Phoenix Dance

Chapter 638 To Fenghuang Mansion

Chapter 638 Back to Fenghuang Mansion

However, their comments did not mean how shameless and shameless Zhao Xin was.Instead, he said how ignorant Gao Ying was, to criticize the young lady of the City Lord's Mansion by saying such words, what an act of courting death at this time!
Zhao Xin is the young lady of the city lord's mansion. She extended her hand to the city lord's favor and offended her. The people around would not think that the city lord would easily let Fengrange and the others go.

Maybe, just Miss Zhao Xin really fell in love with that handsome man, and the city lord will kill that beautiful woman and let him marry Miss Zhao Xin.

For the current reaction of these city residents, Feng Range and the others are all aware of it.But will they care?

The answer is of course impossible!Since Zhao Xin dared to use the name of the City Lord's Mansion to suppress them, let's see if she can suppress them!

Because Zhao Xin and the people blocked the way, Feng Range and the others had been delayed here for a while, so she didn't want to delay any longer.So, at this moment, she turned her head to look at Ouyang Huang and said, "Huang, let's go back quickly!"

"Okay!" Hearing Feng Range's words at this time, Ouyang Huang immediately responded aloud.

In the past, Ouyang Huang would always look coldly at those girls who pestered him to be nympho and ignored them.Therefore, when seeing Zhao Xin pestering her, Ouyang Huang's face clearly showed displeasure.

Originally, he really wanted to deal with this woman who was an eyesore to him directly, but he was also at the side towards Feng Range, so let's see what she thinks?

But after he did nothing and was delayed for a while, apart from Gao Ying's utterance, Feng Range was just like him, who was too lazy to pay attention to a boring woman!

Now that he has decided to leave, even if someone is blocking the way at this moment, can they really stop it?

At this moment, Ouyang Huang turned his head and glanced at Ye Xing, and said to him, "Gao Ying will leave it to you, take her and Ye Yu to follow!"

"Yes, son!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Ye Xing immediately grabbed Gao Ying's clothes from the back of her neck, preparing to carry her away later.

After seeing them all getting ready, Feng Range said, "Let's go!"

As soon as she shouted, the few of them immediately jumped up, stepped on the shoulders of the people surrounding them, and rushed outside.

Seeing their situation, Zhao Xin didn't want to just let them go!So at this moment, she yelled at the attendants who came out with her, "Don't catch them! Arrest them all and lock them into the city lord's mansion!"

"Yes, miss!"

Hearing Zhao Xin's shout at this time, those who came out with her today are from the door, so they immediately moved!

Seeing that the people from the City Lord's Mansion were about to start a fight with Feng Range and the others, the people who had been watching the show couldn't stand still.

People like them can watch a good show, but when disaster strikes them, they run faster than anything else.The street was originally full of people, but when Zhao Xin's people and Feng Range made a move, they all disappeared in a flash.

Regarding this phenomenon, Fengrange and Ouyang Huang just smiled coldly after seeing each other.They are all ants who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and dare to watch their good show, they really don't know how to live or die!
Without the obstruction of others, the passage of Feng Range and the others became much smoother.

Originally, they wanted to just leave.But now, when she sensed that there was a mouse following behind her, Feng Range was unwilling to bring some annoying guys back to Fenghuang Mansion.

Therefore, when they ran to a relatively quiet place, Feng Range said to Ouyang Huang, "We must deal with them! We can't let them continue to follow!"

"Okay! You go first, I will stay and deal with them!" Hearing Feng Range's words at this time, Ouyang Huang's first reaction was to stay and deal with these people by himself.

After hearing what he said, Feng Range didn't object at this time, so she nodded and left him behind, and led Gao Ying, Ye Xing, and Ye Yu to rush back towards Fenghuang Mansion.

Ouyang Huang stayed behind to deal with the people in the City Lord's Mansion who were chasing them. When those people caught up and saw only Ouyang Huang alone, they didn't act rashly.

Because for people who know Miss Zhao Xin a little bit, their lady's reaction to this man earlier made them suspicious, did this lady really like this man?

If they like it, they can tie him back, but they can't hurt him.If he was injured, then Miss Zhao Xin might be the first to spare them!

Before Miss Zhao Xin rushed in front of them, the only thing they could do now was to surround Ouyang Huanghui, preventing him from escaping again.

And Zhao Xin, after rushing over in a hurry, saw that only Ouyang Huang was left at the scene, and she was so annoyed immediately!

"You guys are a bunch of idiots! What about the others? Why didn't you see them!"

Zhao Xin suddenly felt unwilling to meet that ugly and good-looking woman and ruin her face.

When they heard that she got angry at them as soon as they caught up, those attendants didn't dare to say anything.

Miss Zhao Xin's temper is so big, they all know it, and many of them have already experienced it.Now when they hear her lose their temper, they'd better not say anything, or else the disaster will be over without knowing whose body it burns.

Zhao Xingui is the young lady of the city lord's mansion, after she had no manners towards her attendants, and almost cursed him harshly, then she restrained her coquettishness, and then looked at Ouyang Huang.

"Young Master, are you here to follow Miss Ben? I don't know which big family the Young Master belongs to?"

Ouyang Huang's appearance was indeed as handsome as Zhao Xin had never seen in his life. As soon as he stood in front of him, his originally aggressive and savage temperament immediately turned into a soft water.

However, Ouyang Huang has already seen her savagery, even if he has not, he will not be confused by her.So, at this moment, his expression has not changed at all.

At this time, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with this kind of person. After taking a glance at Zhao Xin, he immediately started to do it!

Seeing Ouyang Huang's sudden move, Zhao Xin, who was still trying to seduce her, was at a loss for a while.

But Ouyang Huang would not hold back just because she was a woman, he dealt with Zhao Xin who was closest to him first, and then dealt with Zhao Xin's maids and attendants.

Ouyang Huang is not a bloodthirsty person, and he didn't kill them all this time.However, they were disabled one by one!

(End of this chapter)

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