Phoenix Dance

Chapter 672 Going to the Library

Chapter 672 Going to the Library

"You are going to the imperial city? Is there anything to do?"

Ever since Mo Xuan entered Qingwu Academy, he almost never left.Therefore, he knew almost nothing about the news from the outside world.

Among them, the fact that Ouyang Huang became the lord of Qingwu City was naturally included.

So now when he heard Mo Xuan's question, Ouyang Huang gave him a flat look, and said to him, "It's a letter from the imperial city asking us to go there! We don't know exactly what it is."

"A letter from the imperial city? What's the situation! How can there be a letter from the imperial city, telling you to go."

This Ouyang Huang said calmly, it's okay not to mention it, but Mo Xuan's surprise became even stronger when he said it!

It took him two months to enter Qingwu Academy, plus the previous one month, three months, how could Feng Range and his forces develop so quickly, and even went directly to the imperial city!

Regarding what Ouyang Huang said at this moment, Mo Xuan only has such a guess at the moment.As for the actual situation, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang had to talk to him in detail before he could understand.

"Mo Xuan, the thing is like this, before..."

Afterwards, Feng Range blocked Zhao Xin's road and made trouble. Gao Ying and the others were captured and imprisoned by the city lord's mansion. They rescued them, slaughtered the city lord's mansion, and told a series of things about Ouyang Huang becoming the new Qingwu city lord .

And when Mo Xuan heard the whole incident told by Feng Range, his expression was particularly shocked!
They, in order to rescue the three little guys Gao Ying, Ran Yun, and Ran Yu, and then to avenge them, they completely slaughtered the original Zhao family's family!They are really too bold, too courageous!
At this moment, Mo Xuan suddenly felt that after he stayed in Qingwu Academy for a while, the outside world seemed to have changed.In particular, Feng Range's domineering and tough handling of things made him a little confused.

When they first came here, weren't they quite low-key in all aspects?Why did he completely change his appearance after he left for a while?

This situation...

Both Feng Range and Ouyang Huang noticed the change in Mo Xuan's expression at the moment.

But for things that have passed, they feel that it is almost the same.As for the in-depth, they will not say more.

Then, they decided to bring the topic back to the original purpose.

At this time, Feng Range ignored Mo Xuan's absent-minded expression, and continued to say, "Mo Xuan, we came to you this time not only to tell you our next plans and plans, but also to Let me ask you! What are your plans next? The old man Qingwu left suddenly, do you still want to stay here? Do you want to go with us?"

"Huh?" Hearing Feng Range's sudden statement of their intentions, Mo Xuan's thoughts froze before turning the corner.

For a while, I also forgot to respond to Feng Range's question...

Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were surprised to see Mo Xuan, who was usually indifferent and taciturn, now act a little dull.

However, they didn't ask any more questions right now, they just stared blankly at Mo Xuan and waited for his answer.

Mo Xuan was in a daze, and it lasted for quite a while before he managed to regain his composure.

After regaining consciousness, he said to Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, "I'll go with you!"

"Okay!" Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were naturally happy to accept Mo Xuan's answer at this time.So, after hearing that he agreed, they immediately agreed!
Now that Mo Xuan has decided to follow them, shouldn't they delay too much next time, it's time to deal with the main things of their return to the academy.

For this reason, Feng Range said to Mo Xuan again, "Then Mo Xuan, you should deal with the matter here first! Huang and I will go to the Zangshu Pavilion first, and you can come to us later!"

"Okay! After I leave a letter to Master, I will go to the Library Pavilion to find you!"

"Well, let's go first then!"

After getting Mo Xuan's consent, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang decided to leave now...

Seeing them leave, Mo Xuan's mood is still a little restless at the moment!He is still shocked by what Feng Range said earlier!

After Feng Range and Ouyang Huang left the small lake courtyard of Qingwu Academy, they headed directly towards Zangshu Pavilion.

Because Feng Range had never really wandered around in the college, she didn't know exactly the location of Zangshu Pavilion.

But fortunately, there was Ouyang Huang beside her at this time.

How can I say that Ouyang Huang went to the Zangshu Pavilion for a few days before in order to get a comprehensive understanding of this world and this continent, and read a lot of books.As for the location of the Zangshu Pavilion, he is familiar with it.

Therefore, even if Feng Range didn't know the way at this moment, Ouyang Huang would lead the way there, so there was no need to take some wrong roads, and he searched slowly.

The dean's small lake courtyard is quite far from Zangshuge.After Feng Range and Ouyang Huang walked together for more than ten minutes, they arrived at the location of Zangshu Pavilion.

They stood at the door for a while, then walked inside.

Although they saw a lot of people training in the assessment field before, but now they came to the Library Pavilion, they still saw a lot of people flipping through books and ancient scrolls here.

Hearing the movement of them walking in at this time, those people raised their heads one after another and looked towards them.

When they saw the two of them, the expressions of those people flashed slightly at this moment, a little surprised!

And Feng Range and Ouyang Huang didn't pay too much attention when they noticed their expressions.

At this time, Feng Range said to Ouyang Huang, "Huang, let's read at two ends, so that we can go faster!"

"Okay, I'll read over there, you can go here!"

"Well, let's get started!"

After the two assigned each other, they started to do it directly.

When they reached the area they were in charge of, they directly selected a book and read it intently!

Because both of them are not low in talent, their kung fu of the eyes and ten lines can be said to be practiced like a fire!

When Mo Xuan finished his work and rushed over to find them, they had already read a lot of books.

However, because the collection of books in Zangshu Pavilion is too huge, after Mo Xuan came over, he stood for a while, and joined the ranks of flipping through the scrolls...

With Mo Xuan joining, their speed will be one-third faster with one more person...

(End of this chapter)

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