Phoenix Dance

Chapter 669 A Letter from the Imperial City

Chapter 669 A Letter from the Imperial City
After leaving Ren's house, Feng Range didn't find another place to stop and go back to Qingwu City in another way.

Because the sky is completely dark now, if they switch to Qingwu City, which is the easiest way, it will probably take another two days to delay.

If they do this, then their time on the road is really wasted.Such waste is very undesirable for them who desperately want to go back and do something else.

Therefore, after leaving the Ren family, Feng Range still drove Ye Zhou back to Qingwu City.

According to their current speed, they should be able to reach a place not far from Qingwu City by dawn!
However, after they flew for a certain distance, Fengrange sent Mu Heng and Kayina into the Shihuang space first as originally planned.Let them start retreating and practicing from now on!

As for Ouyang Huang, he will accompany her on the journey first.

Along the way, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were also speechless, they hugged each other silently to keep each other warm, and then rushed back to Qingwu City.

After traveling in the middle of the night, they arrived at the outskirts of Qingwu City at dawn.And for the next journey, they can no longer drive Ye Zhou forward, otherwise it will be bad if people see it.

For this reason, they landed in a hidden place while no one was passing by for a while.

After landing on the ground, Ouyang Huang said, "Xiao Ge'er, let's drive back now! The city is not far from here, and it will take about an hour for us to drive back to Fenghuang Mansion."

Hearing Ouyang Huang's proposal at this time, Feng Range did not object, and responded, "Okay!"

Afterwards, Ouyang Huang took out his beloved car, and they sat in it and continued to rush back to Qingwu City.

When they drove to the gate of Qingwu City, the sky was already bright.At this time, the people in the city also got up early.

However, when they saw Ouyang Huang's car appearing on the streets of the city, they all gave way one after another and did not watch much.

The last time Zhao Xin blocked Ouyang Huang's car, they had all seen this big guy they had never seen before.At the same time, everyone knew that the reason why the Zhao family of the original city lord's mansion was wiped out was because of Ouyang Huang's car.

If it wasn't for Zhao Xin's falling in love with Ouyang Huang's car, and then falling in love with Ouyang Huang, a conflict would arise.Then, when Gao Ying and the others went to the street, the people from the City Lord's Mansion arrested them, and Feng Range and the others made a big fuss in the City Lord's Mansion to rescue them.

It is also because of this big incident that everyone in this city is quite afraid to see Feng Range and his party now!

However, the fear of others is a good thing for Feng Range and the others.In this way, no one will trouble them again!

Someone gave way along the way, and the way back to Fenghuang Mansion was smooth.After arriving at the gate of Fenghuang Mansion, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang got out of the car, and then Ouyang Huang put the car back into the space ring with a single thought.

After that, they opened the door and walked into the mansion...

However, just as they walked to the lobby, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang saw Bai Jing and the others as if they were receiving someone.

So, they walked towards the lobby.

When they walked into the door, Bai Jing and the others inside also saw them.Immediately, they turned their heads and greeted them one by one, "My lord, madam, you are back! Coincidentally, there is an adult here who wants to give you a letter!"

"Is there a letter for us?" Feng Range and Ouyang Huang looked surprised when they heard Bai Jing's opening at this time.

At the same time, when Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were getting closer, the official who came to visit also turned around, saluted Ouyang Huang and Feng Range and said, "Master Ouyang, Mrs. This is a letter from the imperial city, and the person who sent the letter entrusts the lower official to deliver it to the city lord himself. My lord, here it is!"

Seeing the letter delivered to him by the messenger officer, Ouyang Huang narrowed his eyes slightly.Then, he glanced at Feng Range before taking the letter from the official.

Although there were many people in the lobby at this time, Ouyang Huang did not avoid it.After receiving the letter, he and Feng Range read it at a glance.

And after some reading, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang frowned slightly!

"What kind of Mid-Autumn Festival banquet should we go to the imperial city? Does Emperor Mingqing have any plans?" After reading the contents of the letter, Feng Range couldn't help but wondered.

Hearing Feng Range's words, Ouyang Huang frowned for a while, and then said, "Whatever his plan is, he has already sent a letter anyway, so it doesn't matter if we go here! Besides, there should be ten days left in the Mid-Autumn Festival." Come to heaven, let's deal with the matter here first, and then go!"

"Well, good!" Hearing Ouyang Huang speak at this moment, since he said he would go and have a look, Feng Range was naturally willing to accompany him.

Now that he agreed, the official who delivered the letter was still there.At this moment, Ouyang Huang put away the letter, turned his head and said to him, "Please come over here, my lord! Please go back and tell the trusting lord, I will definitely go there then!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say! Since the letter has already been delivered, I won't keep it any longer. I'm leaving!" Hearing that Ouyang Huang spoke to him at this moment, the letter delivery official was also very polite.After a few polite words with Ouyang Huang, he decided to leave!

Seeing him say goodbye, Feng Range looked at Gao Jin who was at the side.He said to him, "Gao Jin, send this lord out!"

"Yes! My lord, please go this way!"

Hearing Feng Range's words at this time, Gao Jin immediately stepped forward from the side, and then bowed to send the messenger out of Fenghuang Mansion.

At this time, seeing Gao Jin leading the way, the messenger nodded towards him, and then followed him out.

After seeing the messenger leave with Gao Jin, he faintly saw his figure.At this time, Bai Jing and the others gathered towards Feng Range and Ouyang Huang.

One after another asked in a calm voice, "Boy Huang, girl Feng, are you really going to that imperial city? What does it mean that Emperor Ming Qing invited you all of a sudden? If you go rashly , aren’t you afraid of encountering any danger?”

"Yeah, I think Emperor Ming Qing may have bad intentions, why don't you go!"


A few elders, who were considered to be the elders of Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, tried to persuade them one after another.

However, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang will not change their plans easily!
Moreover, they still have to go this time!

(End of this chapter)

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