Phoenix Dance

Chapter 567 Meeting an Acquaintance

Chapter 567 Meeting an Acquaintance
Just when Patriarch Qin led the three of Feng Range into the courtyard of Young Master Qin, he heard a crying voice coming from a room inside, "My Kun'er...why are you so miserable... ...My son, what can mother do with you? What should I do..."

Hearing the voice from inside, Feng Range frowned involuntarily under the mask, feeling a little noisy.

And at this moment, Patriarch Qin, who was standing beside her, couldn't help but feel a little irritable when he heard the wailing sound inside!
So, he waved his hand and said to the boy beside him, "Go! Go! Go! Tell Madam, let her be quiet, Mr. Ghost Doctor is here, and let her not disturb you!"

"Yes, Patriarch!" After hearing Patriarch Qin's order, the young man responded and disappeared in a flash.

Just when the boy went to inform Mrs. Qin, Patriarch Qin led Feng Range inside again.

"Sir, this way please!"


Along the way, except for Feng Range's indifferent conversation with Patriarch Qin, Gao Ying and Mu Heng who followed were basically silent.

They, who had never faced such a situation before, did not dare to make any noise!They were afraid that it would be bad if they accidentally uttered their voices and disturbed Master's affairs!
With this realization, the two of them naturally chose to remain silent, as long as they followed Master!
Because Mrs. Qin is still in Prince Qin's room, Patriarch Qin did not lead Feng Range and the others to directly diagnose and treat Prince Qin's pulse, but had to wait for a while.

After Patriarch Qin led them to the side hall of Prince Qin's courtyard, Patriarch Qin said, "Three, my wife is still in the dog's room. Please wait here for a while, and wait until she comes out." Go in and treat the dog!"

"En!" Hearing Patriarch Qin's words, Feng Range still responded lightly.Then, let Gao Ying and Mu Heng sit down with her.




While the four of them were waiting for Mrs. Qin to come out in the side hall, Mrs. Qin hadn't come out of Mr. Qin's room, but three people, two men and one woman, came in from the outside.

When seeing these three people, the eyebrows under Feng Range's mask couldn't help but twitch.It's them……

These three people are the Second Young Master Qin whom she has met once, Miss Qin and the cousin of the Qin family.

Regarding their appearance, Feng Range couldn't help but turn his mind.Could it be that one of the three of them was involved in the poisoning of Young Master Qin?For this reason, when they heard that someone was coming to treat Mr. Qin, they hurried over, trying to take precautions...

For this guess, Feng Range is not sure, but she also has reservations.

"Shaoyun, Shaoxin, Yunqing, why are you all here? Especially Shaoyun, didn't you practice in the Mingsen Mountains with those students from the academy? Why are you back here?"

Just as Feng Range's mind was turning, Patriarch Qin asked his second son, daughter, and nephew to come in and asked them.

Hearing Patriarch Qin's question, the first person to speak was Qin Shaowen, the second son of the Qin family that Feng Range met in Mingsen Mountains.

Qin Shaowen looked at his father, and at this moment showed a brotherly affection, and said to Patriarch Qin, "Father, I heard you post a message to the silver-faced ghost doctor by accident, and you want to invite him to come News about the treatment of elder brother! When I first heard that elder brother was poisoned, I was anxious. Now that I know that someone can heal elder brother, why don’t I hurry back and see that elder brother recovers! Dad, the three sitting over there are The ghost doctor you invited?"

"Good! Good!" Patriarch Qin laughed out of satisfaction when he heard that his second son loved his elder brother.

And when he heard Qin Shaowen's last question, he thought that his son had performed well this time!Then he can introduce Mr. Ghost Doctor to him.

So, he brought Qin Shaowen, his daughter Qin Shaoxin, and nephew Zhao Qingyun to Feng Range.

"Come! Come! Shaoyun, Shaoxin, Qingyun, let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Silver Masked Ghost Doctor! Wait a minute, he will heal your elder brother later. Hurry up and salute one time!"

After hearing Patriarch Qin's introduction, Qin Shaoyun, Qin Shaoxin and Zhao Qingyun immediately stood in front of Feng Range, and saluted her, "Mr. Ghost Doctor is polite! Wait for my elder brother's poison, and rely on Mr. Ghost Doctor to heal him." Yes! I hope Mr. Ghost Doctor can cure my elder brother!"

"Mr. Ghost Doctor is polite!"

"Mr. Ghost Doctor is polite! I hope you can cure my cousin!"

Hearing the ceremony of the three of them, Qin Shaoyun and Zhao Qingyun couldn't help saying a few more words.After hearing what the two of them said, they seemed to be very concerned, but for some reason, Feng Range felt that they didn't care sincerely.They are...

Could it be that her previous guess...

"Master! Master! Did you say that the silver-faced ghost doctor was invited by you? Let him go and show Kun'er!"

Mrs. Qin hurried in from the outside, and when she saw Patriarch Qin, she even ignored the other people beside her, and asked him to take Feng Range and the three of them to the eldest son Qin Shaokun for treatment.

Regarding this situation, Feng Range looked at Mrs. Qin with a hint of ambiguity...

She felt that Mrs. Qin seemed to only care about Qin Shaokun's son.As for the others, like Qin Shaoyun, Qin Shaoxin...

"Good! Good! Yue'er, this is Mr. Ghost Doctor! Mr. Ghost Doctor, let's show my eldest son right now, okay? Let's go now?"

"Okay!" Hearing Patriarch Qin's question, Feng Range responded casually.Then, she stood up with Gao Ying and Mu Heng.

"Okay, please! Sir, please go this way!" After receiving Feng Range's consent, the head of the Qin family was so happy that he led Feng Range and the others.

Seeing this scene, a strange light flashed in the eyes of Qin Shaoyun and Zhao Qingyun.

It seems that Dad still cares about his eldest son the most!

It seems that uncle really cares about big cousin!

Amidst their emotions, a group of people came to a room led by Patriarch Qin.

At the door of the room, Patriarch Qin said to Feng Range, "Mr. Ghost Doctor, the dog is inside, let's go in!"


After receiving Feng Range's response, Patriarch Qin opened the door and led everyone in.

As soon as he walked in, Feng Range immediately smelled a smell of medicine.this……

(End of this chapter)

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