Phoenix Dance

Chapter 670 Qingwu Academy

Chapter 670 Back to Qingwu Academy

Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were also very moved when they saw several elders speak to persuade them one by one.After all, they knew that these elders would persuade them now because they were afraid that something would happen to them after they went to the imperial city!

It's just that, if that's the case, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang have already planned to go now.For this reason, they immediately began to counter-persuade these elders!

"Bai Lao, you don't have to worry about us! Anyway, we plan to let you enter the space of the beginning to retreat, so you will go with us to the imperial city. Besides, I don't think that What will Emperor Mingqing do to us! If so, we might as well go and see!"

"Entering the Shihuang space to retreat, did something happen?" Bai Jing and the others did not listen to Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's persuasion at this time.

However, when they suddenly heard Feng Range say that all of them would enter the Shihuang space to retreat and practice, Bai Jing and the others couldn't help but wonder if something big was going to happen?If not, why would Feng Range and Ouyang Huang suddenly say that they are going to enter the Shihuang space to retreat and practice!
Hearing their questions at this time, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were silent for a while.Then, after the two looked at each other, they said, "Nothing happened, I just want to raise your strength to a higher level as soon as possible. Besides, we have to go to the academy later , Inquire about the Jinbit Altar on this continent, I hope to go back to the God Continent as soon as possible! There is a time difference between this plane and the plane, I am afraid of delaying on this continent It’s been a long time, and it’s too late to go back to the God Continent this time, so I’m afraid that Grandpa and the Feng family won’t be able to hold on!”

"If that's the case, then okay! Let's call everyone over now!" Hearing Feng Range give an answer at this moment, although Bai Jing and the others felt that she might not have told the truth, they did not. Well refuted.

Afterwards, he responded, and took several other elders out to gather the people who came to this plane with Feng Range.

Watching them walk out of the entrance of the lobby, Feng Range didn't stop her at this time, anyway, she and Ouyang Huang came directly to Fenghuang's mansion this time, just to do this kind of thing.Otherwise, when they came back, she and Ouyang Huang might have gone directly back to Qingwu Academy.

Because many people who followed Feng Range here no longer belonged to Fenghuang Mansion, but infiltrated into other forces.Now Bai Jing and the others are going to rush them back, it will take some time.

At this moment, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang stayed in the lobby, and the people in the mansion who are about to rush over should be taken into the Shihuang space first.Those that cannot be put into the Shihuang space will be put into the space bracelet.

After dealing with these people in the house, Feng Range chatted with Ouyang Huang.

"Huang, although we are going to withdraw the members here, I don't want our business to stop here. Why don't you arrange it too! By the way, we will also call Wenchen and the others back!"

"Okay, I'll take care of this!" Hearing Feng Range's words to him at this time, Ouyang Huang immediately responded and stood up!

Seeing his reaction, Feng Range stared at him blankly without objecting.However, when he was about to step away, he said to him, "Well, you are the City Lord of Qingwu City now, and the people in this city know about it. If possible, let the newly recruited City Lord Mansion Someone should be responsible! Also, some of those people we rescued from the prison in the original city lord's mansion can also be used!"

"Well, I know!" Hearing Feng Range's advice before leaving, Ouyang Huang looked at her and nodded again.

But after nodding his head too much this time, Ouyang Huang really stepped up and left first.

Watching him leave, Feng Range's whole mind calmed down for a while.She is the only person left in the Phoenix Emperor's Mansion now, and it will take a while for the person who went out to come back!
The vacancy and silence at this moment made Feng Range temporarily unaccustomed to the mind after running around for the past few days.For this reason, in order to pass this boring time, she might as well meditate in this lobby for a while!

Anyway, this is in the mansion, Feng Range is not afraid that someone will disturb her.

Besides, if she didn't cultivate deeply, it shouldn't be possible for her to be disturbed by others.Thinking about it this way, in order not to waste time, Feng Range really sat cross-legged on the chair, and then closed his eyes to practice "Dan Xin Jue" and "Yao Xing Jue".

Immersed in cultivation, Feng Range still put a ray of consciousness outside to watch for movement.

In this way, when Bai Jing and the others come back, she can immediately notice it.

Among Fengrange's subsequent trainings, the ones she practiced the most were "Dan Xin Jue" and "Yao Xing Jue".When he was still in the gate of ghosts, Feng Range had been practicing intensively, and after coming here, he practiced several times, and now he has practiced these two exercises to the sixth level.

After the next big retreat, you should be able to cultivate to the peak of the seventh level, or the eighth level!
Afterwards, give her some more time to cultivate to the ninth level, and she should be accomplished.

Feng Range's practice was not interrupted until late at night when Bai Jing and the others came back.

Seeing that they were coming now, Feng Range went down to the ground and stood up.

Seeing them bring all the people back, Feng Range didn't talk nonsense, just glanced at them one by one, and said to them, "I want to send you to the space to retreat!"

As he said that, Feng Range even shook his arms twice, sending Bai Jing and other important and close people into the Shihuang space first.And the second time, those people they brought back were sent into the space bracelet.

After sending these people into the space, he just waited for Ouyang Huang to come back.

Because things on Ouyang Huang's side are more cumbersome and troublesome, so he will naturally come back later than Bai Jing and the others.

Also because Ouyang Huang didn't come back for a while, after sending Bai Jing and the others into the space, Feng Range temporarily sat in his original position and waited.

She thought, Ouyang Huang hasn't come back yet, but he should be back soon!

And she waited for nearly two hours before Ouyang Huang brought Wen Chen and the others back without any haste...

(End of this chapter)

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