Phoenix Dance

Chapter 572 Start detoxification

Chapter 572 Start detoxification

"Okay! Okay! Okay! I'll let someone prepare it right now, Master Ghost Doctor, please wait a moment!"

After a brief absence, Patriarch Qin immediately got up after reacting.

After feeling the powerful strength emanating from Feng Range, Patriarch Qin was completely conquered.After that, I didn't dare to play any tricks anymore, and let people prepare things directly!
Seeing Patriarch Qin cooperating obediently, Feng Range's expression under the mask couldn't help but froze.

This is to frighten them with the coercion of the eight divergences. I really didn't expect it to be really useful!
According to Feng Range's last request, she didn't ask for much.Therefore, the chief of the Qin family got ready very quickly.

In less than half an hour, he asked the servant to carry out four large wooden boxes and a white jade ring pendant to Feng Range.

Then he said, "Master Ghost Doctor, this white jade ring is the patriarch's order of the Patriarch of my Qin family. As a token, I put it next to Mr. Ghost Doctor. If you know what promise I want my Qin family to fulfill in the future, please entrust someone to give it to you." Send this ring pendant back and just give a message. And here are two boxes of [-] million gold coins and two boxes of precious jewels, to express my gratitude to the Qin family! My lord, please accept it!"

"En!" Hearing Patriarch Qin's words and seeing the white jade ring he handed over, Feng Range responded lightly.Then, with a wave of his hand, he put all these things into the space bracelet.

Then, Feng Range said to Patriarch Qin, "Let's go, go and treat the eldest son to detoxify!"

"Yes Yes!"

After hearing Feng Range say that he was going to heal his eldest son, Patriarch Qin took her there excitedly.

When they went all the way, Feng Range found that besides Mrs. Qin, only a few other people followed.

Regarding their following, Feng Range narrowed his eyes slightly at this moment.

Qin Shaowen, the second son of Qin, and Zhao Qingyun, the cousin of the Qin family, followed, perhaps it was inappropriate!Could it be that they came here looking forward to seeing her cure the eldest son Qin Shaokun?

For this possibility, Feng Range did not believe it!
Then there is another possibility, that is...

As early as when Patriarch Qin handed her the white jade ring pendant as a token of promise, Feng Range noticed the anger and greed in Qin Shaoyun's expression.

After thinking about his performance, Feng Range wondered if it was possible to have such an understanding.This Qin Shaoyun was very dissatisfied with his father for handing over the family Ling Bai Yuhuan to Feng Range, and then became angry!At the same time, he was also greedy for the power and status of the patriarch, thus harming his elder brother, and wanted to get the patriarch Ling Baiyuhuanpei and become the only heir of the family.

If so, I'm afraid that when she treats and detoxifies Qin Shaokun, the unpredictable Qin Ershao will definitely find trouble for her.

So, it seems that she has to take some precautions to deal with them!

Thinking of this, Feng Range's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, there were many people in their group, and they came to Qin Shaokun's room again.

After seeing Qin Shaokun last time, Feng Range found that Qin Shaokun was completely lifeless now.If Feng Range hadn't said that he would have seven days to live after being poisoned, the Qin family would have regarded him as a dead person right now!
At the same time, because of Fengrange's appearance, he would become a real dead person tomorrow.But today, Feng Range will pull him back from the gate of hell and let him live again!

Walking into the room, in front of everyone, Feng Range walked to the bedside again, and took Qin Shaokun's pulse again.

After taking the pulse this time, Feng Range turned to Patriarch Qin and said, "Patriarch Qin, your son's physical condition can no longer be delayed, and now I will detoxify and treat him! Please send someone a bucket of hot water." Water comes in."

"Okay, come here, bring some buckets of hot water in immediately!"

"Yes, sir!"

Hearing Feng Range's order, Patriarch Qin asked people to do it almost without hesitation.

At this point, Feng Range could tell that the head of the Qin family really cared about his eldest son!

In the same way, Feng Range also understood why the second son of the Qin family, Qin Shaowen, wanted to do something to his elder brother.This old man's heart really went to the sky.

However, these matters are the family affairs of the Qin family and have nothing to do with her, so she will not remind the master of the Qin family in a matter-of-fact way.

After the servant brought the hot water Feng Range needed, Feng Range asked them to pour the water into the bathtub in the room.After that, everyone was asked to leave the room.

"You all go out and wait outside, come in after three hours!"

"Master ghost doctor, this..." Suddenly hearing Feng Range asking them all to go out, Patriarch Qin and Mrs. Qin were a little reluctant at this moment.

He wanted to say something to get Feng Range to agree to them staying, but Feng Range stopped him.

"He can't afford to delay now. It's very troublesome for me to heal him, and I can't bear any disturbance. If you don't want to go out, then I won't treat him!"

Everyone with a little special ability has a little special temperament.At this moment, when he felt that Patriarch Qin and Mrs. Qin were unwilling to cooperate, Feng Range showed his temper.

Now she is healing his elder son, if you don't cooperate, then she will die.Big deal, she doesn't want their so-called reward either!
Seeing Feng Range take out the things that had been put into the space bracelet before, Patriarch Qin immediately chose to back down.

"My lord! Master ghost doctor, let's go out. You, don't you save my Kun'er, let's go out!"

Patriarch Qin was talking about giving in at this moment, and went directly to drag Mrs. Qin and took her out together.

Now that he saw that Feng Range was angry, he was afraid that she was slow, and she really wouldn't treat his son.

After seeing the two of them walking out cautiously, Qin Shaowen, Qin Shaoxin and Zhao Qingyun, who had come in together, also immediately went out.

Seeing that all of them had gone out, leaving only Qin Shaokun and Feng Range on the bed in the room, Feng Range moved immediately.

"Old Mu, help him up and get him into that tub! Remember, take off all his clothes, and then cover the tub with a big white cloth."

"Yes!" Hearing Feng Range's words, Mu Heng, who had been standing beside Feng Range, moved.

While Mu Heng was dealing with Qin Shaokun, Feng Range made other preparations.

"Xiaoying, help me find a tray!"

"Yes, Master!" Hearing Feng Range's voice again, Gao Ying moved obediently this time.

(End of this chapter)

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