Phoenix Dance

Chapter 659 Healing

Chapter 659 Healing
Such silence lasted for nearly an hour before Feng Range cleaned up the carrion from Xu Lanfeng's body.After that, she used a piece of clean gauze to clean Xu Lanfeng's wounds.

Before, when Feng Range ordered to go down, someone brought three basins of water in.So, at this moment, her cleaning is divided into three times, each time using a basin of clean water.

After cleaning all three times, he took out a bottle of elixir, poured out the elixir inside, crushed it, and applied it to Xu Lanfeng's wound.

After doing all this, Feng Range looked back at Mu Heng who had been in the room for a while, and said to him, "The next thing to help him bandage, I will leave it to you!"

With that said, she threw away the only tools she had in her hand, and then walked aside to rest.

Seeing her behavior, Mu Heng didn't even have a chance to object.In the end, he could only frown, and then went to take over what Feng Range asked him to do next.

For things like bandaging a wound, it's actually quite simple to do.Mu Heng started to do it, and after a while, he finished the matter.

After finishing the work, Mu Heng returned to Feng Range's side and handed her a space ring.At the same time, he also opened his mouth and said, "Master, the reward, here!"

Seeing the interspatial ring that Mu Heng handed to her at this time, Feng Range looked up, then took it and put it into the interspatial bracelet.

After receiving the ring, Feng Range said to him and Kayina, "You two come and sit for a while! When his wound is almost healed, we will connect his muscles and bones. Mu Heng , you go and pull out that silver needle!"

"Yes." Hearing Feng Range's words to him at this moment, Mu Heng immediately followed suit.

After Mu Heng pulled out the silver needle from Xu Lanfeng's body according to what Feng Range said, the three of them heard Xu Lanfeng who hadn't noticed any breath at this moment, and they whimpered a little, "Hmm ... um... um... um..."

Because the carrion on Xu Lanfeng's body was removed, although Feng Range sprinkled some elixir powder on the wound, he would feel some pain even though he was still unconscious.

After feeling the pain in his body, he whimpered unbearably!
And the reason why he is able to sob now is because Feng Range fed him a pill and three drops of water of life at the beginning.Otherwise, at this moment, Xu Lanfeng might have died in a coma, as early as when Feng Range made the first stab, his nose would have died.

Therefore, after hearing the movement on the bed at this time, Feng Range was not at all indifferent.As for Mu Heng and Kayina, after hearing her words, they obediently did what they should do, and then sat beside her to rest.

They rested for half an hour before Feng Range said, "His wound has almost healed, let's move on to the next step! Kayina, this time, let Master Xu prepare A tub filled with hot water and brought in."

"Yes, I'll go right away!" Hearing Feng Range's order, Kayina immediately turned around to do the job.

After seeing Kayina go out, Feng Range said to Mu Heng again, "Before Kayina comes back, let's give him another injection! This time it's you, and I'll give you some advice." Acupuncture point."


When he heard that Feng Range was going to teach him her unique acupuncture method, Mu Heng became a little excited.Immediately, he took out the silver needle he carried with him for preparation.

Seeing that he took out the silver needles for preparation at this time, Feng Range pointed at the acupoints on Xu Lanfeng's body.At the same time, he also said to Mu Heng, "Here, here, these two points! Here, five points! Here, four points! Here, here, also four points! There, three... five points... four points ...Three points...Three points..."

Feng Range's guidance was quite slow at the beginning, but after a dozen or so stitches, it became even faster.

Originally, Mu Heng planned to give acupuncture while listening to Feng Range's guidance.But in the end, he didn't move a single needle, but just listened and memorized all the positions and strengths of Fengrange's needles.

After hearing Feng Range tell the location of the last acupuncture point and the strength needed, Mu Heng was a little dumbfounded at this moment!
This... If he didn't make a mistake in his calculation, Feng Range pointed out 81 acupuncture points for him just now!In other words, Feng Range wanted him to give Xu Lanfeng 81 injections, which would directly turn him into a hornet's nest!
At this time, it's not that he is not calm anymore, but that what Feng Range taught makes him unable to calm down!

As for Feng Range, after seeing that Mu Heng didn't respond directly after listening to her words, he ignored him.He simply said, "I'll leave the rest to you!"

With that said, she sat back at the table and rested...

At the same time, Feng Range also heard something.This Mu Heng's medical skills and alchemy skills have some background, and now he is also her apprentice, and some of her methods can be taught to him in due course.

After he has learned all those things, maybe not only can she hand over the teaching of Kayina's medical skills and alchemy to him to supervise.Even her treatment of two patients a month can let him play instead of her.

During this period of time, Feng Range most certainly did not neglect the matter of cultivation.But it's a waste of time to do other things.In this way, her training time will definitely be reduced a lot.

If she taught Mu Heng all her abilities, and Mu Heng helped her teach them to Ka Yina and the others, then she would really save a lot of things in the future.In the future, things like this really don't have to be done by yourself.

After thinking this way, when Feng Range saw that Mu Heng gave Xu Lanfeng the needle according to what she said and walked back to her, he took out the important classics when she was practicing medical skills from the Shihuang space, and directly Throw it to Mu Heng.

And, he said to Mu Heng, "Hurry up and read these classics. In the future, you will be responsible for the treatment of patients, as well as the practice of Kayina and the others. Next, we may Be busy, you won’t be returning to Fenghuang Mansion for a long time, you can follow us in the space! In this way, I can also supervise your cultivation and study!”

When he saw Feng Range throwing the classics to him, Mu Heng was already stunned!As a result, he didn't listen to Fengrange's words at all...

(End of this chapter)

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