Phoenix Dance

Chapter 619 Gao Ying Was Bullied

Chapter 619 Gao Ying Was Bullied

"You want to complain to us? You might as well try it!" Hearing the girl's threat, Feng Range not only turned cold, but also directly showed a look of disdain, "But, I hope you can bear it again." I can withstand the anger of you for insulting my apprentice!"

Feng Range's reaction at this time was majestic and cold, which made the girl who had refuted Feng Range feel startled when she saw her.

"You, you..."

"Xiaoying, go and find Ye Yu, and then tell Ye Xing to come back to the small courtyard with me later!"

"Yes, Master!" Hearing what Feng Range said to her at this time, Gao Ying turned around and left in a hurry.

Seeing Gao Ying's departure, several girls originally wanted to stop her, but after being glanced at by the cold eyes of Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, they dared not move any of them.

Seeing how they were all terrified of her and Ouyang Huang, Feng Range's lips curled up into a slight smile, "I think it's not the first time you've bullied Xiaoying like this, right? So proficient! I wonder how you want me to fight back against you next?"

Feng Range is in full swing at this moment, and her original strength is much higher than these freshmen girls.Now being suppressed by her aura, these girls standing in front of her and Ouyang Huang all looked even more frightened!

"You, you can't hurt us! Otherwise, neither the academy nor our family will spare you!"

"Oh? Neither the college nor the family will spare us, so let's see if I will spare you and the college first! If you dare to insult my apprentice Feng Range, you are looking for death! Huang, you don't have to do it!" ,I will do it myself!"

"it is good!"

Feng Range wanted to make a move at this time, but before she did it, she reminded Ouyang Huang not to intervene.After getting a response from Ouyang Huang, Feng Range directly attacked violently.

Feng Range didn't use any martial arts at all this time, but directly opened up her body that had been trained to be extremely strong, and beat those girls with her bare hands.

The moment they were hit by Feng Range's fist, legs and feet, these girls cried out in pain one by one, and flew out backwards!
After the news of their place spread all of a sudden, many students from the dormitory next door ran out to watch.And when they saw the scene where Feng Range beat those girls violently, all the bystanders couldn't help but shuddered, it was so violent!

"Master, I brought Sister Yeyu here!"

Just after Feng Range dealt with all the girls who bullied Gao Ying, Gao Ying happened to bring Ye Yu who didn't know what happened, and walked over.

"Young Master, Ma'am!" When he walked in front of Feng Range and Ouyang Huang and saw the girl lying on the ground, the clever and sensitive Ye Yu faintly seemed to know what happened.

So, he took the initiative to admit his mistake to Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, "Master, madam, I'm sorry! I didn't take good care of Miss Gao Ying, please punish me!"

Hearing that Ye Yu had come to their side, he had not stood still for a long time before pleading guilty to her and Ouyang Huang.Feng Range and Ouyang Huang turned their heads to look at her, and then said lightly, "It's not your fault! We went to find Ye Xing, and then went back to the courtyard!"

"Yes, ma'am!" After hearing Feng Range's arrangement, Ye Yu immediately responded. Then, after Feng Range glanced at those who bullied Gao Ying again, she turned around. left.Ouyang Huang, Gao Ying and Ye Yu naturally followed her.

Just after they walked out of the gate of the dormitory, those who were cleaned up by Feng Range all by themselves showed resentful and sinister expressions.

Moreover, he cursed, "Those whores, sooner or later we will find someone to deal with them!"

"Well! This matter must not be left alone!"


Many of these people are descendants of aristocratic families.So for the fact that they were dealt with by Feng Range, they can still think about revenge.

However, although Feng Range didn't know their current thoughts.However, even if she knew, Feng Range probably wouldn't care.

Isn't it the children of some aristocratic families, just like the Tang family, can't she handle it?
Speaking of the means Feng Range has now, as long as a country does not overthrow all its forces to deal with her, or encounters more than two old monsters joining forces, Feng Range will shrink back and be afraid.But as far as the revenge of the children of a few small families is concerned, Feng Range really doesn't care at all.

If they really meet at that time, I'm afraid it will be for those people. Even if Feng Range doesn't want to come out, he can solve a family or even a small city by throwing a blasting talisman.

For this reason, in a certain sense, Feng Range knew that he could not easily use the Explosive Flame Talisman.Otherwise, this continent would be in turmoil because of her.

After leaving Gao Ying and Ye Yu's original dormitory, Feng Range went to the boys' dormitory to find Ye Xing.

When they first found the boys' dormitory, there was a little commotion there.But in the end, it was ignored by Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's ignorance.

After finding Ye Xing, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang didn't tell him much about what to write, and took them back to their small courtyard.

After returning to the small courtyard, Feng Range said to Gao Ying, Ye Yu, and Ye Xing, "For the next period of time in the college, you can live here. You don't need to pay attention to the dormitory." Go back! Here, you have to practice hard, if you feel that the resources are not enough, I will provide them to you!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

After hearing Feng Range's words at this time, Gao Ying and the three responded to her one by one.

After getting their response, Feng Range said again, "It's getting late, you all should rest!"

After saying that, he walked back to Ouyang Huang's side, then glanced at Ouyang Huang, and then dragged him into the Shihuang space together.

Now there are three of Gao Ying and the others in their small courtyard, a small courtyard really can't accommodate so many people.Therefore, in the next period of time, when it is time to rest, I am afraid that they will all rest in the space of the beginning.

At the same time, after returning to the Shihuang space, Feng Range frowned slightly.

Originally, when she went to Gao Ying and the others, she wanted to hear what Xiao Huo did in the academy during her retreat, and how did she use its flame?
But in the end, she was disturbed by Gao Ying's affairs. There were so many things to do!

It seems that regarding the matter of Xiaohuo, we still have to wait until tomorrow to find out from Gao Ying and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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