Phoenix Dance

Chapter 593

Chapter 593
"Fuck! The Si family god and devil mean, don't they need the water of life to hang their short-lived ghost son?" Seeing that the Si family really didn't bid for the water of life anymore, Patriarch Qin, who was waiting in the box, was furious at this moment.

However, after knowing that the person behind the Fenghuang Chamber of Commerce is the silver-faced ghost doctor, if other people don't know Fengrange's ability, the Qin Patriarch already knows it.

Therefore, in such a furious mood, others may still do something to Feng Range's Fenghuang Chamber of Commerce, but the Qin family will never dare to make a move.Unless, he couldn't think about it and wanted to see others attack his Qin family and destroy his entire Qin family.

In the end, under Master Qin Rui's final decision, the ten drops of water of life fell to the Qin family.

After seeing the final sound of the mallet fall, Patriarch Qin felt a little bit out of strength.The price spent on the auction of the water of life, plus the medical expenses paid to Fengrange before, almost cost half of the Qin family's active funds, which made me feel pain!
If he had known this earlier, he would not have gone to Keng Si's house before.Now, on the contrary, he himself was cheated!

And the Si family cheated him so much, their Qin family would never let it go easily!
Patriarch Qin was not a kind person in the first place, and he was polite to Feng Range earlier because of her methods.But now, towards the opponents of the Qin family, the head of the Qin family has become extremely ruthless right now!He thought to himself, when the auction is over, he will immediately send someone to attack the Si family and take revenge when he returns.

Just after the first seven auction items were successfully auctioned out at different prices, there were only three auction items left.

For the eighth lot, Feng Range provided a heaven-level exercise, "Ba Jian".

Heaven-level exercises are considered top-level exercises on this continent.You must know that now, among the first-rate and second-rate families in Qingwu City, there are only two or three heaven-level exercises as their background.

If a family has one more heaven-level exercise like this, then the status of the acquired family will definitely be raised again in Qingwu City.

Just when he saw this lot, Patriarch Qin, who was originally very angry and unwilling to get the water of life, became even more annoyed.

If he hadn't auctioned off the water of life before, and then used the money to take pictures of the "Bajian" exercises, then their Qin family should be the number one first-class family in Qingwu City.From now on, maybe there is no need to be the first-class family in Qingwu City with the Tang family and Yu family, but directly become the supreme overlord of Qingwu city.

Just when Patriarch Qin was thinking about this angrily, Feng Range transmitted voice to Patriarch Si again.Transsion told him to take a picture of this exercise!

Hearing Feng Range's voice appear in his mind again, Patriarch Si was even more surprised at this time!At the same time, he also faintly felt that the silver-faced ghost doctor seemed to be giving special preferential treatment to their Si family. Could it be that he wanted to support his Si family?
As for the speculation about this possibility, the owner of the Si family is also a smart person. After a little bit of sorting out all the things after getting to know the silver-faced ghost doctor, he felt that the Fenghuang Mansion really seemed to be with his Si family. Make friends!Moreover, there is a little faint support for them.

Just after Si Jiazhu sorted out the few traces of the relationship, and when he decided to listen to Fengrange's follow-up auction, he found that the price outside had risen to 100 million purple gold coins.

Seeing this situation, Patriarch Si immediately shouted loudly, "150 million purple gold coins!"

As soon as Patriarch Si shouted, he directly added 50 purple gold coins to the existing price.This action of his made the other bidders immediately furious after hearing it!

"I'll go, what is this Patriarch doing! He added 50 purple gold coins all of a sudden!"

"Yeah, it's a wild price call!"

"Did you do that!"


When all the price bidders were complaining and furious, they suddenly called out a high-priced Patriarch Si, but now in the box, he looked very contented, extremely comfortable!
To say that the only thing that disappointed him a bit was Mrs. Si's nagging.

After hearing that Patriarch Si raised the price so much, Mrs. Si began to complain in his ear.

"You, you, why did you add so much all at once! The other families saw it, and thought we were going to do something with them! You said you did it..."

In Mrs. Si's thoughts, Patriarch Si still looked contented.If there was another reaction during the period, it was to smile calmly at Mrs. Si.

After hearing the Si family's complaints, everyone's first reaction was to be outraged, and the second reaction was to follow what Mrs. Si said.At this moment, everyone felt that the Patriarch Si would not be angry at being robbed of the water of life by the Patriarch Qin, so let's use them to open the shop and bid wildly!

After they all had this understanding in their hearts, and after Patriarch Si asked for the price of 150 million purple gold coins, the people behind did not dare to directly bid again.

They were afraid that when their bids were getting higher and higher, they would be offered one by the owner of the Si family who didn't know what was going on.Therefore, although there are still many people who are very eager for "Ba Jian" at the moment, they dare not easily ask for a price.

Under such a stalemate, with Master Qin Rui's three hammer sounds, the lot of the exercise "Ba Jian" finally fell to the Si family.

When this scene happened, those people who were struggling to continue asking the price, but in the end they didn't ask the price, felt a little regretful!
Why didn't they fight with Ta Si's family?To let the Si family get this set of exercises so easily.And the one who is the most angry is going to write to the Qin family!

When the Qin family came out with this set of exercises, they wanted it very much.However, after they got the water of life from the hands of the Si family, the funds they could use were not enough to auction this set of exercises.

If this set of exercises did not fall into the hands of the Si family in the end, but was taken by other families, at least the head of the Qin family would not be as angry as he is now.

However, seeing that the Si family finally got the set of exercises that his Qin family wanted, the Qin family master directly angrily smashed all the cups in the box.

When she heard the voice coming from their box, Feng Range twitched her lips slightly, and then sent Kayina to deal with the matter.

You know, the utensils they use now are all brought from the Azure Continent.It can be said that one set is used here and one set is missing. Now the Qin Patriarch has smashed something that Feng Range regards as the most precious thing. If he wants to pay something, Feng Range will not let it.

Just as Kayina went to deal with this matter, the auction continued...

 My body didn't improve at all, I couldn't breathe, I was so dizzy that I didn't want to do anything.Sorry for the lack of updates!
(End of this chapter)

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