Phoenix Dance

Chapter 574 Poisoning Again

Chapter 574 Poisoning Again
"Master ghost doctor, how is my Kun'er? Are you ready?" Just as Feng Range and Gao Ying were waiting inside for a while, the Qin Patriarch and his wife who were originally kicked out by Feng Range were arrested brought in.

As soon as they came in, when the two saw that the eldest son was no longer on the bed, Patriarch Qin immediately walked up to Feng Range, looked at her and asked nervously.

When he heard his question, Feng Range only replied indifferently, and confessed, "People are inside, and the power of the medicine is still exerting, you can send someone in to watch, but don't let anyone disturb you! After a while, he should wake up. After he wakes up, because his newly recovered body is still very weak, you can ask someone to lift him out! After that, I will give him another pulse!"

Hearing what Feng Range said, Patriarch Qin and Mrs. Qin were very excited at this moment!

Especially Mrs. Qin, before Patriarch Qin opened her mouth, she ran directly towards the place where Qin Shaokun took a bath.

Seeing this, Patriarch Qin almost didn't want to be left behind, and took two young servants inside.

Regarding their eagerness, Feng Range didn't react too much when she saw them, so she asked Gao Ying and Mu Heng to sit down beside her.

Wait, as long as they wait for a short while, the eldest son of the Qin family, Qin Shaokun, should be carried out soon!
Just as Feng Range was waiting contentedly, suddenly, Mrs. Qin wailed loudly, "My Kun'er! What's wrong with you? Didn't the ghost doctor mean you Have you been cured by her? Said you are about to wake up, what's wrong with you..."

Hearing something wrong suddenly came from inside, Feng Range's face under the mask suddenly changed.Then, without Patriarch Qin looking for her, she took Gao Ying and Mu Heng directly inside.

"Master ghost doctor, this..."

Seeing the three of Feng Range walking in, Patriarch Qin just wanted to speak to her, but was ignored by Feng Range.

Feng Range quickly walked to Qin Shaokun's bathtub, and directly took his hand to feel his pulse.And after taking a little pulse to understand the situation, Feng Range's face under the mask became even more gloomy.

What a sinister method!
This Qin Shaokun had just recovered from a serious illness and had just detoxified, and now he was given a strong medicine, which directly ruined his body!

Previously, if Feng Range really didn't use the water of life for Qin Shaokun, I'm afraid she would have seen Qin Shaokun as a cold corpse now!

But right now, fortunately!Feng Range used two drops of water of life for him at the last moment, and now it can be regarded as saving his life.

It's just that, if you want to detoxify him from the poison after that, it will be a bit troublesome.

In this situation, Feng Range frowned.She felt that she should tell Patriarch Qin about this situation.

So, after pondering for a while, Feng Range let go of the pulse that was holding Qin Shaokun's hand.

Turning to look at Patriarch Qin, he said to him, "Patriarch Qin, something terrible has happened now, I think I should tell you about it! I have fully detoxified your son before, and I also used it on him. I gave him two drops of water of life to help him recover. However, just now I felt the pulse of your son again, and found that he had been poisoned by another kind of fierce poison. In this situation... Patriarch Qin, if I hadn’t given him two drops The water of life, I am afraid that your son is already a corpse now!"

"What!" Patriarch Qin was shocked when he heard what Feng Range said suddenly.Then, he became angry again, "Who! Who poisoned my son?"

Hearing Patriarch Qin's roar, the two servants who had come in here with him, shrank in fear.

Just when Patriarch Qin's gaze was also on them, Feng Range's gaze stayed on one of them, and a trace of sharpness flashed across his eyes.

It seemed that Qin Ershao, Qin Shaoyun, couldn't hold back anymore!He actually sent a person without guts to act for him, this time it was a fault of her, so next...

"Patriarch Qin, that boy over there, let someone control him! I can smell the poison of corpse insects on his body. Someone must have instructed him to inoculate this poison."

Feng Range is a person who repays kindness with kindness, revenges with hatred, and has clear grievances and grievances.

When that person knew that she was going to save Qin Shaokun and poison him, he had already become her enemy!

Under such circumstances, Feng Range naturally wouldn't open her eyes and let him go.Therefore, when Feng Range explained these things to Patriarch Qin, he said the last sentence with an accent.

After hearing Feng Range's words, apart from Patriarch Qin's fury, the boy who named Feng Range was also terrified.

"Patriarch, Patriarch, spare your life! It wasn't the little one who did it! It wasn't the little one who did it! Patriarch, spare your life!"

"Come here! Take this unpredictable Xiao Xiao to the head of the family, and the head of the family will interrogate him in person later!" At this moment, the head of the Qin family is absolutely furious!Naturally, the boy's begging for mercy was not listened to.

After he gave an order, four more guards came in from the outside at this time, and then directly took the boy away.

Watching them leave, Patriarch Qin immediately restrained his expression and asked Feng Range for help...

"Master ghost doctor, look at this...can you still save my Kun'er! My family...I am willing to agree to one more request of my lord, and pay my lord another part of the reward, my lord, you..."

"Okay! You and your wife go out now and prepare the things you promised me, don't let anyone come in and disturb you! Now, I will detoxify your son again! You go out!"

"Good! Good! Good! Let's go!"

After hearing that Feng Range was willing to treat his eldest son this time, Patriarch Qin's gloom dissipated a bit at this moment.So, Madam Qin immediately grabbed her and dragged her out...

Those who followed them away were the servants who had come in together before.

After watching them all leave again, Feng Range started to move again.

She took out a pair of silver needles again, and then quickly applied the needles on Qin Shaokun's body!

After she applied nearly twenty or thirty needles in a row, she began to inject a trace of spiritual power into the end of the silver needle.

In doing this, she just wanted to force the toxin that had just entered Qin Shaokun's body to one place, and then release the poisonous blood to detoxify it!

When she was doing each of these steps, although it seemed very simple, only she knew how difficult it was.

Just when she detoxified Qin Shaokun again, Gao Ying and Mu Heng watched quietly from the side...

(End of this chapter)

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