Phoenix Dance

Chapter 679 Leaving Shaoyang City

Chapter 679 Leaving Shaoyang City

Now that what they want has been obtained, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang don't plan to stay here for a long time.After all, it's getting late now, and they still have to go straight tomorrow morning!

However, Feng Range needs to do one more thing before leaving.In order to make it easier for them to leave tomorrow without anyone obstructing them, Feng Range decided to let those people they offended have a good sleep.

Immediately, she took out a pack of her exclusive drug from the space bracelet, and sprinkled it on those people with a flick of her hand.

As soon as Fengrange's drug was sprinkled into the air, as long as a little bit was inhaled into their bodies, these people all closed their eyes and lay on the ground.

When seeing this scene, Feng Range was very satisfied with it!

You know, her drug is very powerful, as long as they inhale it for one day, it is enough for them to sleep for four or five days, and they will not wake up no matter how much they scream.

In this way, Feng Range completely killed their troublesome factor!

Then, they shook their heads and walked away in a cool way...

After leaving this remote place, Ouyang Huang suddenly said to her, "Little Geer, were you drugged when you put down the things those people used at the end? It seems to be very useful! If you Also, can you give me some. With this thing, it will be much more convenient to do things in the future!"

"Huh?" Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden opening, Feng Range was a little surprised for a while, "You want it? I still have some here, you can take it! After you arrive in the imperial city, if you want it, I'll make it again." Get some out!"

After speaking, Feng Range directly took out several bottles of powerful drugs from the space bracelet, and handed them to Ouyang Huang.

When Ouyang Huang saw the small porcelain bottle that Feng Range took out and handed to him, he took it without hesitation.

After receiving it, he put it in his own space ring.Then, he said to Feng Range, "Little Geer, do you have any other medicine powder or something? As long as it is convenient for us to do things in the future, give me some, so that we don't have to worry about it when we face troublesome things in the future." Solve the trouble!"

"Stunned!" Hearing Ouyang Huang's words again, Feng Range was obviously stunned at this moment!
However, after being slightly taken aback, Feng Range responded to Ouyang Huang, "I still have some of the things you mentioned, but I can't give them to you now, and I will give them to you when you need them! "

"Okay, that's fine too!" Hearing Feng Range's answer, Ouyang Huang agreed without thinking too much.

Anyway, he doesn't need it now, and Feng Range can give it to him when he needs it!Well they are now so be it!

By the time they returned to the inn in a good mood, Mo Xuan had already fallen asleep.

At this time, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang didn't bother him, and went back to their room to rest...

In the early morning of the next day, Feng Range, Ouyang Huang, and Mo Xuan all got up early.Before they left, they had a breakfast in the inn.

After eating, they left the inn directly and walked towards the gate of Shaoyang City.

Just before they walked out of Shaoyang city gate, they heard from the crowd on the side of the road the great impact of what they did last night!

"Hey, do you know? I didn't know that dude who was the president of the Alchemy Association last night, who offended someone with his bastards, and they were all beaten down, and they are still in a coma! I don't know What kind of tricks did the other party use, even the president of our guild tried his best to figure it out, but he couldn't wake up his son from alcohol."

"It's just that useless alchemist who relied on his father as the president of the alchemist guild, who has nothing to do all day long, has harmed many girls in the city, and has remained at the third level of alchemy for ten years! That kind of person, who People deserve to be beaten to death!"

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that the person who took care of him didn't kill them! If we kill them directly, we girls in Shaoyang City won't have to be harmed by him anymore!"

"Yes! Yes! I really don't want to see this bastard again! He killed my poor Juan'er! What a bastard who suffered a thousand knives!"

"I thought it would be great to have a father who is the president of the Alchemy Masters Guild! Didn't he get beaten up!"


Hearing the continuous discussions from pedestrians on both sides, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang couldn't help but glance at each other!
Unexpectedly, that trash alchemist was really the son of the president of the alchemist guild!Similarly, I am also a little surprised at the degree to which he is hated by others!

It seems that that trash really didn't rely on his father's identity to act as a tiger in Shaoyang City and bring disaster to the village.

If not, how could they hear that everyone hates him so much, and wants to get rid of him and his dog legs as soon as possible!
However, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang have already cleaned up what happened to them, so they won't be nosy anymore.

After hearing these voices now, they heard them directly, and then walked towards the gate of Shaoyang City.

After they walked out of the gate of Shaoyang City, they found a secluded place.Then, Ouyang Huang took out the previous helicopter, the three of them got in, and continued to rush towards the imperial city!
After the helicopter took off, Mo Xuan suddenly said, "What the people in Shaoyang City said before should be what you two did after you left the inn!"

"Well, Huang and I cleaned them up." Hearing that Mo Xuan, who had never talked much, suddenly spoke at this moment, Feng Range nodded and admitted.

Anyway, this matter is really what they did, and they don't need to hide it.

However, after hearing Feng Range's answer, Mo Xuan's expression was slightly taken aback!

Then, he said casually, "It seems that you will not be able to come to Shaoyang City again from now on, that evil young man has a strong desire for revenge! If he meets you again, he will definitely use all kinds of means to deal with you."

"Huh?" Hearing Mo Xuan's words again, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were obviously taken aback!
Then, before Feng Range could speak, Ouyang Huang replied domineeringly, "This time, based on his attention to playing Xiaoge'er, I think it's his fate that I didn't kill him! If you do it again Next time, this young master will directly send him to hell to drink tea with Hades!"



Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden opening, Feng Range and Mo Xuan immediately fell silent...

(End of this chapter)

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