Phoenix Dance

Chapter 657 Patient 3

Chapter 657 The Third Patient

In the end, Feng Range and the others entered the Shihuang space and changed their outfits in a remote alley where no one passed by, and then went out to Xu's house.

This time they went to Xu's house, the way they played was still the same as the two times in Qingwu City.Picking the flowers and picking the leaves, it turned into a leaf boat and drove it to the sky above Xu's courtyard.

When they got there, Feng Range was supposed to speak, but now it was Mu Heng.

After Mu Heng saw a lot of people gathered below because of their appearance, he said to those people, "The silver-faced ghost doctor is here, why don't you hurry up and notify your master to receive him! Are you going to neglect us at this time?" ?”

"Silver-masked ghost doctor? Is it the miraculous doctor that the master specially invited from Qingwu City to treat the young master? I will report to the master right away!"

After hearing Mu Heng's voice coming down below, another old man who looked like a butler immediately spoke.After muttering a few words, he bowed slightly to the three of Feng Range who were flying in the air, and then quickly ran away.

Afterwards, the three of Feng Range waited quietly on Ye Zhou...

After waiting like this, Xu Shoucai, the owner of the Xu family and the richest man, came here under the guidance of the housekeeper.

As soon as he saw the three of Feng Range who were still on the Ye Zhou, Xu Shoucai was so excited that he immediately fell down and begged Feng Range, "Master Ghost Doctor, you are finally here, but let me wait for you!" It's been so hard! Lord Ghost Doctor, please save my son Lan Feng! As long as you can save my only son, I, Xu Shoucai, will pay you half of your family wealth as a reward!"

Xu Shoucai was in a particularly excited mood at this moment. When he was talking to Feng Range, his fat body almost trembled.

At the same time, Feng Range also saw his sincerity from his willingness to pay half of Feng Range's family wealth as a reward for her treatment of his son.

Just like that, while listening to him, Feng Range drove Ye Zhou down slowly.

When it landed two or three meters above the ground, Feng Range jumped down directly.Seeing Feng Range's actions at this time, Mu Heng stretched out his hand to support Ka Yinna's arm, and led her to jump down together!

Because Kayinna didn't have much time to practice, her strength is not enough for her to jump down from the three-meter-high air to maintain stability, so Mu Heng had to help her at this time.

After they all jumped to the ground and stood in front of Xu Shoucai, Feng Range waved his sleeves, and at the height of three meters, the Ye Zhou that originally carried them turned into a small leaf from above. It fluttered down and landed at Feng Range's feet.

When seeing this scene happen, Xu Shoucai and his servants of the Xu family who were present looked at Fengrange and the three with even more awe.

This awe is like awe of the gods!
Feng Range fell to the ground, and when she saw that everyone in the Xu family was in awe of her, she said, "Well, half of the family's wealth as a reward? Mu Heng, go and collect the reward! Kayina, you and I'm going to see our patient this time!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing Fengrange's opening at this time, Mu Heng and Kayina almost responded in unison.

As for Xu Shoucai and his servants who were still lying on their backs, everyone was stunned when they heard the exchange between Feng Range and the three of them!

In the end, Feng Range called them back again, "Master Xu, are you ready for this half of the family wealth? Are you going to take my apprentice to pick it up yourself, or do you send someone to take it?" He fetches it? As for me, you send someone to take me to see the sick, your son!"

"Stun? Oh! Oh!" Hearing Feng Range's words again, Xu Shoucai was stunned by Feng Range's aura.And when he realized it, he immediately nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, he ordered the old housekeeper who had reported to him before to take Mu Heng to get paid, and he decided to take Feng Range to see his son himself and heal him.

Naturally, Feng Range did not object to his arrangement.Then, just before Mu Heng left with the old man's butler, he handed him a space ring for him to use as a reward for this time.

Afterwards, Feng Range and Ka Yina led the way with Xu Shoucai, and they were going to see the patients they were going to treat this time.

After hearing Feng Range's order at this time, Xu Shoucai immediately responded, and then quickly started to lead them the way.

Xu Lanfeng, Xu Shoucai's son, lives in the best courtyard in Xu Mansion.

After Xu Shoucai led them to the courtyard where Xu Lanfeng lived, Feng Range and Ka Yina saw the beautiful scenery, rockery and flowing water, small bridges and pavilions, and fish swimming and playing in the water.After seeing these scenes of Xu Lanfeng's courtyard, Feng Range suddenly thought of her small courtyard of Feng's family on the Qishen Continent.

Although part of the layout of my Qingran Garden is a very formal functional layout, there is also a part of the layout that is designed as a leisure courtyard because of her identity.

In the previous life, except for alchemy and practice, Fengrange almost always played with Xiaohuo and the others in the leisure courtyard.

At this moment, after seeing Xu Lanfeng's courtyard layout, Feng Range couldn't help but think of all kinds of past lives, and was filled with emotion for a while.

However, because there was still work to be done, all Feng Range quickly came back to his senses after being absent-minded for a while, and followed Xu Shoucai deep into the yard, to the door of the house where Xu Lanfeng was currently living.

After they arrived at the door, Xu Shoucai immediately yelled, "Lan Feng, the ghost doctor that father hired for you is here, and we're coming in!"

After saying this, Xu Shoucai pushed open the door and invited Feng Range and the others to enter.

Once inside, Feng Range smelled a pungent smell of medicine and decay.After smelling these two scents, Feng Range's face covered under the mask frowned slightly.

From Feng Range's slight rotten smell covered up by the strong smell of medicine, she slightly judged in her heart that Xu Lanfeng's wound was rotten and no one noticed it!

If this is the case, Xu Lanfeng's treatment will be troublesome!

Thinking this way in her heart, Feng Range said silently, and continued to follow Xu Shoucai to the bedside of his son Xu Lanfeng, and then saw a quilt tightly covered, pale and bloodless, and fell into a coma at the first sight young people.

When seeing this scene, Feng Range was a little stunned!

After being dazed, she snarled directly, "Master Xu, are you trying to smother your son to death? For a seriously injured or traumatic patient, do you want him to rot and die by treating him like this? Damn it! "

While Feng Range said these harsh words, she pushed away Xu Shoucai who was standing in front of her.Then he walked to the bed, and as soon as he took off the quilt covering Xu Lanfeng, he threw it aside.

Seeing Feng Range's sudden tantrum and such behavior, Xu Shoucai was too shocked to say a word...

(End of this chapter)

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