Phoenix Dance

Chapter 597 Sealing Flame Explosion Talisman

Chapter 597 Sealing Flame Explosion Talisman

During the intermission, a stick of incense passed quickly.

When the families who left to raise funds returned to their original positions, their expressions were extremely firm!No matter what the last lot is, they must keep it in their pockets!

Just when all of them showed such determined looks, Feng Range, who had been sitting in the box and never left, let out a chuckle at this moment, "Overestimating one's abilities!"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden voice, Ouyang Huang turned to look at her together with the others.

"Little song?"

"Those people thought that they would be able to auction off the last lot after going back to get some funds. It's really fantastic!" Hearing Ouyang Huang's opening, Feng Range didn't deliberately explain it to him, but said it lightly and coldly. snorted.

As for hearing Feng Range's contemptuous snort again and again, Ouyang Huang's eyes also looked down at this moment.

And just as he looked at it, he immediately understood Feng Range's meaning, and then sneered softly.

Is the grand finale that his dear little Ge'er brought out that those small families down there can easily get it if they want it?
Although it was said that when Xiao Ge'er took out the lot, they were the people around her, except for Kayina, who was the receiver, who knew exactly what she took out.As far as other people, they don't know at all!

However, just because they don't know doesn't mean they don't know the value of what Feng Range brought out!
You know, none of the things that Xiao Ge'er can take out of her will be ordinary.In particular, these things were still taken out from the space of the original wasteland, and they were all tainted with the breath of the prehistoric era.

Now those people down there showed an expression of determination to win after saying this lightly, they were underestimating the lot that Xiao Ge'er put up for auction!

Do they think that Xiao Ge'er's things can be easily auctioned?I'm afraid that when the whole auction starts again, some of them will be shocked and feel inferior!

Just when Ouyang Huang was also contemptuous of those people, Master Qin Rui, who had followed the intermission for a while, slowly came back to the stage.

"Guests, I believe that everyone is already anxiously waiting for the last lot. I don't have much to say next, so please come to our last lot, the sealing talisman and the explosive talisman!"

"It's a seal!"

"I didn't expect it to be this thing!"

"It's really shocking that this thing that has disappeared for hundreds of years has appeared here!"

"God! It turned out to be this thing!"


Following Master Qin Rui's direct shout, when he saw the glamorous woman sending the Sealed Flame Explosion Talisman to the auction stage, the entire scene erupted like thunder!

Regarding the riots below, even everyone in Feng Range's box was relatively calm except her, and the rest of the people also showed expressions of surprise at this time.

What exactly did Fengrange come up with that caused the entire scene to riot?
Feng Range also noticed their doubts at this moment, but she would not say anything if they didn't ask each other.

After they maintained this strange atmosphere for a while, Gao Ying, who couldn't hold back her temper, asked, "Master, what exactly is the Flame Explosion Talisman and what is its function? Why are people so excited?"

Hearing Gao Ying's timely question, Feng Range turned to look at her.Then, she glanced at the rest of the people again, and then said lightly, "This explosive talisman is a fire attribute seal talisman of the seal talisman classification skill seal talisman. It will It emits powerful fire power and explodes, so I named it the Pyro Explosion Talisman. This seal symbol was drawn before I came here in retreat, in case I encounter a powerful opponent who is powerless to defend against the enemy. "

Hearing Feng Range's brief explanation, Gao Ying and the others had a basic understanding of the seal talisman, especially the fire-attribute explosive talisman.

After that, they stopped pestering Feng Range to ask more questions.Because the auction below has already started, they have to take a serious look at the situation below.

Just when their eyes returned to the bottom, the auction price has been directly shouted by several families to the price of 70 purple gold coins.

However, this price does not remain static, but continues to climb upwards.

Originally, the Qin family had already obtained the space ring and the water of life in this auction. After another family called out the price of 70 purple gold coins, they immediately called the price, "80 purple coins!" gold!"

"90 purple gold coins!"

"100 purple gold coins!"

"110 purple gold coins!"

"120 purple gold coins!"

"130 purple gold coins!"


As the price continued to increase by one hundred thousand and one hundred thousand purple gold coins, some families with insufficient financial resources gave up on the way.

In the end, after the price was raised to 250 million purple gold coins, only the Tang family from Qingwu City and the Ren family from Shaoyang City remained, the rich merchants who had submitted invitations to Fengran. .

In addition, there are some families that Feng Range only learned about later, the prince of the Cang family Cangqing of the Cangsen Kingdom is also bidding.In addition, there are also the Du family in Shaoyang City, the Xia family of the imperial capital of the Ming Qing Kingdom, the Lan family of the master family of the Ming Ling Kingdom, etc., and some unknown hidden families.

Among them, Feng Range has been listening.She discovered that among the families or forces that were still scrambling for auctions, the financial resources of the Tang family in Qingwu City were no longer enough.

Just as Feng Range expected, when the price was raised to 380 million purple gold coins, the Tang family in Qingwu City had no financial resources and had to give up the auction.

As for the remaining families and forces that continued to rush for the auction, their enthusiasm for the Pyro Explosion Talisman made their bidding even more intense.

"400 purple gold coins!"

"450 purple gold coins!"

"500 purple gold coins!"

"550 purple gold coins!"

"600 purple gold coins!"

"650 purple gold coins!"

"700 purple gold coins!"

"750 purple gold coins!"


"950 purple gold coins!"

"1000 purple gold coins!"

After many families and forces withdrew in the middle of the auction, the price increase in this auction was raised by 50 purple gold coins, and 1000 million purple gold coins were mentioned all at once!
All the guests present were shocked when they heard the highest bid in the entire auction!

This price, for ordinary people, is already a sky-high price, making them far beyond their reach.However, considering Fengrange's status, this price is not enough.

The price still needs to be raised...

(End of this chapter)

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