Phoenix Dance

Chapter 598 Auction ends

Chapter 598 Auction ends

At this time, Feng Range looked at Ouyang Huang.Then, he murmured softly, "This price is not enough!"

Um?Hearing Feng Range's sudden opening to himself, Ouyang Huang froze immediately.

Then, after being dazed for a while, he yelled outside, "500 million purple gold coins!"

'boom! 'Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden quotation, the whole venue rioted again.

God!This man is a lunatic making trouble!This increase directly raised 500 million purple gold coins, and such a crazy price increase made many auctioneers below shrink back.

To snatch the Pyro Explosion Talisman with such a crazy person, some of them whose aristocratic family's activities funds are restricted, how can they have the crazy courage to desperately shout the price.

After Ouyang Huang's bidding, all the bidders in the venue fell into a brief silence.For a while, all the bidders were silent at this time.

After a while, another person shouted, "2000 million purple gold coins!"

2000 million purple gold coins!Another 500 million purple gold coins were directly added!

After hearing that this person directly added another 500 million purple gold coins like Ouyang Huang, everyone present was not calm at this moment!

Nima, that's the asking price!This is simply a competition for who is the best!
Just after this person yelled out a price higher than Ouyang Huang, Ouyang Huang looked at Feng Range, and then asked her softly, "What about now?"

"Okay." Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, Feng Range lightly snorted.

After that, the direction of the auction was naturally because Feng Range and Ouyang Huang intervened, and the auction price fell into the hands of the prince of Cangsen Kingdom who followed Ouyang Huang at the price of 2000 million purple gold coins.

At this moment, Cang Qing, the crown prince of Cangsen Kingdom, was very happy that he finally got this Pyro Explosion Talisman, but it also made him a little annoyed!
He originally thought that when that person called out 500 million purple gold coins, he really wanted to bid for this Pyro Explosion Talisman.However, just after he called out 2000 million purple gold coins, the man didn't move at all.Therefore, Cang Qing, who can be regarded as somewhat intelligent, understood at this time that the person who bid the price before was a trap, and it was specially for him!

With just a soft bid, he cheated him of 500 million purple gold coins.Regarding this, Cang Qing was still very angry after getting the Flame Explosion Talisman.

At the same time, he also secretly made a decision that if he finds out who the person who cheated him is later, he will definitely make this person look good!

Just when this normal auction ended, some people gained a lot, while others got nothing, but after watching a wonderful show, they gradually retreated under the reception of the people arranged by Kayina.

And just when Feng Range and his group were preparing to leave, they received a report from Kayina that many people wanted to visit her.

Facing this sudden situation, Feng Range's face became slightly solemn at this moment.

However, her expression didn't last long, and she said to Kayina, "No see! You tell them to post a post to Fenghuanglou if they have something to do! Also, after Kayina finishes her work here, she should go back home early Come here. In the next few days, the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce will not be open, temporarily closed!"

"Yes!" After hearing Feng Range's order at this moment, Kai You immediately obeyed.Then, he immediately turned around and left to do business.

Just after Ka Yina left, Feng Range and the others were unable to leave through the main entrance.So, they went in the opposite direction, went directly to the top floor of the chamber of commerce, and then directly left from the roof by Yuxing Ye Zhou.

Anyway, their current attire has been exposed in front of everyone, so even if they are seen in mid-air at this moment, it will be nothing.At the same time, perhaps because of their actions, all the practitioners in Qingwu City will feel even more afraid of them.

As for Feng Range's plan and estimation, when they left the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, everything was exactly as she expected.

Even those people below, when they saw Feng Range and others, Yu Xing and Ye Zhou left, she didn't expect it at all!

When those people saw the silver-faced running man standing on the leaf boat, they recognized them at a glance.At the same time, there was a look of horror in his eyes!
Feng Range's move is enough to make him as afraid as he is of her medical skills!

Because, on this continent, without certain strength, it is impossible for ordinary people to easily do this!

Under the eager eyes of everyone, Feng Range drove Ye Zhou to take Ouyang Huang and the others back to Fenghuang Mansion.

When they returned to the mansion, Feng Range directly asked Mu Heng to take Gao Ying, Ran Yun, and Ran Yu to practice.

Although they are now going to learn medical skills and alchemy from Mu Heng, as practitioners, their cultivation still cannot be left behind.Therefore, Feng Range made some arrangements for Gao Ying's cultivation and study, and asked Mu Heng to temporarily replace her to teach and supervise them.

Now, Mu Heng is also Feng Range's apprentice. Regarding Feng Range's instructions, Mu Heng, who has always respected his master, naturally absolutely obeys.Then, he was at the arena where Gao Ying, Ran Yun and Ran Yu reluctantly took them to the arena.

Right after they left, Feng Range went back to their room with Ouyang Huang without much delay.Then, entered the space of the original wasteland.

"Little Geer, what are we going to do next?" Ouyang Huang asked softly after entering the Shihuang space.

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question at this moment, Feng Range turned to look at him, and said, "I still have to wait for Kayinna to come back, or you should go to retreat to practice first! Enter the closed-door training, and then wait until you go to Qingwu Academy. The matter here will be handled by Gao Jin and Bai Lao later!"

"Alright then!" After hearing Feng Range's response, Ouyang Huang had no objection to her arrangement.Therefore, it was agreed that he would go to retreat for the time being to practice.

However, before he left, he couldn't help telling Feng Range, "Little Geer, if you want to do anything in the future, bring me with you. Otherwise, I won't allow you to do dangerous things!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's advice, Feng Range was surprised for a while.However, after a moment of shock, she agreed, "Okay!"

After getting Feng Range's consent, Ouyang Huang turned around and went to the practice room where he practiced in Shihuang courtyard.

Seeing Ouyang Huang leave, Feng Range started to do her own thing.She walked towards the medicine field...

(End of this chapter)

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