Phoenix Dance

Chapter 668 Returning to Qingwu City

Chapter 668 Return to Qingwu City

After Feng Range saw that he had finished speaking, and after Ren Shaotian heard it, he was a little dazed!

For this reason, she didn't bother him at the moment, so she turned her head and said to Steward Ren who was waiting by the side, "Housekeeper, go get someone to prepare a tub filled with hot water and bring it in!"

"Yes, I'll do it right now, old slave!" Hearing Feng Range's order at this moment, Steward Ren immediately turned around and went out to do this matter after he responded.

When he heard Feng Range's order to the housekeeper, Ren Shaotian came back to his senses at this time.And after he came back to his senses, he looked at Feng Range with a suspicious expression, and said, "You, you let the housekeeper prepare it, do you have the marrow washing pill? Can you heal me?"

Regarding Feng Range's sudden order, Ren Shaotian had no other guesses, but thought that she had a magic pill to heal him?
At this time, Ren Shaotian's expression was puzzled and surprised, and Feng Range saw him, but he didn't want to talk to him.For patients, Feng Range really started to like the ones who couldn't speak.There's too much nonsense, it's still disturbing, it's a bit noisy, it's not quiet!

At this time, Ren Shaotian looked at Feng Range with a hint of expectation, but he didn't know that Feng Range felt that he was noisy!
After that, after waiting for a long time, Feng Range did not respond to him.At this time, Ren Shaotian spoke again, "Ghost doctor... my lord, do you have the marrow washing pill?"

Hearing Ren Shaotian speak again, Feng Range still didn't answer him.However, this time she glanced at him, and didn't react much after that.

The butler Ren was very efficient in preparing the bath water. After leaving for less than a quarter of an hour, he came in with a few servants carrying a full bathtub.

Seeing them coming in, Feng Range stood up and said to Butler Ren, "Butler, just put the tub here! Then, you go out and wait!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Hearing Feng Range's words at this time, Steward Ren ordered the servants carrying the tubs to do so one by one.After putting the bathtub in the location designated by Feng Range, he took them back together.

After seeing them leave, Feng Range turned to look at Mu Heng and said, "Come here, one of these two porcelain bottles is marrow washing liquid, which is mixed into the bath water for Master Ren to take a bath. There is another bottle, inside Put a marrow-washing pill in it and give it to him. With this two-pronged approach, his sepsis should be cured!"

Hearing Feng Range speak, Mu Heng obediently got up and walked in front of her.When he saw the two small porcelain bottles she handed over, he also reached out to take them, and then responded, "Yes, I got it!"

After seeing Mu Heng took over the two small porcelain bottles, Feng Range turned his attention to Ouyang Huang again and said to him, "Let's wait outside!"

"En!" Hearing Feng Range's words to him at this time, Ouyang Huang responded lightly, and then stood up.

He stepped up and walked to Feng Range's side, then the two looked at each other and walked outside.

Seeing that Feng Range and the others completely ignored him at this moment, and Ren Shaotian who was still sitting upright, he felt a little depressed at this moment!
Fortunately, there is still one person in his room.

After seeing Mu Heng walking out of Fengrange and the others at this time, walking to the side of the bathtub and starting to add dark green pulp washing liquid according to what she said, Ren Shaotian looked at him and said, "That, Do you really have the marrow washing pill? Can you really save me?"

For Ren Shaotian's words at this time, Mu Heng, who was taking a medicinal bath, did not respond.

He waited until he finally finished the medicinal bath, then turned around and said to Ren Shaotian, "Master Ren, please! After sitting in the tub, take this marrow washing pill!"

"Shocked?" Hearing Mu Heng suddenly speak to him at this time, Ren Shaotian's expression was obviously taken aback.

But after being dazed, he slowly stood up and walked towards Mu Heng step by step.

Due to the torment of the illness, Ren Shaotian's body is now particularly weak, so his movements have become particularly slow.When he walked to the side of the tub and supported the edge of the tub with one hand, fine beads of sweat appeared on his face.

Seeing Ren Shaotian like this, and Mu Heng, who is also very knowledgeable in medical skills and illnesses, he could tell at a glance that if the young master of the Ren family didn't treat him again, his life should not be long gone!
However, he was lucky, since he met them, it was destined that he would not die in vain.

Regarding his current weakness, Mu Heng thought, if he wants to enter the bathtub, with his current physical strength, he should not be able to enter alone!So, at this time, he decided to help him!

For this reason, he said flatly to Ren Shaotian, "Master Ren, please take off the clothes on your body, and then I will send you into the bathtub."

"Huh? Take off your clothes?" Hearing Mu Heng's words at this time, Ren Shaotian was a little surprised.

Let him take off his clothes in front of a man who looks like a man, Ren Shaotian still feels a little shy and unable to do such a thing.Therefore, at this time, he hesitated and did not act.

As for Mu Heng, he looked at her quietly, but after waiting for a long time but didn't see any movement from him, at this time Mu Heng directly moved his mouth and hands!

"It seems that Young Master Ren is a little shy! Then let me come down and help you!"

After saying that, Mu Heng directly attacked Ren Shaotian.

Seeing Mu Heng talking, he immediately made a move. Ren Shaotian's originally pale face was stained with a blush at this moment, and he struggled.

Moreover, he was still pushing and shoving, "What are you doing! Don't take off my clothes! Don't..."

Mu Heng didn't notice Ren Shaotian's resistance at all.After three times and five times, he stripped Ren Shaotian clean, and then threw him into the bathtub.

After seeing him run into the bathtub, Mu Heng forcefully stuffed the marrow washing pill in his hand into Ren Shaotian's mouth.

After finishing the last thing, Mu Heng said to him one last sentence, "This will be a little painful later, as long as you endure it, then you will recover later. And, after going through the marrow-washing sutra After that, your cultivation talents will also improve. Alright, I'm leaving!"

"Hey! Don't go!"

Seeing Mu Heng turn around and leave after finishing speaking, Ren Shaotian was not used to it at this moment.Then he opened his mouth and wanted to call Mu Heng to stay, but Mu Heng ignored him at all, and just walked out of his room.

After Mu Heng walked out of the room, he saw Feng Range and Ouyang Huang standing at the door. Even Patriarch Ren, who had left before, also arrived at this time.

When seeing Mu Heng coming out, Feng Range said to Patriarch Ren, "Patriarch Ren, since the matter here is settled, we will leave first. We have to hurry later!"

Hearing Feng Range's words at this time, Patriarch Ren also expressed that he would not stay.He opened his mouth and responded, "Those people will walk slowly! After the child recovers, I will definitely bring my son to visit!"

"it is good!"

At this time, Feng Range picked flowers and picked leaves and replaced them with Ye Zhou, and then jumped up with Ouyang Huang and the others, ready to leave...

(End of this chapter)

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