Phoenix Dance

Chapter 663 Fighting against the City Lord of Ronghua

Chapter 663 Fighting against the City Lord of Ronghua
The two of them chased each other all the way out of Ronghua City, and when they were thousands of miles away from the city, the three of them, Feng Range, slowed down a little.Finally, he stopped at a place less than 30 meters away from Huarong City Lord's reunion.

After both sides stopped, the two sides stood facing each other.At this time, the Lord Huarong looked up to the sky and said arrogantly, "Three little bugs who don't know how to live and die, dare to fight with the Lord of this city, aren't you a little too young! Run away, keep running away! Didn't you run away happily just now? Why don’t you run away now! Hahaha! You hurt my Yu Tianba’s son and want to run away, let’s see if the city lord catches you later, how can I treat you well! Come on, let me do it!”

Hearing City Lord Ronghuacheng's order at this time, the guards who came with him immediately moved.Each of them held weapons in their hands, and rushed towards the three of Feng Range seemingly ferociously, making them the master again.

Seeing that the city lord Ronghua came to surround him again, Feng Range and the three were immediately speechless.

But after being speechless, the matter in front of him still needs to be resolved.So at this time, Feng Range said, "Huang, who will hold this old guy first, you or Mu Heng? Or if you have the ability, just deal with him! As for the guards on the side, leave it to me." Already!"

"Let me go! You and Mu Heng deal with these guards first, and then come and help me kill this broken Huarong city lord!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

After hearing Feng Range's question at this time, Ouyang Huang immediately responded to it, saying that he would hold back the Huarong City Lord, and then asked Mu Heng and her to deal with the guards first.Afterwards, after all the guards were dealt with, they joined forces to kill Huarong City Lord.

After hearing Ouyang Huang's response, Feng Range and Mu Heng also expressed no objection at this time.Then, after agreeing, they hit it off.

"Hello, City Lord Huarong! My young master, Ouyang Huang, is the new City Lord Qingwu, and I'm here to compete with you!"

As Ouyang Huang was talking at this time, he jumped up and rushed towards City Lord Ronghua!

Originally, City Lord Huarong only treated Feng Range and the others as young ladies from ordinary families, but when Ouyang Huang introduced himself as the new Qingwu City Lord, he was immediately shocked!

Immediately, seeing Ouyang Huang attacking him directly, he immediately reacted and was ready to accept the move!

"The new Qingwu City Lord, haha! I didn't expect you to be such a stinky brat! However, even if you are the Qingwu City Lord, so what, if you hurt my son, the City Lord will definitely demand your life!"

"Okay! Let's see if City Lord Huarong has the ability to keep this young master behind!"

"Stinky boy, you! Look at the trick!"


All of a sudden, Ouyang Huang fought with Huarong City.

After seeing that they had fought for several rounds, Feng Range turned to Mu Heng and said, "Let's start too!"

"it is good!"

When Mu Heng heard Feng Range's words at this time, he also responded.Then, the two also started to hunt and kill the guards who surrounded them!
Yes, it is hunting!Both Feng Range and Mu Heng are stronger than those guards, and when fighting them one-on-one, it becomes a one-way crush and kill.

There were a total of more than a hundred guards brought out by the Lord Huarong this time. After two or three minutes of fighting, almost five people on Fengrange's side were injured, while the City Lord Huarong was left alone. .

When fighting Ouyang Huang, City Lord Huarong also noticed the movements of Feng Range and Mu Heng below them.After seeing them kill all the guards he brought, he immediately became furious!

"Wait, you actually shot so fiercely, then don't blame the city lord for being rude! Ahhh!"

The Huarong City Lord roared violently at this moment, and suddenly the aura of his whole body was fully released!Then, Feng Range and the others discovered that his strength was rising steadily, and after a while, this strength surpassed Ouyang Huang's strength of the seventh level of Wu Zong.

Seeing that his strength has risen two levels quickly, and reached the peak of Wu Zong's ninth level, he still didn't stop, and continued to rise.

Seeing this situation continue to happen, Feng Range and the others couldn't help frowning!

It seems that the strength of the Huarong City Lord will rise a little bit, and he will soon reach King Wu.If this allowed him to reach King Wu and surpass Mu Heng's second rank of King Wu, then they would be in trouble if they wanted to deal with him later!

At this time, while City Lord Huarong was increasing his strength, Ouyang Huang also got some free time and returned to Feng Range's side.When the three of them saw the scene in front of them, Ouyang Huang asked Feng Range, "Little Geer, what should we do next?"

"Let's look again!" Hearing Ouyang Huang's question at this time, Feng Range couldn't give an answer for the time being.Therefore, at this time, there is only a casual response.

After they exchanged a few sentences, their attention returned to Huarong City Lord.Feng Range had a faint feeling at this time, she felt that the strength of the Huarong City Lord should be higher than that of King Wu!

At this moment, she secretly guessed like this...

But soon, this reality gave her the answer!
The strength of Huarong City Lord rose to that of King Wu at the peak of Wu Zong, a little too slowly.However, after a pass, his strength surged all the way, and he directly rushed to the fifth level of King Wu, and only then did he show signs of weakening.

As for the three of Feng Range, when they saw that the strength of Hua Rong City Lord was actually at the fifth level of Wu Wang, their faces turned pale at this moment!
The strength of the Huarong City Lord is so high, even if Mu Heng is the second-ranked Martial King, they still can't beat him with the three of them working together!What they are facing now is a dead end!
"What should we do? Master, Ouyang, why don't I hold him back for a while, and run away!" Seeing this scene of huge disparity in strength, even Mu Heng, who had always been calm, was not calm at this moment. .Immediately, he came up with a compromise method, choosing to sacrifice himself to fulfill Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, maybe in this way the two of them would still have a chance.

However, when they heard him say this, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang retorted, "No!"


"Mu Heng, you are my apprentice now, how could Master let the apprentice sacrifice himself to protect himself! Since the three of us have arrived here together, we must advance and retreat together!"

"Yes, Uncle Master! Besides, we may not be able to defeat him, but there is still a slight possibility of leaving here with a serious injury!"


Feng Range and Ouyang Huang not only refuted him, but finally said something that left him relatively speechless.

So, in the end, Mu Heng gave up on his idea of ​​sacrificing himself to save Feng Range and Ouyang Huang...

(End of this chapter)

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