Phoenix Dance

Chapter 568

Chapter 568

"Mr. Ghost Doctor, Gouzi is lying on the bed, please!"


Following Patriarch Qin to the bedside, Feng Range saw a pale young man lying on the bed without a trace of blood.

The first time she saw him, Feng Range immediately understood what kind of poison he had.

"I'll take his pulse first!" Feng Range said casually after standing still beside the bed.


Under the signal of the Qin family head, Feng Range lifted the corner of the quilt of the eldest son of the Qin family, stretched out his hand to grasp the pulse of his right hand, and began to diagnose.

After seeing Feng Range start diagnosing the sickness of the person on the bed, in the whole room, not only Patriarch Qin's family looked a little dignified.

Even Gao Ying and Mu Heng looked quite serious when they saw Feng Range start to fight.

Before arriving here, Gao Ying and Mu Heng didn't know what Feng Range was bringing them here for?But now, they fully understand!She wants them to practice her medical skills at this time!

After giving Qin Shaokun a little pulse, Feng Range let go of his hand.At the same time, she was more convinced that the disease she had diagnosed was correct.

Seeing Feng Range let go of Qin Shaokun's pulse, Mrs. Qin, who has always been most worried about her son's condition, immediately came to ask, "Sir, how is my Kun'er's condition? Is there any cure?"

After hearing Mrs. Qin's words, Feng Range didn't pay attention to her, but shifted her gaze to Patriarch Qin.

"Patriarch Qin."

"Sir, please speak!" Patriarch Qin frowned when he heard Feng Range speak to him, and his expression became a little dignified.

However, he is so good that he is still the head of the family, so his emotions and expressions are well grasped.

"Yeah!" Hearing Patriarch Qin's signal, Feng Range nodded, and then said, "I can cure Young Master Ling's illness. But Patriarch Qin may need to prepare the reward and the medicinal materials needed first." !"

Since Patriarch Qin asked her to speak, she said it bluntly.

When Feng Range uttered the previous sentence, Patriarch Qin and Mrs. Qin's expressions immediately relaxed!However, just after hearing Feng Range's last sentence, Patriarch Qin's face showed a trace of embarrassment.

Then, he opened his mouth and asked, "I don't know what kind of reward and medicinal materials Mr. needs..."

"Remuneration, Patriarch Qin should have already understood it when he posted a message to me. A favor promise from your Qin family, how much property to add, and how much to give, Patriarch Qin decides for himself! As for the medicinal materials that Young Master Qin needs, I'll make a list for you later!"

"Oh... good!" Patriarch Qin's face softened when he heard Feng Range's answer.

fine!fine!This Mr. Ghost Doctor didn't open his mouth like a lion!

Just when Patriarch Qin began to comfort himself properly, Feng Range spoke again!

She said, "I don't know if you all know what kind of poison Mr. Qin is poisoned by?"

what poison?After hearing Feng Range's question, Patriarch Qin and Mrs. Qin showed embarrassment on their faces.this……

"This...Mr. Ghost Doctor, to be honest, I invited many alchemists and doctors to treat Gouzi, but none of them could see the disease. After that, naturally it couldn't be cured. Just... dare to ask the ghost doctor Sir, I don't know if the dog is..."

"What he has in it is the extremely vicious Baishi blood poison that has been lost for hundreds of years! The so-called Baishi blood poison is a toxin that damages the blood of the whole body. People who are poisoned by this poison generally have only seven days to stay After seven days, even if Da Luo Jinxian is reincarnated, no one will be able to save him! Fortunately, Master Ling has only been poisoned for five days. Therefore, within two days, you must collect all the medicinal materials I need. Otherwise , even if I have excellent medical skills, but..."

"What! It's the deadly blood poison! Who is this vicious person who wants to harm my son?" After hearing Feng Range say the name of the poison Qin Shaokun was poisoned by, Patriarch Qin became furious!

A person with status like Patriarch Qin naturally knows something about the blood poison of defeat.

That is a kind of insidiousness that has been lost!Who used it so viciously on his precious son?

When he finds out in the future, he must make that life worse than death to pay for his son's pain!
When Patriarch Qin was furious, Feng Range turned his attention to the others.

Just when she uttered the words "defeating blood and poison", Feng Range noticed that the expressions of Qin Shaoyun, the second son of the Qin family, and Zhao Qingyun, the second son of the Qin family, changed slightly.

The changes in their expressions are subtle, and if it is not for the people who observe them for a while, they may not be able to notice it.

After discovering this, Feng Range realized that the two people's thoughts were really deep!

Maybe, the son of the Qin family's deadly blood poison was really caused by the two of them!It's just that I don't know where their deadly blood poison came from?

Regarding this point, Feng Range expressed curiosity, but she would not ask them.

After seeing Patriarch Qin's anger, Feng Range said lightly again, "Patriarch Qin, time is very urgent now, why don't I write the medicine list to you first, you go and collect all the medicinal materials first! How about I come back at this time the day after tomorrow after all the medicinal materials have been collected?"

"Okay! Then trouble Mr. Ghost Doctor! If Mr. can save the dog, I, Qin, will definitely repay Mr. great kindness in the future!"

"Hmm!" Feng Range didn't respond much to Patriarch Qin's excited gratitude.After a slight reply, he took out a pen and paper from the space bracelet and began to write down the list of medicinal materials.

After seeing that the storage utensil used by Feng Range turned out to be a storage bracelet, the way the Qin family looked at her changed again.

You know, on this continent, although there are storage utensils, there are very few of them.Especially those who are not low-level like Fengran Singer, and are quite delicate, so that can be less!

At this moment, although the treasure in Feng Range's body is very attractive to the Qin family, they don't dare to have the idea of ​​killing people for more treasures!

After all, who told Feng Range to be a ghost doctor who could save the eldest son of the Qin family!

After writing the medicine list, Feng Range handed it to Patriarch Qin.

"Thank you! I am so grateful to the ghost doctor for showing up to treat the dog! Thank you so much!" After receiving the medicine list Feng Range handed him, Patriarch Qin immediately thanked her excitedly.

For Patriarch Qin's gratitude, Feng Range just nodded slightly.Then, he said, "Then we will come back at this time the day after tomorrow, let's go first!"

With that said, he went straight out.When they walked outside the room of Young Master Qin, Feng Range directly took Gao Ying and Mu Heng to pick flowers and twist leaves to turn into a leaf boat, which rose to the sky.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Qin family was stunned again!
This silver-faced ghost doctor is so generous, he really shouldn't be offended!

(End of this chapter)

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