Phoenix Dance

Chapter 592 Abandoning the Auction

Chapter 592 Abandoning the Auction
Just when Feng Range showed a puzzled expression, Ouyang Huang, who was sitting beside her and had been paying attention to her, noticed it at this time.

So, he said calmly, "Patriarch Si probably thinks that the water of life will still be effective for Si Bei in the future! If not, he wouldn't have done this."

After hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range turned to look at him.

Effective against Sibei?Based on the fact that the head of the Si family loves Si Bei, the small son of the Si family, it is probably the reason why he wants to auction off the water of life without restraint!
However, after understanding this point, Feng Range did not want the Si family to auction off the water of life.After all, she knew very well that the water of life would have no effect on Si Bei after two years.Moreover, she and the Si family have a little friendship, it's not good to see the head of the Si family spend a lot of money and get nothing without being reminded.

For this reason, after Feng Range watched Ouyang Huang's expression for a while, she decided to mention Patriarch Si a little bit.

If after her reminder, the Patriarch still decides to auction off the water of life, then she will stop blocking it.

However, with the current auction going on, it is difficult for Feng Range to go out, or send someone to remind Si Patriarch not to take this lot.

Under such a dilemma, Feng Range decided, or directly transmit the voice to Patriarch Si, and let him think about whether to take pictures of these ten drops of water of life!
Anyway, with Feng Range's mental power and powerful mind, he wanted to transmit the sound to the Si family leader who was far away in the other box, and this ability was beginning to be possible.

And just when she was thinking like this, Feng Range decided to do this decisively.

Because, just as she was thinking about this situation, the original asking price over there had reached the price of 250 million purple gold coins, and now it soared up again!All of a sudden, it rose to 420 million purple gold coins!

Seeing this situation, Feng Range immediately sent a sound transmission to the head of the Si family who was far away in another box.

"Patriarch Si, I am a silver-faced ghost doctor. You don't need to take these ten drops of water of life. The extra water of life is useless to Mr. Si! Then, you don't need to do these things for him now." Useless work, let others take the water of life!"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden sound transmission, Patriarch Si froze when he heard it!

Seeing his sudden expression change slightly, Mrs. Si and Si Bei who were sitting beside him became a little anxious.

However, because the auction was still going on, they didn't dare to bother Patriarch Si.So, when they saw his dazed expression change slightly, although they looked worried, they didn't make a sound to disturb him.

After waiting for quite a while, Patriarch Si came back to his senses, and said to Mrs. Si and Si Bei in a low voice, "Madam, Bei'er, Lord Ghost Doctor sent me a sound transmission. It is said that the extra life Water will be useless to Bei'er in the future, so let's give up the auction!"

"What!" When Patriarch Si told Mrs. Si about Feng Range's sound transmission to him, Mrs. Si was shocked!
Abandon the auction?This extra water of life will be useless to Bei'er in the future?As soon as she got this answer, Mrs. Si felt like she was about to faint.

However, it was also because of the support of the Patriarch Si on the left and right of her and Si Bei, who was fine now, that she managed to maintain a clear consciousness.


"Ma'am, Bei'er will be fine. I won't let our Bei'er be in trouble, so don't worry! The ghost doctor said earlier that there is still one thing in this world that can save Bei'er. Wait for this auction." After the meeting is over, I will let the people in the family look for it! Look for it at all costs!"

Seeing Mrs. Si's expression of extreme despair and sadness, Patriarch Si felt extremely worried and sympathetic.So, after looking at his youngest son Si Bei with worried eyes, he immediately spoke to comfort his wife.

And under his comfort, when she heard that there was something in this world that could save her son, Mrs. Si, who was about to faint, calmed down a little at this moment!
Then, with a look of expectation in her eyes, she looked at Patriarch Si and confirmed, "Patriarch, is what you said true? This is not something you just said to comfort me!"

Hearing her question, I saw her look of expectation.At this time, Si Bei, who had been silent beside him before Patriarch Si continued to speak, rushed to answer.

"Mother, this is what the ghost doctor told my father. That thing is called a soul-nourishing branch, and it can heal me! Mother, don't worry about the child like this in the future, the child will be fine!"

Seeing his mother worrying about him for more than ten years in a row, she shed more tears than she shed sweat, Si Bei really felt distressed seeing such a mother!
But as early as before, he couldn't comfort his mother no matter what.But now, after he and his father, Patriarch Si, went to Fenghuang Mansion to visit the ghost doctor, and learned about the existence of the soul-raising branch from them, he wants to live well and let his mother and mother , and my elder brother no longer worried about him, worrying gave birth to Xixi!

He wants to find the soul-nourishing branch, he wants to recover his body, and he will no longer look weak at any time!

For this reason, he decided that even if members of his father's family didn't necessarily go back to find the soul branch for him, he must find it himself!Because this is his hope to live a good life!

Although, the ghost doctor has also said that this thing is absolutely difficult to find.However, if they don't look for it, how do they know that they will never find it!
After hearing that Si Bei also confirmed that what Patriarch Si said was indeed true, Mrs. Si's mood improved a lot at this time.

So, after discussing the ghost doctor's opinion a little later, they decided to listen to the ghost doctor's opinion and not rush to shoot the ten drops of water of life anymore.

After hearing the Qin family crazily shouting the price to 510 million purple gold coins, the Si family fell silent.

And when they realized that the Si family no longer continued to compete for the auction for the water of life, the Qin family panicked for a moment!
When the price of the water of life was two or three million purple gold coins, the Qin family really wanted it.However, when the price reached 300 million purple gold coins, the Qin family had already decided not to take it.

And their bids later on were just for fun, as a first-rate big family, to tease the Si family of a second-rate family.

It's just that now, unexpectedly, the Si family will not bid with them!
This... Didn't the Si family show their determination to obtain the water of life before this?So what's going on now?
Just when the Si family stopped making a sound, the Qin family panicked...

(End of this chapter)

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