Phoenix Dance

Chapter 681 Meeting Qing Aoyang Again

Chapter 681 Meeting Qing Aoyang Again

The imperial city of Qing Dynasty is very prosperous, so there are also many places to eat and live here.The three of Feng Range also came here for the first time, and they were not in a hurry, and they were not short of money, so right now they wanted to find a better place to enjoy life.

Finally, after they traveled to many places, they chose an inn restaurant named 'Mengxianlou'.

It's almost evening time now, probably because the Mengxian Tower is really good.When the three of Feng Range were still standing at the door, they saw a lot of people coming in and out.

It was also because of seeing this scene that the three of Fengrange felt that this place was good!Why not just stay here during the few days in the imperial city!

Afterwards, the three of them glanced at each other, and then walked towards the inside!
However, just as they entered, there was no one to greet them, and they didn't see the boss, only saw the busy young man, when they heard a slightly familiar voice behind them, "Yes! You! How did you come here!"

Hearing the voice, the three of Feng Range turned their heads and looked at the person who spoke to them.

Qing Aoyang?And when they looked back, they saw Qing Aoyang, who was defeated by Feng Range and Ouyang Huang last time and also dropped out of school, staring at the three of them angrily.

At this moment, when Qing Aoyang and Feng Range saw Qing Aoyang and Feng Range looking at each other, several people around Qing Aoyang also said, "Who are Aoyang and the others?" ? Looks like they're from the countryside, you know them?"

"Aoyang, look at your current appearance, have they offended you, should we teach them a lesson for you!"


"Shut up! Let's go in!" After hearing some companions around him who usually get along well with him and follow his example, they all said one after another.

Hearing their questioning each other, Qing Aoyang felt a little irritated after being silent for a while!
Immediately, let them all shut up with a loud shout!
Qing Aoyang is always a face-saving person, he will not tell the people around him about his loss to Feng Range and Ouyang Huang.If he told these people that he was defeated by the two of them, plus the matter of Rao Xuelian, who knows if these people would play a trick in front of him, and do a trick to him behind his back? How to arrange him!

Although Qing Aoyang still inherits his father's throne and is just a prince, he has already reached the point where he doesn't trust anyone!

And those few people who were reprimanded by Qing Aoyang also fell silent when they saw Qing Aoyang turned cold towards them.

They are all the sons of the official family, and Qing Aoyang is classified as the prince of Ming Qing country, and he is considered their master. No matter now or in the future, they still want to flatter him.

Anyway, these sons and brothers will inherit their father's position in the future, and it will benefit them a lot to curry favor with Qing Aoyang, the next monarch.

For a while, these people didn't dare to open their mouths to clear up Aoyang's bad luck.After they paused on the spot for a couple of times, they walked around the sides of Feng Range and the other three and walked inside.

Seeing them walking around his side one by one, and examining the three of them again as they passed each other, the eyes of Feng Range and the three of them immediately retracted. Some frowns!
Because, when Feng Range saw that one of the people who followed Qing Aoyang was looking at her, his eyes were a bit lewd and obscene, which made her feel deeply disgusted as soon as she noticed it!

It seems that the children of the imperial city official family have the same character, they are all so disgusting, I don't like it!

Just when Feng Range was disgusted with the person who showed a bad expression to her, Ouyang Huang also noticed it.

Immediately, he said softly to Feng Range, "Xiao Ge'er, don't pay attention to that kind of person! If he dares to seek your bad luck, I will let him come here with his life, and go back with his life!"

When Ouyang Huang said this, although his tone was light, Feng Range could hear a cold chill from it!

Dare to hit Feng Range's idea, the anger that has to be endured is not only Feng Range's alone, but also the mature Ouyang Huang's anger.

You know, with Ouyang Huang's domineering nature and his special love for Fengrange, anyone who wants to make up her mind, Ouyang Huang will not make that person feel better!

As long as that person dares to trouble them, then Ouyang Huang will definitely do what he said, let him come with his life, and go back with his life!

It's just that those who walked away from them didn't notice the chill flowing from Ouyang Huang's body at this moment!

At this moment, after hearing Ouyang Huang's relief, Feng Range nodded, and replied lightly, "Huang, I'm fine!"

Afterwards, Feng Range's originally slightly changed expression also returned to his indifferent look.

At this moment, the boss of Mengxianlou appeared.This is a middle-aged man who is simple, honest and slightly fat. After he walked in front of Fengrange and the other three, he said with a sense of joy, "Three guests, do you need any services?"

When the boss came over, the three of Feng Range paid attention to him.Now hearing him speak, Feng Range glanced at Ouyang Huang, planning to let him take charge of the next matter.

After noticing Feng Range's gaze, Ouyang Huang pursed his lips slightly, and said to the boss, "Give us two rooms for about ten days, and here is the deposit!"

While saying this to the boss, Ouyang Huang also took out a bag containing [-] gold coins and threw it to the boss in front of him, which was regarded as paying part of the accommodation fee.

Seeing that Ouyang Huang asked for two rooms as soon as he asked, and he readily paid the deposit before he asked.The boss, who was already very happy, now smiled!
The boss was originally a little chubby, but when he smiled, Feng Range and the three saw that his eyes were almost narrowed, which made it even more funny!
At the same time, after accepting the deposit from the three of Feng Range, the Xigan boss bowed and said to the three of them, "There are two rooms, three guests, please go up!"

As he said that, he also walked in front of the three of Feng Range, ready to lead them the way.

The imperial city is indeed an imperial city, and there are still many differences from ordinary capitals.

As far as this restaurant and inn are concerned, following the boss all the way upstairs, the three of Feng Range looked at everything on both sides, and found that this place is much more upscale than those inns in Shaoyang City and Qingwu City!

(End of this chapter)

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