Phoenix Dance

Chapter 637

Chapter 637

Although Ouyang Huang hasn't driven a car for a long time, his skills are not unfamiliar at this moment, and he can run on the rugged mountain road with ease.

Originally, a 918 Spyder like Ouyang Huang was very limited in driving in the mountains.But because Ouyang Huang's good friend Sarna is a technological geek, he once modified his car and Feng Range's red 918 Spyder, and now he is driving here, and he pressed a button to raise the site. After the mechanism, the car drives here like an off-road vehicle.

For this reason, after Ouyang Huang hadn't driven a car for a long time, his first choice was the car he and Ouyang Huang loved.

Mercedes-Benz all the way, the mood at this time is a bit like returning to the time on the Azure Continent.

Ouyang Huang's mood at this moment was unavoidable.But the good thing is that he was practicing cultivation when he was on the Azure Continent. Compared with Gao Ying who was an ordinary person who changed his life because of meeting Feng Range, Ouyang Huang's ability to accept is still Much stronger than ordinary people!

After all the emotional thoughts were blown away by the wind brought by the speed, at this time Fengrange and the others also arrived at the gate of Qingwu City.

It was still a while before the evening approached, but there were quite a few people entering and leaving the city.When the people coming and going saw the 918 Spyder driven by Ouyang Huang, everyone couldn't help but look sideways, full of curiosity about this strange thing that suddenly appeared in front of their eyes!
Fengrange and the others didn't pay much attention to the looks of each of them, they just watched it if they liked!

However, it may also be because Ouyang Huang's car is so novel. After briefly attracting everyone's attention, when they drove into the city little by little, Feng Range and the others discovered that at this time Many people gathered around them out of curiosity.

"What is this big guy? Look, there are five people sitting here!"

"This thing is so strange! Is it a carriage? But there are no horses pulling it in front!"

"What is this? It looks really good!"


At this time, the sound from outside came into the car along with the twittering noise, and Feng Range and the others sitting inside couldn't help frowning after listening to it!
People in this world are so full of curiosity and gossip about novel things that Feng Range feels a little powerless at this moment!
Especially, when they saw that many people were watching their car, the expressions of Feng Range and the others became even more ugly!
Regarding the situation of their cotton bolls now, Feng Range asked Ouyang Huang, "Huang, what should we do now?"

Now their car was surrounded by crowds of onlookers, making it almost impossible for them to move.Faced with such a situation, if they continue to drive forward now, I'm afraid it will be impossible.So next, should they get off?

When he heard Feng Range's question at this time, Ouyang Huang's eyes froze, and then he glanced around.Then, he responded to Feng Range, "Little Geer, do you think we have other options?"

As Ouyang Huang said, he raised his eyebrows.Then, he turned his head back and said to the three of Ye Xing, "Let's get out of the car!"

"it is good!"

After hearing what Ouyang Huang said at this time, the five of them opened the door and prepared to get out of the car.

After getting off the car, Ouyang Huang put away his beloved car without any hesitation.

And at this moment, after he put away his beloved car, a savage female voice sounded from the crowd beside him, "Where's that strange thing? Take it out quickly! That thing was confiscated by this lady." From now on, it will be Miss Ben's!"

"Hurry up and take out your old stuff, it will belong to our lady from now on! You know, our lady is the daughter of the city lord of Qingwu City, it is your luck that your things can be given to our lady !"

Following the savage female voice, another mean and tyrannical female voice sounded at this time.

When they heard these two voices from the crowd, Feng Range and the others frowned.Is this someone coming to find fault with them?

At the same time, when Feng Range and the others frowned, they saw that the human wall in front of them was gradually giving way to a passage.As the passage was opened, Feng Range and the others saw a bright girl and a delicate maid, followed by eight or nine guards walking towards Feng Range.

When that bright young girl saw Ouyang Huang's handsome and monstrous appearance for the first time, Feng Range could clearly see that the lady who picked on them showed a little bit of shyness.At the same time, when he saw her again, especially when he saw her and Ouyang Huang standing side by side, they were an incomparable match, and their appearance was even more outstanding than hers, the look of jealousy overflowed from the bottom of his eyes!
It seems that the lady of the city lord's family is another person who is fascinated by Ouyang Huang's appearance!
At the same time, she was also jealous because of her close relationship with Ouyang Huang.

Facing the current situation, when she met Tang Xueya, Feng Range knew that it would never happen again.So at this moment, she was quite prepared, and she was not overly surprised by it!
After seeing the young lady of the city lord's family walking in front of Ouyang Huang step by step with what she thought was an elegant lotus step, she directly blessed Ouyang Huang and said, "Master, you are polite, little girl, the city lord!" Fu Zhao Xin has seen the young master!"

When Zhao Xin greeted Ouyang Huang, the shy look on her face became more intense.As for Feng Range standing beside Ouyang Huang, she also directly ignored her at this moment.

Regarding Zhao Xin's performance at this moment, Feng Range couldn't help being a little suspicious. The lady of the city lord's mansion is not only going to snatch Ouyang Huang's car in the street, but also snatch Ouyang Huang's whole person together!
With Zhao Xin's current reaction and performance, not to mention Feng Range would think so at this time, even many people on the sidelines, as well as Gao Ying and the others also had such thoughts at this time.

Seeing Zhao Xin's pretentious behavior, such as wanting to be a BIAO and erecting a memorial archway, the simple Gao Ying really couldn't understand it.So, at this time, she was still a little childish, and she spoke straightforwardly.

"You, you are a shameless young lady of the city lord's mansion! How shameless you are to openly seduce my master in front of my master! How shameless! You said you wanted to grab my master's car before, but now And robbing my master in front of my master, I have never seen such a shameless woman like you!"

'boom! 'As Gao Ying spoke bluntly at this moment, all the people watching around exploded at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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