Phoenix Dance

Chapter 658

Chapter 658

After Xu Lanfeng's quilt was taken off by Feng Range, the slight rotten smell became even stronger now!

Originally, this smell was masked under the smell of medicine, and only people like Feng Range who are sensitive to various smells could smell it.But now, even Kayina, who was standing aside, and even Xu Shoucai, who had stepped back a few steps, could faintly smell this scent.

As soon as she smelled this disgusting smell, when she didn't take Feng Range's roaring words seriously before, she became a little restless at this moment!

Then, he rushed to the edge of Xu Lanfeng's bed and began to cry, "Lan Feng, Lan Feng, what's going on? How could this happen! How could this happen..."

As for his mourning, Xu Lanfeng was already in a coma due to the pain, and it was completely impossible for him to respond to his father Xu Shoucai.

When he saw this situation, Xu Shoucai knew very well in his heart that his only son was already in a coma, and it was impossible to respond to him!

But when he thought of Feng Range next to him, his originally lost mood was ignited again!

Instead, he went to beg Feng Range, "Master Ghost Doctor! Please, please save my only son! If something really happened to him, then I can't live anymore! Ghost Doctor, please save my son Lan Feng! Please..."

Feng Range was already doing a basic checkup on Xu Lanfeng, but just when her eyes scanned Xu Lanfeng's appearance, she heard Xu Shoucai crying at her, a little impatient!

Then, he directly looked down at him, and sneered at him, "If you want me to heal your son, then get out of here! It's so noisy!"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden outburst, Xu Shoucai was stunned for a moment!
But later, after a little reaction, I felt that I seemed to be in the way of the ghost doctor.Immediately, he responded, "Yes, yes! I'm leaving now, I'm leaving!"

As he said that, he almost shrunk into a ball at this moment, and then got out in a hurry!

After noticing that Xu Shoucai had left, Feng Range said to Kayina, "Kayinna, this Xu Lanfeng's wound has rotted, before we can treat him, we must first remove the carrion from his wound. If you don't do this, his wound will heal three times slower than after it was removed. Now, go and tell Mr. Xu to ask him to get some cold water and gauze over!"

"Yes!" After receiving Feng Range's order at this time, Kayina immediately turned around and went out to ask Xu Shoucai for something.

Just as Ka Yina walked away, Feng Range began to check Xu Lanfeng further.

But this time during the inspection, Feng Range found that Xu Lanfeng's muscles and bones had all been broken!How much hatred does it take to deal such a heavy hand on people!

At the same time, Feng Range understood why no doctor or alchemist dared to accept Xu Lanfeng as a patient.As far as his whole body's injuries can't be healed, it's considered that the bones have been connected and the trauma has been treated. If the tendons and veins are not connected well, this is like a disabled person!

You know, this Xu Shoucai is a wealthy businessman. If his son is treated as a doctor, but he is turned into a waste, it will be a trivial matter to offend Xu Shoucai, and he will smash his own brand!
If this signboard is smashed because of this, then what will they rely on for a living in the future!

After considering various circumstances, Xu Shoucai originally paid a lot of money to hire a lot of people to treat Xu Lanfeng.But each of these people, after seeing his situation, flinched one by one.

In the end, Xu Lanfeng's situation was dealt with by the doctors in Xu's mansion, and he survived until now.If not, with Xu Lanfeng's injury, he might not be able to wait for Feng Range to come.

It's just that the doctors in Xu's mansion didn't treat Xu Lanfeng's wounds cleanly!Therefore, at this moment, Xu Lanfeng's whole body was red and swollen, and some parts were rotten.Thus, also led to his coma and high fever.

If Feng Range came a few days later, Xu Lanfeng might die!

After Feng Range checked all the wounds on Xu Lanfeng, Kayina also came in with four servants.One of them carried a tray of gauze, and three people came in with a basin of water each.

Seeing them walking in, Feng Range glanced at them, and said, "Put the things aside, and then you all go out!"


Hearing Feng Range's order at this time, the servants responded and obediently obeyed.

After seeing that they had put down their things and left as she said, Feng Range said to Kayina, "Kayinna, bring a basin of water and stand beside me."


After hearing Fengrange's order, Kayina followed immediately.She picked up a basin of clear water, and walked to Feng Range's side.

Seeing that Kayina was ready, Feng Range took out a pill and stuffed it into Xu Lanfeng's mouth, and let him take it.After that, he took three more drops of the water of life and fed it to him again.

Finally, she moved a sharp dagger and held it in her hand.

Before moving the knife, Feng Range turned his head to look at Kayina, and asked her, "Kayinna, the next situation is a bit bloody, can you bear it?"

Hearing Fengrange's question at this time, Kayina was taken aback for a moment!Then, he replied, "Master, I'm fine!"

"Okay, then I'll start!" After hearing that Kayina said that she was fine and could bear it, Feng Range turned around and was ready to do something.

However, before doing anything, Feng Range took another look at Xu Lanfeng's wound.His wounds were all over his body, and the rot was on his abdomen and limbs.If Feng Range wants to know everything, he still needs to come a little bit.

Because scraping off carrion is a delicate and slow job, the patient will suffer considerable pain during the healing process.Now Xu Lanfeng is still in a coma, Feng Range is afraid that he will wake up from the pain after a while, and then he will collapse if he cannot bear the pain.Therefore, before the real knife attack, Feng Range took out a silver needle and stuck it on Xu Lanfeng's sleeping point. Only by doing so, Xu Lanfeng would be like a fake death and would not wake up from the pain.

After the incident last night, Feng Range really started to do it...

She was very precise in every step of the knife, so when she was asked to do this, it saved a lot of worry and time.

At the same time, when her matter was in the middle, Mu Heng also came in.Seeing that she was busy, she didn't speak or disturb her at this time, so she just watched quietly...

(End of this chapter)

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