Phoenix Dance

Chapter 661

Chapter 661

When they left Xu Lanfeng's room, they met Xu Shoucai who had been waiting for nearly four hours at the door.

Because of Feng Range's order not to allow him to go in for inspection, during these four hours, Xu Shoucai had a very difficult and anxious time!
Although he had no doubts about whether Feng Range could heal his son, but he couldn't help being a little worried because he didn't see him get better.

And now, after more than four hours of treatment, Feng Range and the others finally came out of it.As soon as they came out, did this also mean that his son was healed?

Immediately, Xu Shoucai approached the three of Fengrange with an excited face.When he walked up to them, he asked her, "Master Ghost Doctor, you came out? Then my son Lan Feng, how is he? Has he been cured?"

Seeing Xu Shoucai walking in front of them, Fengrange and the others stopped walking.When he heard him asking whether Xu Lanfeng was cured, Feng Range gave him a blank look, and said, "Well, it's done!"

If this is not cured, then why would they want to leave!

After answering Xu Shoucai's question, Feng Range paused for a moment, and then said, "Master Xu, we have taken care of Lingzi's injuries, he will wake up later, you can go in and have a look! And we, the matter here is over, so we will leave!"

After speaking, Feng Range nodded slightly towards him, and then took Mu Heng and Ka Yina to prepare to leave.

"Ah... oh..." Xu Shoucai hadn't reacted to the good news that Feng Range told him that his only son had been healed for the reaction of Feng Range and the others.Seeing her now and just leaving like that, I can't react...

After the three of Feng Range walked a certain distance away from Xu Shoucai, she picked the flowers and twisted the leaves to transform into a leaf boat, then jumped up and drove away.

When she was giving Xu Lanfeng the final treatment, Feng Range suddenly received a voice transmission from Shi Huang, saying that Ouyang Huang had left the customs and was looking for her!
For this reason, after dealing with Xu Lanfeng's matter, Feng Range hurriedly prepared to open without waiting for Xu Lanfeng to wake up and check her situation further.

However, even if they didn't stay and watch Xu Lanfeng wake up, they could still be sure that Xu Lanfeng would have nothing to do next.His wounds, after he wakes up, will heal.If you want to say that there is something else about the only thing, it may be that it is relatively weak!

As for the reasons for this weakness, one was caused by his blood loss, and the other was caused by his lack of food during his drowsiness.Regarding these two points, the ghost doctor Feng Range can't help him...

After they left Xu's mansion, Feng Range came directly to the secluded alley where they entered the Shihuang space to change their clothes before going to Xu's mansion.

When they got there, Fengrange took Mu Heng and Kayina into the Shihuang space almost immediately.

As soon as they got inside, they saw Ouyang Huang who had already left the customs.

Seeing their sudden appearance, Ouyang Huang, who was so unprepared, was taken aback for a moment!Then, he said, "Little Geer, are you done with your work?"

"Well, it's all right." Hearing Ouyang Huang's question at this time, Feng Range also responded lightly.

Hearing Feng Range's response at this time, Ouyang Huang smiled lightly like a spring breeze.Seeing Ouyang Huang's faint smile, Feng Range was stunned for a while!

Just when the two of them were staring at each other, Mu Heng said, "Master, Ouyang, you two take your time! Kayina and I are going to change our outfits first." .”

After finishing speaking, they quickly walked away from Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's side, not to hinder them from kissing each other.

After seeing Mu Heng and Kayina leave with interest, the smile on Ouyang Huang's face deepened a bit.Then, he also stepped up and walked towards Feng Range.

Walking in front of Feng Range, Ouyang Huang immediately stretched out his arms, hugged her into his arms, and called softly, "Xiao Geer..."

"Hmm..." Hearing Ouyang Huang's voice, Feng Range also snuggled into his arms.Then hug each other for a long time, without speaking for a long time...

After waiting for a long time, Feng Range pushed away from Ouyang Huang's arms, looked at him and asked, "You are retreating this time, will you break through in a while? If necessary, I will go out and go directly Hurry up to the outside of the city. Wait until you are outside the city, and then you will come out."

"No! I won't break through this time, so I don't need you to rush out of the city. Now Mu Heng and the others should have changed their clothes. You see, let's go out first and then talk about it!"

When he heard Feng Range ask him about his cultivation, Ouyang Huang didn't hide his situation and told the truth.And after he finished speaking, he also noticed that Mu Heng and Ka Yina, who had left before, came out again at this time, so he suggested that they should go out first before talking!
"En." Hearing what Ouyang Huang said at this time, Feng Range nodded and did not object.Then, she took off the mask that was still on her face, and with a thought, the phantom neon clothes on her body changed from a white robe to a black robe.

After finishing all this, she turned her head and said to Mu Heng and Ka Yina who came out of Shihuang courtyard, "Let's go out!"

As he said that, with a flash of thought, he led them out of the Shihuang space and went outside.

Once outside, because Ouyang Huang was still practicing retreat in Shihuang space before, he didn't know where they are now.So, at this moment, Feng Range said to him, "Huang, we are now in Lincheng Ronghua City of Qingwu City. The two patients I took orders this time are both in this city, and one has been cured. There is still one!"

Hearing what Fengrange said to him at this moment, Ouyang Huang nodded after listening, and then said, "Then go and treat the next patient tomorrow! After we are done, we will rush back to Qingwu City Go. A Chen and A Jun have temporarily taken care of some things before, and I still have to deal with them as soon as possible after I go back!"

"Well, after I go back this time, I'm going to go back to the academy to check the news about the promotion altar!"

"it is good!"


At this moment, during the conversation between Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, they walked towards the restaurant.

During this time, Mu Heng and Kayina saw them talking, but they couldn't get in a word.For this reason, I quietly followed behind them...

(End of this chapter)

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