Phoenix Dance

Chapter 573 Detoxification and Cure

Chapter 573 Detoxification and Cure
"It's my side!"

"Master give it!"

After a while, Mu Heng and Gao Ying returned to her side one after another, telling her that all the things she asked them to do had been completed.

When Gao Ying got the tray in front of her, Feng Range took out four small porcelain bottles and a pair of silver needles one by one and put them inside.

Then, he said to her, "Take the things over there!"

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing Fengrange's order again, Gao Ying did it immediately!Then, Feng Range and Mu Heng followed suit.

When walking over there, Feng Range saw that Mu Heng took Qin Shaokun naked and put him in the bathtub as she said, covering it with a white cloth.

Afterwards, she walked to the side of the bathtub and asked Gao Ying to stand beside her.

After what happened last night, Feng Range started to prepare for it!

However, before doing anything, she still had to tell Mu Heng and Gao Ying, "You will see it next!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing Mu Heng and Gao Ying speak one after another, Feng Range's hand moved quickly, took four silver needles from the tray Gao Ying was holding, and pierced them on the top of Qin Shaokun's head.

As for acupuncture points, Mu Heng didn't need Feng Range to explain.As for Gao Ying, after Feng Range let her and Ran Yu read the acupoint map last time, she naturally didn't need to explain anything at this moment!
If she has doubts later, there is Mu Heng who is more reliable than her by her side.When the time comes, let her ask him.

After injecting four more needles, Feng Range went on to inject four more silver needles, which quickly penetrated into the other four blood vessels of Qin Shaokun.

Feng Range's hands were very fast, taking out needles and applying needles continuously.In just one minute, all the silver needles in the tray were pierced into Qin Shaokun's body.

Seeing this scene, Mu Heng and Gao Ying were a little stunned!This...Master has tied people into hedgehogs!

However, because he knew Feng Range's true strength, although Mu Heng was a little more puzzled than Gao Ying at the moment, he didn't ask.

Now, it's not the time for him to ask Feng Range for questions, but he should watch carefully!

After piercing all the silver needles, Feng Range didn't immediately give him any elixir to detoxify.Instead, he pricked several places with Qi needles on his chest and abdomen to ensure that his heart and dantian would not be damaged in the subsequent process.

You know, in the human body, apart from the brain, the heart and dantian are the most important!

The head and the heart are the basis for ensuring a person's life.The dantian is the basis for a practitioner to cultivate.

In a certain sense, this dantian is equivalent to the third life of a practitioner!
Since Feng Range wants to heal Qin Shaokun at this moment, he must protect him in an all-round way, so that he will not only be cured, but also be healed intact.Only in this way can she truly demonstrate her perfect and powerful medical skills!

After sealing Qin Shaokun's heart veins and dantian acupoints, Feng Range directly took two porcelain bottles from the tray, poured out the elixir inside and fed them into Qin Shaokun's mouth.

At the same time, she also condensed a ray of spiritual power at this time, which was injected into Qin Shaokun's body to assist him in swallowing and absorbing the medicinal power of the elixir.


Just after Feng Range took the pill for him, Qin Shaokun, who had been silent since the poisoning, made a sound at this moment.

Hearing this movement, both Mu Heng and Gao Ying were shocked!Master, it is so powerful!

However, as far as Feng Range was concerned, there was no movement at all.He continued to do his own business with a calm face.

As soon as Qin Shaokun took the pill, when all the power of the medicine dissipated, Feng Range called out to Mu Heng, "Mr. Mu, come and help me imprison him, don't let her move around, which will affect the silver on her body." Needle!"


Hearing Feng Range's voice, the situation in the room was a little urgent, Mu Heng immediately dodged to Feng Range's side, and helped her imprison Qin Shaokun together.

"Ah..." Just after Feng Range and Mu Heng imprisoned Qin Shaokun together, he heard him, who was originally in a coma, let out a terrifying roar here.

Seeing this, Feng Range immediately shouted to Gao Ying, "Xiaoying, put a towel in his mouth, don't let him bite off his tongue!"

"Yes, Master!" Hearing Feng Range's order, Gao Ying also moved!
After all the precautions were taken, the three of them saw Qin Shaokun struggling in pain.

"Ah... um... ah... um..."

However, because the combined strength of Feng Range and Mu Heng had completely overwhelmed Qin Shaokun, whose physique had already been corrupted by the poison of blood, no matter how much he struggled in their hands, it would be useless.

After he struggled like this for about two hours, he gradually calmed down, and Feng Range let him go.

Seeing her let go, Mu Heng also knew that there was no need to imprison Qin Shaokun, so he let go too, and then stood aside.

At this time, Qin Shaokun had already passed out due to the exhaustion of the previous medicine.Seeing this, Feng Range began to carry out the last step of healing.

At this time, she took out another pill and stuffed it into Qin Shaokun's mouth.At the same time, a ray of spiritual energy was condensed again to help him dispel the power of the medicine.

After completing this step, Feng Range began the real last step.

She reached out and took the fourth small porcelain bottle, and dropped the two drops of water of life into her palm to condense into two drops.Then, he used his mental power to divide the two water droplets into nearly a hundred tiny water droplets, and shot them into Qin Shaokun's body along the stitches of the silver needle.

After doing this, Feng Range didn't do anything else, and just waited quietly with Mu Heng and Gao Ying.

According to her estimation, Qin Shaokun should be able to wake up in less than a quarter of an hour.

Although, when he just woke up, his body was still a little weak.However, the poison in his body will be completely detoxified!Moreover, in a certain sense, the blood in the whole body has been changed.

At this time, Qin Shaokun should not be in any danger.So, Feng Range asked Mu Heng and Gao Ying to wait outside!

Because, after taking her three elixirs, Feng Range guessed at this moment that after a while, the smell here should become quite stench.

In this way, after letting Mu Heng and Gao Ying go out, she followed suit!
After walking outside, Feng Range asked Mu Heng to invite Patriarch Qin and his wife to come in.After receiving Feng Range's order, Mu Heng immediately followed suit.

When Mu Heng went out, Feng Range was waiting in the room with Gao Ying...

(End of this chapter)

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