Phoenix Dance

Chapter 680 Reaching the Imperial City

Chapter 680 Reaching the Imperial City
After that, all three of them fell into silence because of Ouyang Huang's words, and no one spoke again.

From Shaoyang City to the Imperial City, it will probably take more than half a day to arrive by helicopter.Temporarily sitting in the plane with nothing to do, Feng Range and Mo Xuan immediately closed their eyes and practiced.

As for Ouyang Huang, because he had to fly the plane, he could only concentrate on flying his plane.At the same time, pay attention to everything around you!
After all, apart from the technology they brought, this world has no way to navigate them.If he didn't pay attention to the things around him, he was afraid that a practitioner would jump out of there and fly in the air, and then his plane would collide with them.

Regarding this situation, Ouyang Huang felt that it might still happen.Who made this world so different from their current technology era!
Ouyang Huang flew the helicopter all the way, Feng Range and Mo Xuan sat in the plane to practice.In this way, the time lasted until the middle of the afternoon, and they reached the edge of the imperial city...

Because Ouyang Huang believes that the imperial city is a large and prosperous city, and there should be many masters of cultivation in it.In order to prevent them from finding out that they were flying the helicopter at high altitude, Ouyang Huang did not dare to land too close to the imperial city.

Just after they reached the place where he thought it was still easy for people to find, he then opened his mouth to remind Feng Range and Mo Xuan who were still practicing, "We are here!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words at this time, Feng Range and Mo Xuancai both opened their eyes and quit the cultivation.

"Are you there?" After opening her eyes, Feng Range asked again for confirmation.

"Well, we're here! Now I'm looking for a place to land." After hearing Feng Range's question, Ouyang Huang responded to her casually.

After responding, he also began to look around, preparing to find a suitable place for the helicopter to land.

After hearing Ouyang Huang's response, Feng Range also let go of his consciousness and asked him to help him find a place where the helicopter could land.

After scanning around for a while, Feng Range pointed to a place and said to Ouyang Huan, "Huang, stop there!"

Hearing what Feng Range said at this time, Ouyang Huang looked in the direction Feng Range was pointing at.

After seeing that the place was really suitable for helicopter landing, he nodded slightly and replied, "Okay!"

Then, it flew towards that place and landed under control.

After the helicopter landed smoothly, the three of Feng Range got off the plane and put the helicopter away.

After doing this, they got acquainted with each other, and then prepared to walk into the imperial city.

Because they are still some distance away from the avenue into the imperial city, it will take some time to walk there now.The three of them walked towards the avenue together, and because it was still early, they walked in a leisurely manner.

By the time they got to the avenue, it took only 10 minutes.

It may be because the imperial city is very prosperous, when he walked on the avenue, he saw a steady stream of people coming and going.

When seeing the three of Feng Range appear on the avenue, because the three of them have relatively good looks, they attracted the attention of many people.

However, it may also be because this is a big city, everyone's taste is relatively high-grade and educated.After staring at the three of Fengrange for a while, they automatically looked away, and then went to do their business.

After the eyes of these passers-by moved away from them, the three of Feng Range also sorted out their emotions at this time, and prepared to head into the imperial city...

For the scene in the imperial city, Feng Range still had some expectations in his heart.She didn't know if everything here would be somewhat similar to the imperial city on the Trace God Continent!

Because Feng Range's previous life's identity was not simple, he had been to the imperial cities of several countries many times, and everything there was prosperous and luxurious to the extreme!
It's just that Feng Range, who is relatively indifferent, doesn't catch the eye of these luxurious things.After finishing the work over there, she returned to Feng's house and lived in her own small place.

Now, when she entered a similar imperial city again, although Feng Range didn't like it very much, she couldn't help feeling nostalgic when she thought of all the things in her previous life.

Ouyang Huang, who was walking beside her, seemed to feel Feng Range's mood at this time.So, at this moment, he stretched out his hand and gently pulled, took her hand, and gave her strength like a big hand wrapped around a small hand.

Sensing Ouyang Huang's actions towards her, and the temperature continuously transmitted from his hands to her own, Feng Range's heart throbbed suddenly!Then, the whole person's mind was pulled back.

At this moment, Feng Range turned to look at Ouyang Huang.

At the same time she was looking at Ouyang Huang, Ouyang Huang's eyes were also looking at her.The two looked at each other for a while, and their affection was strong.

However, because they were still walking on the road at the moment, their eyes didn't meet for a long time, and they misplaced.Then, keep going.

Walking into the city gate, you will see a bustling and bustling street.

When seeing this scene, Feng Range's eyes narrowed slightly.

No matter which world or country you are in, there are many things that are really similar.

Everything here really has quite a lot of similarities with the imperial cities of various countries on the Trace God Continent!A lot of shops, a lot of people, noisy, noisy!
These should be the only characteristics of each imperial city!
Then, Feng Range felt a little dull at this moment.I didn't even have to look at the scenery on both sides, so I said to Ouyang Huang, "Huang, we still want a place to live! After finding myself, I'll take a rest, and you and Mo Xuan can go shopping again!" "

Knowing that there are many differences between Ouyang Huang's original world and this place, Feng Range believes that Ouyang Huang will definitely be interested in this place.For this reason, she opened her mouth to mention such a sentence.

When he heard Feng Range's words, Ouyang Huang glanced at her and asked, "Don't you want to go shopping? Why do you want to rest? Are you tired?"

Hearing that Ouyang Huang answered her question inappropriately, Feng Range also looked up at him at this time, and then snorted softly, "Well, I'm a little tired!"

"In that case...then let's find a place to live first!"


For Feng Range, Ouyang Huang loved Fengrange as always.Therefore, as long as Feng Range speaks at this moment, he will immediately follow suit.

Then, after they walked in for a while, they went directly to find the place where they lived in the imperial city for the past few days...

(End of this chapter)

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