Phoenix Dance

Chapter 566 The first patient

Chapter 566 The First Patient

The next day, when Feng Range quit his practice and went outside, he found that it was already daylight.

When she walked out of the room, she saw Gao Ying and Mu Heng waiting outside.

Seeing her coming out, the two of them immediately greeted her, "Master, are you coming out?"

"Master, shall we go now?"

When the two of them called her, and Gao Ying called her Master, Feng Range didn't feel much.However, when she heard that Mu Heng was old enough to call her master, she felt weird...

"Mu Heng, that... Forget it, you take these two clothes and the mask, and follow me to Qin's house to treat patients later!"

Originally, after hearing Mu Heng's address to her, she wanted him to change it.However, just as the words were spoken, she automatically retracted them.

Then, he took out two white robes and two silver masks from the Shihuang space and handed them to Gao Ying and Mu Heng.

"Master, here..." Gao Ying was a little surprised when she saw the clothes and mask Feng Range handed them.

Looking at Feng Range, her eyes were a little dazed.

Noticing Gao Ying's expression, Feng Range squinted her eyes, and then explained, "When you go to Qin's house, you should change into these clothes, and don't reveal your true identity!"

"Yes, Master!"


After hearing Feng Range's words, Gao Ying and Mu Heng were still a little surprised at this moment.But he didn't ask any more questions, so he nodded and agreed.

Seeing that they agreed, Feng Range waved his hands and asked them to go to other things first and come to her later.

After hearing Feng Range's words, Gao Ying and Mu Heng stopped staying here and left.

After they left, Feng Range stayed in his yard again. After changing the phantom neon clothes on his body into a white robe, he planned to go to the martial arts field first.

Last night, everyone stayed there to practice, and now they don't know what's going on?

Feng Range went all the way, met many people, they were all polite to her.

These were her captives who had become her followers.Seeing them now, Feng Range can see that they have changed a lot in the past two years!
Back then, each of them had a dark mind, and they were dedicated to doing bad things.But now, their sunshine, cheerfulness, and justice have really changed a lot!
When they arrived at the martial arts arena, Feng Range saw that the old men in Bai Jing were still practicing inside, and the rest of them were gone.

After turning around, I looked for Ouyang Huang's figure again, and found that he was not here anymore, probably because I went out to work!

Since Ouyang Huang is no longer here, she will leave too.When she left the training ground, she went directly to Gao Ying and Mu Heng.

It's about time now, and it's time for them to go.

When Feng Range found them, he really saw that they had already put on a long robe that fit snugly on their bodies.

Seeing Feng Range who also came to look for them in a white robe, Gao Ying and Mu Heng were a little dazed, "Master, you..."

"Let's go!"

Fengrange was talking, and at the same time, the one picking flowers and twisting leaves turned into a leaf boat, and jumped on it!

Hearing Feng Range's words, Gao Ying and Mu Heng were stunned, and then they also jumped up lightly.

After getting on Ye Zhou, Feng Range reached out and picked up her mask and put it on her face.Then, he said to Gao Ying and Mu Heng, "Put on the mask!"

After hearing her words, Gao Ying and Mu Heng immediately followed suit.

After seeing them put on their masks one by one, Feng Range drove Ye Zhou into the sky.

The location of the Qin family was also marked on the post yesterday, so it is not a problem for Feng Range to bring Gao Ying and Mu Heng there.

On the way there, Feng Range had to explain some things to Gao Ying and Mu Heng!
So, she said, "Xiaoying, Mrs. Mu, when we go, you must not reveal your identity, and some matters will be subject to my arrangement! If anyone makes a mistake at that time, after we return home , but you will be punished. The Qin family we are going to, the patient we saw was poisoned by a poison that ordinary people can't cure. This poison..."

After listening to Feng Range's explanations and instructions along the way, they arrived at the sky above the Qin family.

Standing on the Ye Zhou in the sky above, Feng Range and the three of them didn't plan to go down yet.

At this moment, Feng Range directly spoke downwards with a voice infused with spiritual power, "My silver-faced ghost doctor is here, who will receive me from the Qin family!"

Fengrange's voice deliberately used a falsetto at this time, a bit like the voice of an old man.

When hearing her voice, not to mention Gao Ying and Mu Heng standing beside her were a little surprised.Even everyone in the Qin family below, when they heard her voice, also floated up!
The silver-masked ghost doctor is here!It's the silver-masked ghost doctor here!

The Qin family mainly invited the silver-faced ghost doctor to come and treat their young master, and they didn't hide it from anyone in the house.

At this moment, they suddenly heard an old man who claimed to be a silver-faced ghost doctor coming with two assistants. In this situation, when they heard the voice and looked up to see three figures staying in mid-air, everyone panicked. Surprised!

Flying in the sky, this is it!
Driving a foreign body, what a powerful force!
Just when most people were shocked by Feng Range's strength, some people were smarter and ran into the back room to report to the Patriarch.

Just after Feng Range waited for a while, a rough voice sounded from below!

"The silver-masked ghost doctor is here, and Mr. Qin is in a hurry to welcome you! My lord, please come down and let's talk in the room!"


After hearing Patriarch Qin's polite words, Feng Range responded lightly, and then drove Ye Zhou to the ground.

When the three of them landed on the ground, seeing the image of the three of them with their white robes brushing their bodies and their silver masks covering their faces, everyone in the Qin family felt a little dazed at this moment.

"Silver noodles..."

"Ghost doctor..."


"This gentleman, next is the head of the Qin family. Sir, please come inside!" Just as everyone around was whispering, the head of the Qin family walked up to Feng Range and the other three, and made a gesture of inward pose please.

When she saw Patriarch Qin showing such a respectful attitude, Feng Range knew that her previous promotion had taken effect.

So, he nodded, took Gao Ying, and Mu Heng and walked in first.

"Patriarch Qin, don't waste time, just take us to see Young Master Ling!" As soon as he walked into the back room, Feng Range turned around and spoke to Patriarch Qin.

Hearing Feng Range's request, the head of the Qin family was a little stunned for a moment!
However, after a moment of reaction, he immediately agreed, "Okay! Okay!"

The eldest son of the Qin family is the lifeblood of the head of the Qin family!He was of course very happy to hear that the silver-masked ghost doctor was willing to treat his precious son without resting for a moment.

So, he led Feng Range directly to the courtyard of the eldest son of the Qin family...

(End of this chapter)

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