Phoenix Dance

Chapter 656 Heading to Xu Mansion

Chapter 656 Heading to Xu Mansion
Mu Heng's strength has reached the realm of King Wu, once his coercion is released, these mice can't move.

Then, he continued to make another move, and then these few mice were really fish and meat, and they were slaughtered.

At this moment, an energy ball had condensed in Mu Heng's hand, and he was about to throw it at these few people who had insulted them and offended them in every possible way!

Seeing this scene happening, the onlookers who were standing on the sidelines were a little stunned!
Although many of them have reached a very high level of strength, none of them has reached the level of Martial King.

Now, when they saw the strength of the Martial King level emanating from Mu Heng's body, each of them calmed down.This is King Wu!They actually saw a master of Wuwang level make a move in a small restaurant, it was really lucky!

As for Mu Heng, after finishing his move, he walked back to Feng Range and stood quietly beside Feng Range with an indifferent face.

Because Mu Heng had just shown his strength at this moment and shocked everyone present, so no one dared to go forward to provoke them for a while.

At this time, even the owner of the restaurant, after Mu Heng beat out those dandy young masters who were making trouble, immediately handed three house cards to Feng Range.

"Small, miss, here are the house cards of your three rooms, little ones, I'll take you up here, little ones!"

After seeing Mu Heng's strength, the owner of the restaurant was so frightened that he feared Feng Range and the others from the bottom of his heart.Especially, when they saw that the master of the shot was still looking forward to one of the girls, they were even more awed when they saw Feng Range's eyes.

A girl who can subdue a king of martial arts, the identity of this girl is impossible to imagine!
For this reason, when the restaurant owner handed Feng Range the room card, he put his body in the lowest position.

When Feng Range saw the house card handed to her by the owner of the restaurant, she nodded and took it.

Then, he said to him, "Let's go!"


After receiving Feng Range's instructions, the owner of the restaurant immediately walked ahead and quickly led the way.

After a while, they came to stand in front of three rooms side by side.At this time, the owner of the restaurant spoke again, "Guests, your three rooms have arrived. Is there anything else to do next? If not, the little one will go down!"

"Well. You go first!"

After walking to the doors of their three rooms, Feng Range nodded slightly when he heard the restaurant owner's words, and asked him to leave first!

After receiving Feng Range's signal at this time, the owner of the restaurant didn't dare to disturb him, so he responded casually, and then stooped and retreated.

After seeing the owner of the restaurant leave, Feng Range chose one of the three rooms, took Mu Heng and the others, and opened the door to enter.

Once inside, Feng Range looked left and right, and then closed the door with a flick of his sleeve.After closing the door, Feng Range said to Mu Heng and the others, "Tonight we only have three rooms, Xiaoying, Xiaoyun, and Xiaoyu, you can go to the Shihuang space to rest and practice! Also, then Let Mu Heng and Kayina follow you when you come down to treat the young master of the Xu family! The three of you will stay in the Shihuang space to practice, and I will bring you out after returning to Qingwu City."

"What! Master don't want it! We don't want to go into the space to practice!"

"Master, we don't want to enter the space, we have to stay outside! Master!"


As soon as they heard that Fengrange wanted to send them to the Shihuang space to practice and not let them play outside, Gao Ying and the three immediately exploded!
The three of them chattered non-stop, trying to make Feng Range take back her decision.However, Feng Range won't listen to them now.

After hearing that each of them said only one sentence, she waved her hand directly and sent them all into the space of Shihuang with one thought.

At the same time, an order was given to Shihuang Sound Transmission to let it watch them practice hard!Hearing Fengrange's sound transmission at this time, Shihuang immediately responded, saying that he would complete the task.Then, Feng Range turned his attention back from the space.

After drawing back her attention, Feng Range looked up at Mu Heng and Kayina, and said to them, "You guys should go to bed early too! We will go to Xu's mansion early tomorrow morning to check on the patient's condition."

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"

After receiving Feng Range's order at this time, Mu Heng and Ka Yina immediately responded, and then turned around and left after receiving the house cards of their two rooms from Feng Range's hand.

After seeing them leave, Feng Range walked to the table, poured a cup of tea, then sat upright and thought of something on his mind.

Ever since they came here and entered Qingwu Academy, she hasn't done that seriously yet!It seems that when she goes back to Qingwu City and Qingwu Academy this time, she will take care of that matter first.

She still doesn't know if she can find the answer in Qingwu Academy once!If she can't find it, I'm afraid she will go to more places with Ouyang Huang to solve this matter!
If not, then it would be completely meaningless for her to come here from the Azure Continent through all the hardships.

As soon as she saw this most important thing to her, Feng Range's whole body was filled with loneliness.

After this situation lasted for an unknown amount of time, Feng Range slowly restrained her emotions!
After that, she didn't want to do what he thought, and went to rest and sleep directly.

In this sleep, she fell asleep directly until the early morning of the next day, when Mu Heng and Ka Yina came to knock on the door.After seeing Mu Heng and Ka Yina, Feng Range said to them, "Let's go have some breakfast now, and then go to Xu Mansion!"

Hearing Feng Range's words, Mu Heng and Ka Yina nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, they went downstairs to eat, ate something casually in the restaurant, and were ready to go to Xu's mansion.

The Xu Mansion is about 200 meters away from the restaurant where they lived. Before they actually went, Feng Range took Mu Heng and the others for a walk around the street, planning to find a suitable place to change their clothes. Just go ahead!

If not, it would be a trivial matter to go forward with their current lineup, which exposed their situation.I'm afraid that when they arrive at the gate of Xu's mansion, the people of Xu's mansion will not believe that they are ghost doctors with silver masks!
After thinking about this situation, the few of them prepared to find a secluded place for five people to change their clothes.

Anyway, when they turned around just now, they had already found out the specific location of the Xu Mansion, so they can just go there in a while!
 I have something to do today, one chapter is missing, and the next chapter is very poor, I will write more if I can!Hope everyone supports!
(End of this chapter)

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