In this way, the difficulties she faces are not just one or two.

However, even so, when she was at the ghost gate base, she could even set up the huge ancient spirit-gathering array and the five-element emanation array, so how can she still be able to use the defensive array and phantom array, how is it possible!

Feng Range settled her mind, and then began to prepare for her affairs.

At the same time that Feng Range started to work, everyone Feng Range sent out to work, including Ouyang Huang, also became busy.

For this cultivator's world, all of them who came from another place are full of fantasy and fighting spirit for this place!
Each of them wants to follow Feng Range to venture here, build up their own strength and stand on their own feet.

For this reason, they are constantly working hard and working hard...

(End of this chapter)

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