Phoenix Dance

Chapter 676 The Provocative Alchemist

Chapter 676 The Provocative Alchemist
After that, Feng Range looked at the shop one by one.However, she didn't fancy the medicinal materials she wanted to buy.

After that, she and Ouyang Huang also left the shop directly.

After seeing them walking out of the shop, after knowing that Feng Range and the others were just looking around, they were not as enthusiastic towards them as they were at the beginning.

At this time, the young man directly opened his mouth and cursed softly, "You are a poor man, and you actually come to our store to look at medicinal materials, what a bad luck!"

Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, who had sharp ears and eyes, also slightly heard the scolding from the servant behind them.However, the two of them didn't care about this at all!
It's just an invisible servant, if they really care about him, it will really lower their quality!There is really no need to care about it!
After leaving the first medicinal material store, Feng Range went shopping in some other medicinal material stores, and then bought a few medicinal herbs that had not been planted in her original space.Among them, several plants of CNOOC among these medicinal materials are rare, and Fengrange spent a total of nearly 10,000+ gold coins to buy them!

After buying these medicinal materials, Feng Range directly handed them over to Shi Huang in the space, and sent it to it to plant these medicinal materials.

After receiving Fengrange's sound transmission at this time, Shihuang, who was still very leisurely, started to get busy!

After handing over the medicinal materials to Shihuang, Fengrange who was outside continued to wander around again.

There are still a few medicinal material stores in the future, Feng Range decided to take advantage of this night to finish shopping!

When tomorrow dawns, they will leave here directly.If they don't finish shopping today, they won't have time to continue shopping tomorrow.

After that, they wandered around the last few medicinal materials one by one.

And when they wandered to the last second house, Feng Range saw a piece of medicinal material that looked like dead wood.Seeing that piece of medicinal material, Feng Range's eyes became a little dignified at this moment!

That is……

She narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at the piece of dead wood medicinal material without flickering, and asked the shop boy beside her, "What is this? How do you sell it?"

"This is..." Hearing Feng Range's question at this time, the boy who received them also looked at the dead wood that Feng Range was looking at at the moment, and explained, "That thing I I don’t know what it is, but our boss put it here. If you want it, give one hundred gold coins and take it away!”

A hundred gold coins?Hearing the price offered by the boy at this time, Feng Range's expression was obviously taken aback!
She really did not expect two things today!The first one really did not expect to encounter such a strange medicinal material here.The second one really didn't expect that this boy would set the price of this medicinal material so low!
However, Feng Range will not reveal her thoughts to anyone.

Because, for this medicinal material, Fengrange actually knows what it is.Moreover, she is also determined to obtain this piece of medicinal material.

So, at this moment, she said, "I'm very interested in this thing, and I want to study what it is, so I..."

"I want it! One hundred gold coins? I want this thing!"

Just when Feng Range had just opened his mouth and decided to buy this piece of medicinal material, he unexpectedly got a hand in it.

As soon as the man opened his mouth, he took out a hundred gold coins and threw them to the boy beside him, ready to take this piece of medicinal material from Feng Range's hands.

Hearing this person's opening, and when he directly expressed that he wanted to snatch something from his own hands, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang looked at that person in a blink of an eye.

Their eyes swept away, and when they looked up, they saw a man with exquisite and luxurious clothes, a tall and straight figure, but his facial features were not very eye-catching, staring at Feng Range with a hint of greed.

This person's gaze was very frivolous, almost chiluoluo's, and he looked Feng Range's whole body up and down.

For his gaze, after Feng Range and Ouyang Huang noticed, Feng Range's face showed disgust.As for Ouyang Huang, he also showed a trace of angry killing intent!
This damned bastard dared to use this kind of gaze to insult Xiao Ge'er, damn it!
Although Ouyang Huang was filled with anger in his heart at this time, he did not act hastily.

It's just that he didn't do anything at this moment, and when he finds an opportunity, he will definitely teach this guy a lesson!
Because he desecrated Xiao Ge'er, this is absolutely not allowed by Ouyang Huang!

At this time, the man who had more medicinal materials from Fengran singer walked up to Fengrange and Ouyang Huang, and said to Fengrange, "Beauty, you want this medicinal material very much. Is it? If you are willing to follow me, I am willing to give this piece of medicinal material to you without spending a penny! You know, I am the son of the president of the Alchemist Guild!"

The reason why this man would snatch things from Feng Range was because he noticed her appearance when they walked in Feng Range, and then he coveted her!
At the same time, he also revealed his identity, wanting to further force Feng Range to submit!
He thinks that he is the president of the alchemist guild, and Feng Range will definitely admire him because of his status.And, then chose to abandon the embrace beside her and fall into his embrace instead.

However, regarding his intentions, Feng Range didn't even raise his eyelids, let alone change his complexion.

If you want to talk about the only change in her complexion, it is that Feng Range's expression became even more disgusted after hearing the straightforward purpose of the son who claimed to be the president of the Alchemy Master Guild!
"You want me to follow you? Are you an alchemist?"

"Yes, my son is a third-level alchemist. Beauty, if you follow me, you can eat pills as jelly beans in the future!" When Feng Range asked him if he was an alchemist, The man proudly showed off his rank.

At the same time, at this moment, he never forgot to seduce Feng Range away from Ouyang Huan's side, and let her fall into his arms.

For a woman like Feng Range who wants to have a peerless appearance and a figure with endless curves, she is deeply tempted by this man.Let him win her even more!
It's just that Feng Range didn't pay attention to his temptation at all.On the contrary, when he heard him introduce his current level of alchemy, there was a hint of contempt in his eyes!

Even a third-level alchemist dares to show off in front of her alchemy god, she really doesn't know what to do!

However, this man has no way of knowing Feng Range's thoughts at this time...

(End of this chapter)

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