Phoenix Dance

Chapter 655

Chapter 655
After they walked around the establishment again, they found that some people were still looking at them.At this time, Gao Ying, who felt more and more disgusted, said displeasedly, "Master, there are some disgusting flies following us!"

Hearing Gao Ying's disgusted expression, Feng Range raised her eyes and narrowed her eyes slightly!

As soon as they entered Huarong City, they felt that several people were following them with malicious intentions.For this situation, she has already discovered it!It's just that I didn't expect that the little girl Gao Ying had already discovered the existence of these people!

So, she smiled and said, "Well! As long as they don't do something, we ignore them. But if they do, then let Mu Heng teach them a lesson!"

Gao Ying, who was still very angry at first, fell silent when she heard what Feng Range said.

Gao Ying's mentality has become more and more cheerful recently. With this cheerful mentality, her style of doing things has become a lot more domineering.

For Gao Ying with such a style, Feng Range didn't think there was anything wrong with it.In the world of cultivators, with such a mentality, you can survive in this world better.

For this reason, although Feng Range stopped her anger at this moment, she did not refute her powerlessness.Then, she cast another look at Mu Heng, as long as they make a move, you can beat them up and they will be fine.

After receiving Feng Range's gaze, Mu Heng nodded slightly, and there was no other reaction.

He is really convinced by Fengrange and Kayina's methods of provoking trouble!It's good now, it's really against the law to let him deal with the troubles that master and junior sister have caused by attracting bees and butterflies!
However, with such a roar, Mu Heng only dared to say aloud in his heart, and he should remain silent outside!If not, let Feng Range know his thoughts, and he should be expelled from the teacher's school.

Now, they are still wandering around in the city, and they plan to find an inn to stay in later.With Feng Range's habit, it is impossible to live in the patient's house, so why is she not planning to expose her silver-faced ghost doctor right now?

Originally, Feng Range could let Mu Heng handle this matter.But now, because there are a few little mice behind them, they might as well go together and book a room in the inn, and then come out for a stroll.

Feng Range told his thoughts to Mu Heng and others beside him, and after getting their consent, he walked around and looked for an inn to stay in the city.

After walking around Huarong City for a while, Feng Range discovered that the prosperity of this city was comparable to that of Qingwu City.

One must know that the reason why Qingwu City is prosperous is because Qingwu Academy is near the city, and another reason is because of the existence of Mingsen Mountain Range.If it were not for the existence of these two, Qingwu City would not necessarily be as prosperous as it is now.

If one were to investigate the reason for its prosperity, then what was the reason for the prosperity of Huarong City?Feng Range is a little curious now!
You know, this Qingwu city is now her husband Ouyang Huang, and her initial power is there.If she can figure out the reason for the prosperity here and go to Qingwu City, then Qingwu City will be more prosperous, and she will benefit from it.

Because in the end she still has to go back to the God Continent, Feng Range never thought about expanding her power to a greater extent.If you do that, those people won't be able to take them away in the future, and if you keep them here, wouldn't that be irresponsible to them!

Thinking about it this way, Feng Range decided that she would take a good look at the business situation in the next few days here!

Just as she was thinking about this and walking, she was suddenly blocked by Mu Heng!

"Master, there is an inn here! This inn seems not far from the Xu family."

Hearing Mu Heng's sudden opening, Feng Range came back to his senses when he was distracted.He stopped, looked up and looked around.

After turning around and seeing a restaurant and inn named 'Hongfulou', Feng Range nodded and said, "Then here it is!"

As she said that, she took the lead and walked in front, and then Mu Heng and the others followed closely behind her, and walked towards the inside of this Hongfu building together.

After they walked in at this time, the little mice that had been following them all this time also walked in.

"Boss, I want six rooms!" After Feng Range and his group walked in, they immediately yelled for six rooms.

The boss who heard her voice immediately responded, "I'm sorry, sir, we don't have six rooms here, but only three, do you want to..."

"Boss, we want three rooms!"

Just when the boss hadn't finished responding to Feng Range's words, a dude's voice came from the outside door.

It was the mice that came in, huh?How dare you rob a room with them, do you want to find fault at this time?
After hearing a man's voice, a cold light flashed in Feng Range's eyes, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly!
Then, he said to the boss, "The boss has three rooms, let's have three rooms, we want it too!"

"Hey, little girl, I want three of these three rooms, how can you snatch them from us! You little girl, do you want to taste the power of the brothers!"

"Little girl, you look quite fresh! How about you and my brothers be refreshing, and then my brothers will give up the room to you! Hahaha..."

"How about it, little girl, do you want to go to the upstairs room with the brothers to have a good time? How about letting you live in these three rooms after the brothers have a good time? Hehe..."


Just as Feng Range finished speaking to the boss, and before the boss responded, the mice that came in behind them began to utter wild words.

When the first person among them spoke uncleanly, Feng Range's eyes became colder!
And when the last of them finished speaking, Feng Range's whole body was already stained with killing intent.For these few people who blasphemed them, Feng Range was already murderous!

When he sensed the murderous intent emanating from Feng Range, Mu Heng's face darkened at this moment, and he made a move!
"You bastards, dare to blaspheme my master, junior sister, court death!" Mu Heng snorted angrily, and at the same time as he made the move, the martial king's aura on his body was fully released.

As soon as they felt the tyrannical aura emanating from Mu Heng's body, the few mice who had been talking dirty to Feng Range and the others were shocked at this moment!

However, they have angered Feng Range and his party now, do they think they can escape if they want to?
(End of this chapter)

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