Phoenix Dance

Chapter 644 Battle against Qingwu City Lord

Chapter 644 Battle against Qingwu City Lord
After Feng Range knew that Ouyang Huang might lose against the Qingwu City Lord alone, he decided to work with him to solve the Qingwu City Lord.

So, when he heard him teasing Ouyang Huang, he directly ordered Bai Jing angrily, "Old Bai, I will leave the following matters to you! I will help Huang solve the abnormality above!"

Saying that, she didn't care about Bai Jing's response at this moment, so she jumped directly towards Ouyang Huang.

Seeing Feng Range's appearance at this time, the Qingwu City Lord who stood opposite Ouyang Huang, when Zai Shi saw Feng Range's beautiful face, his eyes immediately lit up!
Then, she opened her mouth to tease, "What a beautiful woman! Beauty, are you willing to follow my city lord? If you follow this city lord, this city lord will guarantee that you will be under one person and above ten thousand people, and you will be delicious and hot!"

When he heard that the Lord Qingwu said the same thing to Ouyang Huang when he was teasing him, Feng Range suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and he hated him endlessly.

In the same way, when Ouyang Huang heard that the pervert in front of him dared to tease Xiao Ge'er, he immediately became annoyed!

If the people around Feng Range are her bottom line, then Feng Range is Ouyang Huang's biggest bottom line.Touched Feng Range's bottom line, then Ouyang Huang and Qingwu City Lord will never die.

Originally, Ouyang Huang and Qingwu City Lord would not let the other go.But now, the incident has escalated to the point where the Qingwu city lord will not tolerate ten thousand deaths, Ouyang Huang will make him end extremely miserable!
If he dared to tease him, and teased his little Ge'er, if he didn't chop the bastard Qingwu City Lord into minced meat, he wouldn't stop!

Thinking of this, Ouyang Huang said to Feng Range beside him, "Little Geer, you go to the side and wait! After I finish this bastard, we will go back home!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang talking to her at this moment, his tone was obviously full of coldness and anger.So, she reached out and grabbed Ouyang Huang's hand and said, "You will be delayed for too long alone, let's work together! After this matter is resolved, Xiaoying and the others need further treatment."

Feeling Feng Range grabbing his arm, and hearing her speak like this, Ouyang Huang originally wanted to refuse to let her intervene, but at this time he hesitated a little.

"Little song..."

"Okay, let's do it!"

Feng Range has made up his mind to join forces with Ouyang Huang to deal with Qingwu City Lord.While she was still talking to Ouyang Huang, she took out her long sword, and swung it towards Qingwu City Lord.

When seeing Feng Range's action, Ouyang Huang had nowhere to object no matter how much he wanted to object!
Then, in order to prevent Qingwu City Lord from hurting Fengrange, he immediately swung his long sword and dodged towards Fengrange and Qingwu City Lord who had entered a fighting state.

When he first saw Feng Range, the Qingwu City Lord only thought that this girl was very beautiful.Now, after fighting Feng Range, the Qingwu City Lord looked at Feng Range with admiration.

Apart from her extraordinary appearance, this young girl really didn't expect her strength to be so powerful. If she was given some time, she might surpass him!

For such a woman, Qingwu City Lord is quite satisfied!There is still a lack of mistress in his current city lord's mansion. If he can tame this girl, he can consider making her the mistress of this mansion, his own city lord's wife.

As soon as he thought that he could do this, he opened his mouth to ask Feng Range about the conditions, "Woman, I think you are not only extraordinary in appearance, but also in strength. Do you want to consider following me? I will let you become this Qingwu The hostess of the city? You know, this Qingwu city is the richest and largest city except the imperial city. As the hostess here, you are as high as the sky and far away from the emperor, and you can do whatever you want here. People can control you! How about it, do you want to consider marrying this city lord..."

"You're dreaming! Xiao Ge'er is my daughter-in-law. If you dare to attract her attention, I think you are courting death! Look at the third form of my Bayin Jue!"

When Ouyang Huang rushed over to join forces with Feng Range, he heard that the shameless city lord dared his little Geer's idea as soon as he came over, which immediately made him furious!
After the hair blast, he was so angry that he almost gathered a powerful blow, avoided Feng Range, and directly attacked the Qingwu City Lord who had angered him.

The third form of the Eight Seal Jue was the first time Ouyang Huang used it after practicing this technique.There are a total of eight moves in the Eight Seals Jue, and he has now practiced the fifth move. One can only imagine how powerful the third move is.

When Qingwu City Lord, who was chewing hands with Feng Range and teasing Feng Range with ease, suddenly sensed the powerful threat of Ouyang Huang's attack on him, his face that was originally calm and calm changed slightly. changed!
"Not good!" He exclaimed, and wanted to escape at this moment, but with the joint efforts of Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, will he be given this chance?

Originally, Shangfeng Range didn't use all her strength. She knew that she couldn't deal with Qingwu City Lord alone, so she only used part of her strength to hold him back. The only thing was that when Ouyang Huang came over, the two joined forces attack.

Now, after seeing Ouyang Huang directly use the third form of the Eight Seals Jue, the power is frighteningly powerful!At the same time, she also saw that the Qingwu City Lord also changed his face at this time, as if he wanted to escape, Feng Range immediately unleashed his strength and dodged to intercept him.

"City Master Qingwu, I may not be able to kill you, but I must have the ability to intercept you and make you suffer a blow from Huang!"

As Feng Range said that, his subordinates started to viciously move their hands.

Seeing Fengrange's sudden change of momentum, he looked even stronger than before, the Lord Qingwu immediately cried out inwardly!It turned out that the girl in front of her who looked like a little white rabbit was actually a big bad wolf!He even used the method of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!
However, even though he knew this now, no one would come to help him.

As far as everyone in their city lord's mansion is concerned, all those who have been killed by Feng Range and those who have been rescued by them have been slaughtered at the moment when they hand in hand.

Faced with such a situation, the end of the Qingwu city lord can be imagined at this moment.

Ouyang Huang made a move, and Feng Range took advantage of the situation to intercept the Qingwu City Lord.After several twists and turns, Feng Range successfully intercepted the Qingwu City Lord.

Seeing the situation he was facing, and seeing that Ouyang Huang's attack was about to touch him, the Lord Qingwu yelled without grace, "Dare! This city owner was personally appointed by His Majesty the current court!" City Lord Qingwu, if you dare to kill me, you are not afraid of becoming an enemy of the entire Ming Qing Kingdom..."

Originally, City Lord Qingwu thought that Ouyang Huang and Feng Range didn't dare to attack him as long as he made himself an enemy of the entire Mingqing country.

But this……

(End of this chapter)

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