Phoenix Dance

Chapter 682

Chapter 682

Under the leadership of Boss Xigan, the three of Feng Range soon arrived at the door of the two rooms.

After walking to the door, the boss Xigan said again, "Three guests, these two rooms are your rooms. If you need any other services, please find our servant downstairs! Then, I will retreat first!"

Xigan boss said at this moment, then bowed slightly again, and then really stepped back and left.

Watching him leave, the three of Feng Range stood at the door for a while, then opened the door and walked in.

After walking in, Feng Range found that the layout of this room was very grand, and she was quite satisfied after seeing it!

But immediately, she turned around and said to Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan, "Huang, Mo Xuan, now the room has been arranged, I'll just rest here! It's still early, you guys If you are interested, why not take advantage of this moment to go out for a stroll, and come back after familiarizing yourself with this place!"

Hearing Feng Range speak to them at this moment, Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan all looked at her fixedly for a while, without giving her any response.

However, after they wanted to look at each other for a while, Ouyang Huang said, "Well, then you can take a good rest here! If you feel a little bored, let Kayina and the others come out to accompany you. Let's go out first Let's go shopping!"

While Ouyang Huang was talking, he glanced at Mo Xuan at the side, and then turned around to leave the room.

When he saw Ouyang Huang, he turned around and left. Mo Xuan also felt that it was not good for him to stay any longer, so he followed Ouyang Huang out of the room.

After seeing Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan go out now, the air in the whole room became silent for a while.

Facing the sudden silence, Feng Range, who had just come out of the hustle and bustle, couldn't get used to it for a while.However, this situation didn't last long, and Feng Range's mood gradually became quiet along with the silence around her body.

Because they will stay in this imperial city for several days, that is to say, they will live in this room for several days.

In order not to be disturbed by anyone during their stay here, Feng Range decided to arrange a simple illusion array in this room to facilitate their activities in the next few days.

When they first walked into this dream fairy building, they saw that there was a lot of traffic here.There are so many people coming in and out, and the personnel are complex, if she doesn't set up the next formation, then it is difficult for people to spy on things they don't want to be exposed.

Thinking about it this way, Feng Range directly took out a few pieces of spirit stones from the Shihuang space, and prepared to start setting up the formation.

Because the formation was too simple, Feng Range set up the simplest phantom formation after a little fiddling with a few places in the room.

Although this phantom formation is very simple, if someone breaks into her room with ill intentions, they will still be attacked by this formation.

Some of Fengrange's formations come from ancient times, even if it is a simple formation, it will have a powerful effect after she sets it up.Anyone who underestimates Feng Range's formation will suffer!
After setting up the array, Feng Range didn't know what to do for a while!As for the Shihuang space, she still doesn't want to go in right now.

But, if she doesn't go in, what should she do to pass the time?
While sitting in the helicopter, although Feng Range had practiced, she was not too immersed in the state because she was on the road.

Now since she is fine at this moment, why not continue to meditate and practice for a while!
Anyway, whether it's practice or rest, she will still feel refreshed at the end.

Thinking of this, Feng Range didn't hesitate anymore, and sat up cross-legged on a couch in the room, and began to silently recite the formulas of "Dan Xin Jue" and "Yao Xing Jue", and entered the state of cultivation.

Although Feng Range's practice is very advanced at the moment, she is not practicing in an absolutely safe space after all. Therefore, before she is immersed in the practice, she still left a trace of spiritual consciousness in the room.

After leaving behind this wisp of divine consciousness, Feng Range dared to enter the state of cultivation with peace of mind...

In this practice, she continued to practice for more than three hours without waking up.At the same time, Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan haven't come back yet.

But right here, Feng Range's consciousness left in the room suddenly noticed a suspicious figure trying to enter the room where she was.

When she realized this situation, Feng Range's expression of being immersed in meditation was slightly paused.Then, he opened his bright eyes and withdrew from the cultivation.

Originally, she set up the phantom formation and left a touch of consciousness outside just in case, but now, what she really didn't expect was that she had only stayed in the room for three hours and it was just in case. Someone broke in.I really don't know who this person is?What is the purpose of breaking into her?
However, Feng Range is not that interested in these issues.Because, no matter who this person is or what purpose they have, she will not easily let this person who broke into her place go easily!

For this intruder, she must teach him a good lesson!If not, someone would come to her place casually, thinking that her place is easy to break in, and they can enter at will!

After Feng Range opened her eyes, she fell down.

At this moment, her consciousness realized that the person had entered her room, and was trapped by the formation she specially set up.

After realizing this, Feng Range's lips twitched slightly at this moment, revealing a sneer!
Feng Range's nose is sensitive, and after this person entered her room, Feng Range smelled a scent of MIQING.

This man dared to use such lowly methods on her, he seemed to be a flower picker!
If so, then she will know how to teach this person a lesson!

At this moment, Feng Range remembered that Ouyang Huang had begged her for those low-level DU fans before, so now she decided to pay back for this intrusion into her room by means of tit for tat. The flower picker she shot.

You know, although Feng Range usually doesn't show those low-level DU fans, she still has a lot of things that can torture people.

For example, after knowing that the intruder dared to use MIQING incense on her, she thought that she had something in her hand that could be used to teach the flower picker a lesson.

This thing is a male fan!

Xiongxiong fans, as the name suggests, this thing is for those who have special hobbies.

This was also developed by Feng Range when he was bored in his previous life, and it is just right to use it to take revenge on this flower picker!

(End of this chapter)

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