Phoenix Dance

Chapter 618 Accepting Gao Yuan's Challenge

Chapter 618 Accepting Gao Yuan's Challenge
After that, the two of them hugged each other for a long time under the circumstances of you and me.It wasn't until the boy came back from the outside that they let go of each other again.

"Master, you are out of customs! Great, master can play with me now!" Xiao Huo immediately surrounded Feng Range excitedly after seeing Feng Range come out of the Shihuang space when he came back. Dye song spins.

And when seeing Xiaohuo coming back from the outside, his body was still stained with its unique flame breath, Feng Range looked directly at Xiaohuo and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Xiaohuo, you used your flame, what did you do?"

"Stunned? Master..." Originally, Xiaohuo was still circling Fengrange, so excited!
But suddenly being questioned by Feng Range, Xiao Huo's original spinning motion froze immediately!

Especially thinking about what it did outside before, Xiao Huo felt a little guilty when facing Feng Range at this time.

"Master, I... I didn't do anything! I just spit fire for fun, just for fun!" Xiao Huo always felt a little afraid of Feng Range when she faced Feng Range with a serious face.So, while talking to Feng Range right now, Xiao Huo obviously lacked confidence.

And when seeing its reaction like this, Feng Range knew that Xiao Huo must have caused trouble these days, or today.

But, what exactly did it do?It depends on Xiao Huo's reaction now, or Feng Range went outside to find out.Otherwise, Xiao Huo would definitely not take the initiative to tell her.

It has been a long time since I started to catch a small fire, and Feng Range is quite clear about some of its habits.

So at this moment, she squinted at Xiao Huo, and said, "Xiao Huo, you go into the space to accompany Xiao Shi, it's boring!"


When Fengrange suddenly said that he would send it back to Shihuang's space to accompany Shihuang, Xiao Huo was not happy at all.However, under Fengrange's strength, it has not yet uttered a word of resistance.Even when it had just given birth to the escaped Xin, Feng Range took it back to the original space as soon as the words fell.

After doing this, Feng Range breathed a sigh of relief!

Then he turned his head to look at Ouyang Huang, and said to her, "Huang, follow me outside for a walk. Let's take a look at Gao Ying and the others by the way!"

"Well, good!" Ouyang Huang naturally readily agreed to Feng Range's request at this time.

Then, they walked out side by side directly...

After leaving the small courtyard for a short distance, Ouyang Huang told Feng Range about Gao Yuan's coming to challenge him several times.

After hearing what Ouyang Huang said, Feng Range looked ahead and said to Ouyang Huang, "Huang, you haven't failed in the past few days of cultivation! Since someone is challenging you at this time, Then you can accept it. Are you waiting for me to go out before responding to him, then you can answer him tomorrow!"

"Well, good!" After hearing that Feng Range agreed with him to accept Gao Yuan's challenge, Ouyang Huang responded contentedly.

In the communication with Feng Range, they are getting more and more tacit understanding now, and they are getting more and more aware of each other's thoughts.

For this reason, even if there is no verbal communication between the two of them, just a look, they know each other's thoughts at the moment and the next move.

Now, the night was silent, and the people walking around in the night, apart from some instructors, were only some special students walking around the academy.

People who kept passing by couldn't help but look sideways at Feng Range and Ouyang Huang when they saw Feng Range and Ouyang Huang strolling under the moonlit night in a leisurely manner.

"Those two people are the ones who defeated Qing Aoyang and Rao Xuelian last time, it seems..."

"It's not like, it's clearly them!"

"A few days ago, that woman didn't seem to show her face all the time. I don't know what she was doing! That man has been showing up in the library!"

"I heard that they got the attention of the dean during the assessment and were accepted as students. The dean also promised them freedom. Now that they are driving out of the yard at this moment, it seems to be true!"

"I seem to have heard that they haven't attended a single class during this time! I haven't seen such a special treatment for students in the academy..."

"I really don't know what's special about them. The dean and the college treat them like this..."

People from all directions, when Feng Range and Ouyang Huang gradually walked past them, more and more voices of discussion came into their ears.

However, after hearing these discussions, Feng Range's expression hardly changed at all.

Afterwards, they automatically blocked the comments, and then headed towards the dormitory where Gao Ying and the others were staying.

Just as they were approaching there, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang heard a noisy quarrel, "You little bitch, take out the pill that stole from us, or we will deal with you!"

"The elixir, this is my own! My master gave it to me for cultivation, what do you call it! You want it, but you still slander me, give it to you, dreaming!"

"Oh, little bitch, be stubborn! Are you going to take it out? If you don't take it out, don't blame us for being rude!"

"You want to snatch the elixir that my master gave me, but I will never give it to you! If you dare to attack me now, if my master finds out, I will never let you go!"

"Damn girl with a stubborn mouth! You all hit me until she handed over all the pills!"

"You guys! Don't come here! Don't come here..."

"Stop!" As soon as Feng Range and Ouyang Huang stepped into Gao Ying's dormitory and saw many girls surrounding her asking her to make a move, they were stopped by Feng Range's full blown voice!
"Master, master, master, are you here?" Gao Ying was excited when she heard Feng Range's voice suddenly entered her ears like the sound of nature.Then, he broke through the siege of those girls and came to Feng Range and Ouyang Huang.

Seeing Gao Ying's surprised look, and nimbly jumping to her and Ouyang Huang's side, Feng Range glanced at her with relief at this moment, and replied, "Yes!"

After responding to Gao Ying, Feng Range's eyes were full of coldness, and he scanned the group of people who had just surrounded and forced Gao Ying.

He said coldly to them, "You were the ones who forced Xiaoying to take out the elixir I gave her just now? You also slandered her for stealing your elixir?"

"We... I, who are you! I don't know about the girls' dormitory. Boys are not allowed to come in at night! You are like this, I have to go to the tutor to complain!"

Seeing Feng Range's adamancy and stern voice when he spoke to them, it was originally Tang and the other little girls who were a little scared.

However, when they saw Ouyang Huang next to Feng Range, one of the girls retorted.

Complain about them?When seeing this girl speak arrogantly to her, Feng Range looked at her even more coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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