Phoenix Dance

Chapter 662

Chapter 662
After they returned to the inn, they first ordered a few small dishes in the lobby to have a full meal.

After eating, they didn't get up and leave immediately because they had nothing to do. Instead, they sat in their seats and listened to the diners chatting.

"Have you heard? The son of the Second Generation Ancestor of Ronghua City Lord was carried back last night and was seriously injured! It should be almost useless. I really don't know what it was made of?"

"Yeah, I've heard the news too. I heard that after seeing his only son being beaten like that, the Ronghua City Lord immediately became angry! Moreover, he threatened to find those who were injured." His son's person, let the other party pay back double!"

"Hey! It seems that if that person is really found, I'm afraid it will be miserable!"

"Well, this Ronghua city lord is also a ruthless beauty!"


After hearing the chatter from the two men at the next table, Feng Range, Mu Heng and Kayina listened, their expressions were obviously taken aback at this moment!
And Ouyang Huang, who was sitting with them, quickly noticed when they showed this strangeness.

Then, he asked Feng Range, "Xiao Ge'er, it's not you who they're talking about, is it? Did you hurt the son of the Ronghua city lord?"

Because there were many people present, in order not to cause trouble for himself, when Ouyang Huang asked Feng Range this sentence, his voice obviously lowered.His voice at this time was only enough for the four of them to hear.

After hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden question at this moment, Feng Range looked up at him.

After looking at them twice, she replied flatly, "Well, I asked Mu Heng to take care of them."

"Oh, why?" After hearing Feng Range's affirmative answer, Ouyang Huang was a little curious why Feng Range asked Mu Heng to take care of the city lord's son.Then, he asked another question.

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question again, Feng Range looked at him twice, and then fell silent.

Seeing Feng Range's sudden abnormal behavior at this time, Ouyang Huang was even more puzzled...

Since Feng Range doesn't want to tell him now, then he can ask Mu Heng.Immediately, he turned his head to Mu Heng who was at the side, and asked him, "What's going on? Tell me!"

"Shocked?" Seeing Ouyang Huang suddenly speak to him, Mu Heng was taken aback for a moment!Then, he directly told him what happened after they met the son of City Lord Ronghua.

When he heard Mu Heng tell the truth of the matter, Ouyang Huang immediately became angry!

"Damn it! How dare you take Xiao Ge'er's idea and insult her, you really want to die!"

Ouyang Huang regarded Feng Range as a treasure, like his own eyeballs, and now he heard that someone had molested his little Ge'er during his retreat, and almost shot her, Ouyang Huang was furious immediately!
Originally, he still took other people's affairs as a good show, but after this matter involved Feng Range, Ouyang Huang couldn't calm down and calm down.

All of a sudden, he also felt that it was too light for Mu Heng to just maim someone.If he had been present at that time, he would have sent the son of that shit city lord to see Hades!
At this time, Ouyang Huang's whole body was full of coldness, and his complexion was a little gloomy.

Regarding the sudden situation at their table, especially when Ouyang Huang's aura was exuded when he was angry, everyone in the inn noticed it.Then, they all looked sideways at them.

Ouyang Huang didn't care about the gazes of other people.For this reason, at this moment, he just said to Feng Range, "Little Geer, if someone dares to attack you next time, just tell me and let me invite him to drink with Lord Yan." !"

Ouyang Huang's tone of speech at this time seemed very flat, but inside it was turbulent.For Ouyang Huang who reacted like this, Feng Range didn't know what to say to him at this time.

Looking at him, he expressed some helplessness!

At this moment, suddenly a group of people rushed in from the outside, and went to Feng Range and the others at the table.

After they surrounded Feng Range and the others, a middle-aged man in his 40s and [-]s came out at the end.

As soon as this man appeared, his eyes were full of coldness and killing intent when he looked at Feng Range and the others. He asked in a cold voice, "Is it you who abolished my son? Come, catch me Get up! Take it away!"

Following his order, the guards who had surrounded them kept approaching them.A little closer, and even ready to do it.

Seeing this battle, Feng Range, Ouyang Huang, and Mu Heng's eyes narrowed slightly.

At the same time, Feng Range deliberately dragged Kayina between herself and Ouyang Huang in order to protect Kayina from being accidentally injured later.

Then, he opened his mouth and said, "Huang, Mu Heng, open a road, let's go outside the city!"

"Okay!" Hearing Feng Range speak at this time, Ouyang Huang and Mu Heng immediately responded and started.

"You dare to disobey the city lord, come here, kill without mercy!"

Seeing that Feng Range and the others not only did not cooperate with his arrest, but resisted instead, the Lord Ronghua became even more angry when he saw this.Immediately, regardless of other things, he directly ordered to kill Wushe!

Seeing the two of them start fighting, the diners in the inn fled away one by one.

Because City Lord Ronghua underestimated Feng Range and the others, he didn't make a move himself, so he let Ouyang Huang and Mu Heng join hands to clear a way to leave.

After getting this gap, Feng Range took Kayina and left first.After they left first, Ouyang Huang and Mu Heng stopped first and then chased after them.

When they caught up with Fengrange again, they found that Kayina was no longer around her.When Feng Range left first, she found a dark corner where no one noticed and secretly sent Kayina into the Shihuang space.

Wait a minute, they may have to go through a big battle. It would be really inconvenient if they brought Kayina with them!
After Ouyang Huang and Mu Heng caught up, they didn't see Ka Yina, so they knew that she must have been sent to the space by Feng Range!

After understanding this, the three of them headed straight to the outside of Ronghua City.And behind them, City Lord Ronghua and his guards followed.

As they chased all the way, City Lord Ronghua couldn't help but vomit blood in his heart. He really didn't expect that these people who abolished his son were not weak!

If he had known this earlier, he would have killed them directly at the inn before, saving them from chasing them now...

(End of this chapter)

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