Phoenix Dance

Chapter 645 Shocking the Whole City

Chapter 645 Shocking the Whole City
The Lord of Qingwu City dominates Qingwu City and enjoys the same benefits as the emperor, and because of his perverted preferences, he has arrested many good-looking young girls in and outside the city and raped them.

But now, he has always regarded himself as a generation of emperors and enjoyed it, but he didn't expect that he would have today.

He, he was actually killed by two Xiao Xiao who didn't know where they came from!This... Qingwu City Lord waited for Feng Range and Ouyang Huang on his deathbed, obviously with a look of unwillingness to die.

For his appearance, Feng Range didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it.However, I also feel that his existence is an eyesore, so I haven't let Xiaohuo out for a long time, and now I let Xiaohuo out with a single thought!


"Little fire set him on fire!"

"Master..." Xiaohuo has been locked in the Shihuang space for a long time, and it doesn't know anything about what happened outside.However, it is still very willing to obey the orders of its master Fengrange.

Immediately, he let out a soft "um", and then spit out a mouthful of its natal fire, which burned the body and soul of Qingwu City Lord.

In an instant, the Qingwu City Lord who had been fighting with them before was burnt to the point where there was not even a scum left.Seeing this scene, Ouyang Huang's eyes narrowed slightly.

This little song's tricks are really endless!However, the more means the better!Anyway, it won't be used against him, it's easy to do too much!
After solving the most difficult person here, Feng Range turned his head and said to Bai Jing, "Bai Lao, after you solve the rest of the things here, remember to ask them to search the city lord's mansion." One more time, take away all the previous things. There are still those people, you can let Wen Chen and the others take them away for training! Next, our power will expand, those people are all children of big families, and their talents are also good. Training is a great help for us! Now, Huang and I have to go back to give Xiaoying and the others further treatment, and I will leave it to you here!"

"Yes, leave the matter here to us!"


After meeting Bai Jing and agreeing to her arrangement, Feng Range nodded and didn't stay longer because she was always concerned about Gao Ying and the others, and left after meeting Ouyang Huang.

Because of their big move this time, if anyone in Qingwu City wants to provoke them in the future, they will have to weigh it carefully.

Under the shock of such absolute strength, Feng Range felt that they originally wanted to keep a low profile, but since someone made them high profile, why not keep it high profile!
It's Yujian flying soon. In the past, he just wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger without showing it, but now, in order to rush back to Fenghuang Mansion as soon as possible, Feng Range tried his best and didn't hide it.

Anyway, just flying with Yujian is not a means of concealment for her.

However, as far as what happened in this city lord's mansion, just a moment after it happened, the whole city was disturbed.

The major powerful families in Qingwu City held emergency family meetings for several days to discuss what happened in the City Lord's Mansion.What is it for?

How did this Qingwu city lord provoke these people and bring about the catastrophe of extermination?

However, the appearance of Feng Range seemed to appear out of thin air, and no one had ever seen their true colors.For this reason, when those families searched for information on various parties, they couldn't find anything.

For such a situation, a large group feels even more afraid when they feel a headache.

This kind of strength that comes without a trace and goes without a trace is very potentially dangerous. If they have nothing serious to do, they should not be provoked at will!

At the same time, the elders of the big families, in order to prevent the juniors in their own families from being upset, provoked people they could not afford.So after the incident in the Qingwu City Lord's Mansion, they all warned the disciples in the family to be more peaceful recently, not to provoke people casually, and especially not to provoke right and wrong, so as not to bring disaster to the family.

For the advice of the Patriarch and elders in the family, will those dandy children follow through? On the surface, they agreed very sincerely, but in fact...

There is a saying that dogs can’t change and eat shit. How can those dudes who are used to living in superior conditions change easily...

Feng Range and the others took Gao Ying and the others directly to Mu Heng's house after Yu Jianfei returned to Fenghuang Mansion.In other words, it was the room where Mu Heng taught them medicine and alchemy.

When they acted before, Mu Heng didn't join in.Now that Feng Range and Ouyang Huang came back in a hurry, Mu Heng became nervous when he saw them!

"Master, Ouyang, Xiaoying, Xiaoyun and Xiaoyu..."

"They were seriously injured by the abuse, but I have stabilized their condition. Now we come back first to prepare for further treatment. Mu Heng, just watch from the sidelines!"

Feng Range was talking to Mu Heng at the moment, and at the same time, it took a year to move Gao Ying and the three of them out of Shihuang space smoothly.

Now it's time to be decisive, and the air needles that Feng Range injected into their bodies have all disappeared.

After seeing this situation, Feng Range didn't bother to say a word, and directly took out a lot of good healing pills, and poured them into the bodies of the three of them respectively.

Because the three of them are still in a coma, in order to help them dissolve and absorb the medicine as soon as possible and recover their physical condition faster, Feng Range decided to give them another injection at this time.

However, for the second acupuncture, Feng Range did not intend to use Qi acupuncture.In order to make it easier for Mu Heng to observe and study, Feng Range said to Mu Heng, "Bring me two packs of silver needles!"


After hearing Feng Range's order at this moment, Mu Heng followed it almost without hesitation.

Soon Mu Heng took the silver needle and handed it to Feng Range, "Master, here it is!"

After receiving the silver needle from Mu Heng, Feng Range unfolded the needle bag, and began to administer the needle without saying a word.

Mu Heng, who was standing beside her, widened his eyes when he saw Feng Range taking the needle, ready to watch her apply the needle.

The few books that Fengrange gave him before are enough for him to study.But there are even fewer chances to see the actual operation, especially Feng Range's personal acupuncture treatment.

Although Mu Heng was a little worried for Gao Ying and the other three juniors, but he still had to study hard in the perfect learning environment.

After seeing Feng Range stabbed them with needles, Mu Heng watched intently from the side...

(End of this chapter)

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