Phoenix Dance

Chapter 562

Chapter 562
On this day, until the evening, Feng Range did not see Ouyang Huang come back.Similarly, her task today was indeed not completed!
However, after she gathered everyone in the lobby again, she got a piece of news that satisfied her.

Yesterday she let people out, saying that a silver-faced ghost doctor appeared in Qingwu City, who could cure any disease.After today, the news spread to almost every corner of Qingwu City.

Even, some news faintly penetrated into several nearby cities.

When Bai Jing and the others reported the news to Feng Range, she nodded in satisfaction!
"Very good! Next, some people should come to seek medical treatment. The rest of the matter, Gao Jin, how is the restaurant going?"

"The store has been purchased, and we are going to decorate it next!" After hearing Feng Range's question, Gao Jin immediately gave an answer.

"Good!" After hearing Gao Jin's response, Feng Range praised again with satisfaction.

Then, he said to all the people, "Next, you all let the wind out. If anyone wants to ask for a doctor, just send the post to the restaurant, and someone will accept it and pass it on to the ghost doctor." When the time comes, you can bring the post back to me. Of course, there must be proper regulations, this silver-masked ghost doctor will only accept two people a month, you know?"

"Yes!" After hearing Feng Range's order again, everyone responded immediately.

Seeing that everyone was extraordinarily cooperating with her arrangement, Feng Range nodded in satisfaction again!

"Go down!"


After hearing Feng Range's dismissal order, everyone retreated!
After everything was settled in the Fenghuang Mansion, Fengrange sent someone to convey her instructions.After that, everyone's meals will be carried out in their respective rooms.At that time, someone will deliver the meal to their room.

Of course, if there are those people who want to eat together, Feng Range also asked someone to count them.Next, send their meals to one place!

Some people understand Feng Range's arrangement, while others don't.However, Feng Range didn't explain too much about it.

After everyone left the lobby, only old man Ouyang, Ouyang Chi, Ran Yun, brother and sister Ran Yu, and Gao Ying were left.

Seeing that they stayed, Feng Range's eyes flashed a light, which disappeared in a flash.

At this moment, I heard old man Ouyang say, "Girl Feng, where is brat Huang? I saw you busy in the backyard all day today, but what about him? Why didn't he show up all day?"

When he heard old man Ouyang speak, Feng Range turned his eyes to him.After understanding the question he asked, he smiled faintly!
Then, he replied, "Grandpa, Huang, I asked him to create his own power. He is probably busy at the moment, and he will be back later! In this world, we as practitioners have no way out. Huang He is a strong man, and I can't delay his development because of my affairs. So, I discussed with him last night and asked him to develop his own power today!"

"What! He went to develop his power?" Hearing Feng Range's sudden answer, Ouyang was so surprised that he didn't know why.

Seeing him showing this expression, Feng Range's expression remained the same as before, and he said again, "He will succeed!"

"Grandpa, Xiao Geer, what are you talking about?"

While Feng Range was chatting with Mr. Ouyang, Ouyang Huang walked in from the outside when no one noticed him.

Seeing him coming in, Feng Range, who hadn't seen him for a whole day, stood up excitedly!

"You're back! Is everything going well?"

"Well, everything is going well!"

When he saw Feng Range and saw him coming back, he suddenly stood up unconsciously.In an instant, Ouyang Huang understood in his heart that Xiao Ge'er couldn't help but start to care about himself.

Otherwise, why would she show such a gaffe right now?
After noticing Feng Range's performance, he who had been busy outside for a whole day, he was relieved of the restlessness of the whole day, and his mood became particularly better!

At this moment, he was eager to go to Xiao Ge'er's side and give her a good hug.

To be honest, he hasn't seen this little woman for a whole day, and he misses her so much!

Anyway, all the people here are their own people, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.So, Ouyang Huang did what he thought and did.

He lifted his long legs, and stepped in front of Feng Range in a few steps without a pause.Then his eyes were filled with deep affection, and he reached out to embrace Feng Range into his arms.

"Little Geer, I miss you so much!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's voice explode in his ears, Feng Range's whole delicate body couldn't help but feel numb.

Then, she saw that many people around her were watching, and at this moment, her shy cheeks were stained with a blush.Then, he reached out to push Ouyang Huang away.

"Huang, stop making trouble!"

Feeling Feng Range's push, Ouyang Huang's arms around her waist tightened again.Not only did it not loosen, but it became even tighter.

Sensing Ouyang Huang's movements, Feng Range's body froze again at this moment.Then, I felt a little helpless towards Ouyang Huang.

But at this moment, old man Ouyang saw that the young couple were so close together, so he couldn't stay any longer.So he greeted Ran Yun, Ran Yu and Gao Ying, the three little guys, follow him and Ouyang Chi and leave here first!
"Little guys, it's inconvenient for us to leave here now, let's go somewhere else with great-grandpa and grandpa!"

"It's great grandfather!"

"Okay, great grandpa!"

"Okay, grandpa!"

Hearing old master Ouyang's call, the three little fellows Ran Yun, Ran Yu and Gao Ying immediately responded to him.

When she heard their conversation, Feng Range's little face became even more blushing.

Even to hide his shyness, he directly raised his powder fist and beat Ouyang Huang's chest not too hard.

For Feng Range's action, Ouyang Huang felt like scratching an itch.Then he didn't feel any pain at all, but also felt a tingling numbness.

"Little song..."

At this time, old man Ouyang and Ran Yun had already left, and Ouyang Huang no longer concealed his feelings for Fengrange.

When whispering Feng Range's name, his voice became a bit depressing and hoarse.

Um?When hearing Ouyang Huang's emotions, Feng Range's heart couldn't help but tremble.Huang, he...

(End of this chapter)

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