Phoenix Dance

Chapter 667

Chapter 667
After the two parties greeted each other in such a simple way, the Patriarch directly invited Feng Range and the others into the house.

"Adults, please come inside! It's too troublesome to ask some adults to come to treat the child at such a late hour!" As he walked into the house, Patriarch Ren once again began to be courteous.

Hearing what Patriarch Ren said, Feng Range felt that he and the others had disturbed them by coming so late.

Immediately, he responded casually, "Patriarch Ren, you are welcome, we are the ones who interrupted you! Because of something in the house, we rushed back, so we can't wait until tomorrow, so we will come here tonight. We will not If there is too much delay, take us directly to Young Master Ling's bedroom!"

"Okay, okay! Those guys, please come here!" Knowing that Feng Range and the others are in a hurry, Patriarch Ren didn't delay, and immediately led them to his son Ren Shaotian's room went.

After leading them to the door of Ren Shaotian's room, Patriarch Ren didn't just lead them in.Instead, he confessed to the steward who came with him, "Steward, you can stay here from now on! If the ghost doctor has any orders, you can just do as the master said. Because the master is in a hurry For the sake of this, I will go to prepare the reward for the adults first, so as not to delay the time later."

"Yes, Patriarch! This old slave must obey your lord's orders!" After hearing his Patriarch's order, the housekeeper of the Ren family immediately responded.

After hearing the butler's response, Patriarch Ren nodded, and then said to Feng Range and the others, "Master Ghost Doctor, the child will rest in the room, and I will leave the rest to the adults!"

"Okay, Patriarch Ren, don't worry!"

At this moment, Feng Range also responded to Patriarch Ren's words.Then, he nodded towards Steward Ren, and was about to enter Ren Shaotian's room.

After seeing the actions of Feng Range and the others at this time, Patriarch Ren didn't stay for a long time, and turned around to prepare the reward for Feng Range.

At the same time, when he left, he took away all the people who came with him so that other members of the Ren family would not disturb Feng Range's treatment.

"Master, the master ghost doctor invited by the owner is here, can this old slave bring you in now?"

There are two gates leading to Ren Shaotian's real bedroom. When they walked to the second gate, they saw that the lights in the room were still on.At this time, in order not to disturb the people inside, Ren Butler knocked on the door in advance.

Hearing the voice of housekeeper Ren from outside the house, the movement in the house was quiet for a while.But not long after that, a weak boy's voice sounded, "It's Steward Ren, come in!"

With the consent of the people in the house, the housekeeper pushed the door open, "My lord, please!"

"Yeah!" Seeing Steward Ren let them go inside first, Feng Range and the others didn't delay.Then, he lifted his foot and walked in.

After they walked into the room, they saw a boy who was probably less than 20 years old sitting at a table and looking up at them.

At the same time, Feng Range also saw that there was a scroll beside the edge of the table with one hand, obviously he was really reading just now.

Seeing them coming in, he stared blankly for a while, and then said, "Are you here to treat me? Please sit down!"

Hearing Ren Shaotian speak, from the breath of his words, Feng Range found that his body was very weak, his complexion was also very pale, and he was obviously suffering from illness all the time.

Now that he asked them to sit down, Feng Range and the others did not refuse, walked up to him, and sat down beside him.

Because Feng Range will diagnose him later, Feng Range sat down next to him right now.

After sitting down, Feng Range said, "Stretch out your hand, let me feel the pulse, and see what's wrong with your body?"

"Well, good!" Hearing Feng Range's words, Ren Shaotian didn't refuse, and obediently stretched out his hand to Feng Range.

Seeing Ren Shaotian's hand stretched out in front of her, Feng Range also stretched out her hand to feel his pulse.

Just when Feng Range felt his pulse, Ren Shaotian looked at Feng Range carefully with curiosity in his eyes.But because Feng Range was wearing a mask and a black robe that covered her figure, Ren Shaotian couldn't see anything from her body at all.

However, when his eyes moved to Feng Range's hand that took his pulse, he was slightly taken aback!

The hand that gave him his pulse was really small!And the skin is very delicate and fair at first glance, it seems to be a woman's hand!
Could it be... is this ghost doctor a woman?

As soon as he guessed Feng Range's identity, Ren Shaotian became a little restless at this moment!

While he was watching Feng Range intently, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang noticed the change in his expression.However, Feng Range won't withdraw her hand because of her right now to prevent Ren Shaotian from observing.

Feng Range didn't care at all about her identity being exposed.Anyway, after seeing her hand, Ren Shaotian only guessed that she was a woman, but he didn't know who she was.As long as you don't know who she is, that's enough!
After taking Ren Shaotian's pulse for a while, Feng Range withdrew his hand.Then, he said to Ren Shaotian, "Master Ren, your condition is terminally ill! The cause of this terminal illness is that your blood has become diseased, and ordinary medical treatment has no effect on you, it just delays the time of death! If you want to To change your situation, you need to cut the sutras and wash the marrow to improve your body in an all-round way. And to do this, you need the marrow-washing pill! However, as far as I know, the formula of the marrow-washing pill in this world is almost Is it extinct?"

"Shock!" After hearing Feng Range speak softly about his physical condition, Ren Shaotian's expression was so shocked that he couldn't speak!

Originally, he thought that the story about the silver-faced ghost doctor that his father hired for him to heal him was just talking.But now, after hearing Feng Range tell his situation accurately, he can't calm down anymore!Could it be that this girl with a silver-masked ghost doctor really has a way to heal herself?
Ren Shaotian already believed in Feng Range's current ability.After all, Feng Range has already said that his situation can only be solved by Xisui Pill.

But, will this girl have that extinct medicine in her body?

For this point, Ren Shaotian still doesn't believe that Feng Range can show it.Because, how could this extinct thing appear in the hands of a woman so easily?
(End of this chapter)

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