Phoenix Dance

Chapter 671 Looking for clues

Chapter 671 Looking for clues
Seeing them coming back at this time, Feng Range stood up again, looked at them and said, "I'm back, have things been settled?"

"Well, everything has been arranged for the right person to take charge." Ouyang Huang led Wen Chen and the others into the lobby.As soon as she came in, she heard Feng Range's question, and she responded casually.

After hearing Ouyang Huang say that everything was done, Feng Range didn't ask any more questions at this time, and just nodded to change the subject.

"Since you're all back, I'll send you to the Shihuang space for retreat first! It's getting late, so I won't be going back to Qingwu Academy tonight. Go back tomorrow!"

"Okay! Anyway, we are not in a hurry now, so let's go tomorrow!" Ouyang Huang almost never refuted Feng Range's words.So when he heard her say this now, he naturally agreed.

Seeing that Ouyang Huang agreed, Feng Range nodded again, and then waved his hand and brought them into Shihuang space together with himself.

After all of them entered the space of the original wasteland, there was no one in the entire Fenghuang Mansion, and it seemed quiet.Very weird!
However, some people arranged by Ouyang Huang will stay here tomorrow.Then, this huge Fenghuang Mansion will not be abandoned.

Besides, Ouyang Huang is still the City Lord of Qingwu City, and he doesn't want to live in the original City Lord's Mansion.Then, this Fenghuang Mansion can naturally be regarded as the new city lord's mansion of Qingwu City.

For the people in the Fenghuang Mansion, whether it's because of Ouyang Huang's status as the city lord of Qingwu City, or because there is a silver-faced ghost doctor who makes everyone want to curry favor.Anyone and any force will not easily offend this place.

Because none of them knew what kind of situation they would face if this offended the Fenghuang Mansion!

After entering the primordial space, almost no one would delay the time of cultivation at this time.One by one, they took the initiative to find a practice room, and then entered it to retreat and practice.

Seeing their behavior, Feng Range looked at Ouyang Huang.

Their behavior at this time was probably due to what Ouyang Huang told them!If not, even if Wen Chen took the initiative to realize himself like this, then Yi Shaojun, a naughty guy, would not have such awareness.

But now that even Yi Shaojun showed such self-consciousness, Feng Range had to think that Ouyang Huang must have said something to him.

At this moment, Ouyang Huang, who was watched by Feng Range, seemed to be aware of it.So, he turned his head and looked at her.

Looking at her, he asked quietly, "What's wrong?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden question at this moment, Feng Range was taken aback immediately, and replied flatly, "It's okay."

"It's all right? Then let's go to practice too, and tomorrow morning, we'll go to the academy to look for clues!"


Then, after everyone had retreated and practiced, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang also walked into the practice room where they had been retreating...

After a night of closed-door training, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang left the Shihuang space in the early morning of the next day, and then drove to Qingwu Academy.

As for the inquiry about the promotion altar, Feng Range had long wanted to do it, but he couldn't find a suitable opportunity.But now, she has made up her mind to inquire, so right now she doesn't want to delay any minute.

On the way back to Qingwu Academy, Feng Range was obviously a little nervous at the moment.She still has some hope that she can find news about the promotion altar in Qingwu Academy!

But at the same time, she was also terrified of being disappointed.If she couldn't find what she wanted in the colleges of a country, then in other places, Feng Range really didn't know where to find it.

Regarding this kind of anxiety, Feng Range's emotions have been maintained and they have not been eliminated at the foot of Qingwu Mountain.

For the next journey, they need to go up to the top of the mountain with swords.So at this time, after seeing Feng Range's restless state all the way, Ouyang Huang said, "Little Geer, calm down! If you can find it here, that's good! If you can't find it, you can't." Don't worry, I will accompany you to look for it elsewhere. Now we are going up, whether we can find it or not, we still have to look for it before we know!"

"Shocked?" Hearing Ouyang Huang's comfort to her at this time, Feng Range raised her eyes to look at him.

Then he looked at it in a daze for a long time, and then he came back to his senses.

"Let's go up!" Feng Range murmured softly after regaining her senses, and then she sacrificed her long sword, and then went up to the top of Qingwu Mountain with Ouyang Huang.

When they reached the top of the mountain, they happened to see many people training in the examination field.When they saw Feng Range and Ouyang Huang Yujian suddenly appeared, everyone at the scene was stunned!
Edgeworth!They actually know how to control the sword!

For Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's sudden display of such skills, everyone admired them very much, and now they admire them even more.

However, Feng Range and the two were unaware of this.Even if they are aware of it, they will not have any reaction.

After getting off the flying sword, they just glanced at the students from the same academy, and then stepped around them and walked into the academy.

Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were going to go to the Library Pavilion of the college to check the information this time, but before they went, they wanted to go to Mo Xuan and tell him about their plans for the future!
Mo Xuan is Dean Qingwu's disciple. Although Dean Qingwu doesn't know where he is now, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang think that this Mo Xuan should still stay in the dean's small courtyard in the middle of the lake, right?

Immediately, they went, and rushed directly to the dean's courtyard in the middle of the lake.

And when they got there, they really saw Mo Xuan in the small courtyard in the middle of the lake.

"Mo Xuan!"

"Why are you here?" Seeing Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's arrival, Mo Xuan had a look of surprise on his face.Then, he opened his mouth and asked.

Hearing what Mo Xuan said at this time, Feng Range smiled faintly and said to him, "Mo Xuan, we have something to do when we come back to the academy this time. After this matter is over, we will go to A trip to the imperial city. After returning from the imperial city, Huang and I are going to retreat. And you, Mo Xuan, what do you think?"

Hearing Feng Range calmly tell her and Ouyang Huang's next plan, Mo Xuan's originally surprised expression became even more dazed!
(End of this chapter)

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