Phoenix Dance

Chapter 660

Chapter 660
Just when Mu Heng was in a daze, Ka Yina walked in with a few servants.

Feng Range saw two of them carrying a bathtub, and a dozen or so people came in with hot water each.Seeing their battle, Feng Range said, "Put the tub next to the bed, pour all the water in, and then go out!"


Hearing Feng Range's order at this time, these servants followed her instructions one by one.After preparing all the water, they went out one by one.

After seeing them all go out, Feng Range looked at Mu Heng again, and said to him, "Get the needle!"

"Yes!" Mu Heng replied at this moment, and then went to pull out the needle.

After he pulled out the needle, Feng Range spoke again, "Mu Heng, you carry him into the bathtub, and then give him this Tendon Renewing Pill!"

As he spoke, he threw a pill towards Mu Heng.

When he saw the elixir thrown by Feng Range, Mu Heng immediately took it!Sujin pill, there is such a pill in this world, Mu Heng has never heard of it before!

After he took the elixir thrown by Feng Range in his hand, he didn't rush to put Xu Lanfeng into the tub, but took the elixir and looked at it carefully.

When seeing Mu Heng's behavior, Feng Range and Ka Yina also looked at him.For an alchemist, they can still understand that they will show such an expression when they meet an alchemy that interests him, so they don't bother him for the time being.

However, after a while, Feng Range reminded him, "Mu Heng, quickly put Xu Lanfeng in the bathtub, and then give him the Renewing Tendon Pill. The water temperature has dropped a bit, and then you can use your Pill Fire to keep the water temperature for him at [-] degrees!"

"Stunned? Good!" After hearing Feng Range's voice entering his ears again, Mu Heng came back to his senses.Then, he did as Feng Range said.

He picked up Xu Lanfeng, who was still unconscious on the bed, but looked better than before, and put him into the still warm tub.

After the bath water reached Xu Lanfeng's neck, Mu Heng fed him the pill in his hand.

After doing all this, Mu Heng did what Feng Range said, and sacrificed his pill fire to keep Xu Lanfeng's bath water warm.

Feng Range, who was sitting by the side, saw that Mu Heng had finished all these, Feng Range took out another porcelain bottle and handed it to Kayina, saying, "Pour the things here into the bath water. "

"Yes!" After taking the small porcelain bottle from Fengrange, Kayina immediately went to do it.

After pouring the contents of the small porcelain bottle into the bathtub, Kayina returned to Feng Range's side again.

Now, Feng Range's treatment for Xu Lanfeng will end after he finishes soaking in the tub.It's just that Xu Lanfeng's situation may be very painful in the future!

Before, when treating Xu Lanfeng, in order to prevent him from waking up from the pain, Feng Range specially gave him an injection.But this time, Feng Range couldn't give him needles to connect his muscles and bones, so that he could avoid pain.

The severed muscles and bones can be said to have cost Xu Lanfeng's life.Now that Feng Range is helping him connect his muscles and bones, if Xu Lanfeng doesn't feel any pain at all, then even if his muscles and veins have been connected, it is quite useless

For a cultivator, these tendons are actually tempered during the process of cultivation.If this tendon does not undergo a little tempering, then when it encounters a little pressure, it will be easily broken and burst!

When Xu Lanfeng was checked for the first time, Feng Range discovered that Xu Lanfeng was also a cultivator, and his talent was not low, and he didn't know who was injured by someone.

However, I am also glad that he was a cultivator in the past, and he still has the water attribute. Otherwise, he would have died thousands of times with such an injury and such sloppy treatment!

One must know that a cultivator with water attributes can be regarded as having a powerful self-healing function.It was also because Xu Lanfeng was originally a practitioner of the water attribute, so after he was seriously injured, the water attribute power remaining in his body helped him repair the wound and maintain his life for a short time.

Otherwise, Xu Lanfeng really couldn't wait for her to come and treat him.

In this way, the momentum can be regarded as Xu Lanfeng's own fate!If it wasn't for this explanation, Feng Range could really only say that he was lucky and lucky.

At this moment, Feng Range just thought that Xu Lanfeng would suffer great pain after a while!At this moment, I couldn't help but hear him grunting first, and then howling in pain, "Uh...uh...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Hearing Xu Lanfeng's painful voice at this moment, Feng Range thought he must be awake!
So, I reminded him, "Xu Lanfeng, I'm connecting your tendons right now, don't move around! You'll have to endure even greater pain later, so I have to bear it! If you bear it all Well, after you recover, your talent and strength will increase very quickly. On the contrary, if you can't bear it, you will become a useless person at least, or you will die at worst. Therefore, if you don't want to die or be crippled, Just hold back!"

"You... ah... ah..." Hearing Feng Range's voice suddenly and indifferently passed into his ears, Xu Lanfeng, who was a little distracted by the pain, became sober for a short time.

However, just when he was about to speak to Feng Range, he was completely speechless due to the sudden increase in pain.

Seeing Xu Lanfeng's sudden appearance, Feng Range didn't say anything more.After that, I sat quietly with Kayina and watched.

Just like that, every minute and every second passed, and nearly two hours later, Xu Lanfeng's wailing gradually weakened at this time.

At the same time, Feng Range also spoke, "Mu Heng is ready, remove your pill fire! Then take Xu Lanfeng out and send him back to bed. Everything here is over, it's time to leave !"

"Yes!" Hearing Feng Range's words, Mu Heng followed suit one by one.After removing Dan Huo himself, he took a breath, then leaned over and carried Xu Lanfeng out of the tub, and sent him back to the bed.

After a lot of tossing, Xu Lanfeng fainted from weakness.

After sending him back to the bed, Mu Heng walked back to Feng Range's side.Then, following her and preparing to leave Xu's house...

(End of this chapter)

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