Phoenix Dance

Chapter 677 Please enter the urn

Chapter 677 Please enter the urn
However, during the simple communication with this man, Feng Range knew that he would not resell the medicinal material to himself.That being the case, she is going to hand over this matter to Ouyang Huang.

Immediately, her gaze turned to Ouyang Huang, and she said to him, "Huang, I feel like I don't want to take things anymore, why don't we just leave!"

"Okay! If you want to leave, let's go!" Hearing that Feng Range said that he was going to leave at this time, he could finally let him not have to endure that annoying guy's eyes lingering on her, of course Ouyang Huang happy to leave.

Then, he stretched out his arms and took Feng Range into his arms.Turned around with her, and left directly...

After seeing Ouyang Huang reaching out to embrace Feng Range, he even saw him take her away directly.At this time, the man looked at the backs of Feng Range and Ouyang Huang who were leaving, showing a sinister look.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he said to a man beside him, "Follow up with that couple, my lord, and rush over when I find some more people!"

"Yes, young master!" Hearing this third-level alchemist's opening, the man who was standing beside him bowed in response, and then walked away towards Feng Range and Ouyang Huang. away in the direction.

After Feng Range and Ouyang Huang walked out of the medicinal material shop that made them very happy, they walked towards the last medicinal material shop.

Just when the two of them stepped into the door of the last shop, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang's eyes flashed coldly at the same time.

For the man who was following them behind, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang soon discovered his existence.However, at this time, the two of them tacitly chose not to startle the snake.

Wait a minute, no matter whether this man was instigated by that certain person, or how he wants to deal with them, as long as he has a bad idea for either of them, neither of them will let them go .

Anyway, Fengrange was waiting for them to make trouble!If they did something about it, that Fengrange would have a reason to ask Ouyang Huang to teach them a lesson, and help her snatch the medicinal material from before, or everything on those people!

As for the man who made her feel disgusted, let alone Ouyang Huang would not let him go, even Feng Range would not let him go!
Since he dared to look at her with that kind of blasphemous gaze, and brazenly told her to follow him, such a person should be taught a good lesson!Otherwise, Feng Range really couldn't swallow the disgust in his heart.

However, it's too early to teach them a lesson!Wait until she and Ouyang Huang finish shopping at the last medicinal material store, and at the same time wait for the third-level alchemist who is looking for helpers to come.

You know, when Feng Range left the Najia medicinal material store before, she secretly left behind a trace of spiritual consciousness.The consciousness she left behind, but she heard that the third-level alchemist said that she would find more people to surround them.

That being the case, then she and Ouyang Huang will give him this chance.They just stayed here and didn't leave, just wait for them to come and find fault!

However, when the time comes, I still don't know who is worse than whom!

After the cold light in the eyes of the two of them disappeared, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang looked at each other at this moment, and then walked towards the inside of the last medicine shop.

After Feng Range and Ouyang Huang entered this medicinal material store, they did not ask the servant to introduce them, just like the previous few medicinal material stores when they wandered around.

After looking at all the medicinal materials in this medicinal material store one by one, Feng Range selected two of them, and then paid a total of 30 gold coins for one tree and 40 gold coins for one. 70 gold coins bought two of its medicinal materials.

After paying the money and delivering the goods, Feng Range sent the two medicinal materials into Shihuang's space, and asked Shihuang to cultivate and plant them.

Then, because there was nothing in this medicine shop that Feng Range liked, Feng Range said to Ouyang Huang, "Huang, it's almost time, let's go!"

"En!" Hearing what Feng Range said at this time, Ouyang Huang nodded and agreed almost without hesitation.

So, the two of them left together again.

Because after knowing that she was being followed, Feng Range went out now, and spread out her spiritual consciousness to check the surrounding situation.

Just after this inspection, Feng Range's eyes narrowed slightly!
She said to Ouyang Huang in a cold tone, "Huang, they are here, let's lure them to a place where no one is around before we start! After all, that person claims to be the son of the president of the alchemist guild here. True or false. If this is true, something has happened to us, and I'm afraid it will affect our leaving here tomorrow."

"Well, listen to you! As long as I can beat that bastard until he doesn't even know his father and mother, and lie in bed for half a year!"

startled?Hearing Ouyang Huang's angry words at this time, Feng Range was a little surprised at his reaction.Then she turned her head to look at him, and asked, "Huang, are you unhappy right now? Why?"

"Huh?" You suddenly murmured something when he heard Feng Range, and Ouyang Huang couldn't react for a while.

He is angry?How could he be angry at this moment!It's just that the third-level alchemist had blasphemed Feng Range before, and threatened to let Xiaogeer follow him, provoking him, making him a little upset and very angry.

However, Ouyang Huang would never tell Feng Range about this.

Immediately, he denied it again, "No, I'm not unhappy. Xiao Ge'er, we will follow your orders and lead them to a dark place!"


Since Ouyang Huang said that he was fine, Feng Range didn't pursue it further.

Then, according to their plan, they planned to move the person who followed them, the third-level alchemist who was coming, and the people he brought with him to a dead end with no one there.

This dead end was discovered by Feng Range at the same time when he used his spiritual sense to notice when the alchemist brought someone.

After entering this dead end, because the people who followed them had not yet arrived.Feng Range and Ouyang Huang turned around at this moment, waiting with a calm look.

At the same time, the corners of the mouths of the two of them were slightly raised at this time, revealing a playful smile!

Wait until those people arrive, and see how they teach them a devil!And, to snatch the piece of medicinal material that was snatched from that third-level alchemist...

(End of this chapter)

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