Phoenix Dance

Chapter 683 Strong Treatment

Chapter 683 Strong Treatment

However, when she was doing this, Feng Range didn't want to do it here!
After all, how should I put it, this matter still needs the cooperation of others, and it is also a bit filthy, Feng Range doesn't want people to make a mess of her here!

Immediately, she decided that it would be better to use the MI medicine she had when she dealt with that useless alchemist in Shaoyang City last time, put this person down first, and then take him outside to deal with it!

How to say the medicine powder she developed by herself, as long as she is willing, it is also possible to help this person quit MI medicine.

After thinking about it for a while, Feng Range felt that his idea was not bad!So, at this moment, she took out a little bit of the MI, and then used her spiritual sense to find the exact location of the flower picker.

Because the formation was set up by herself, Feng Range found out his location in a short while.

At this time, she stepped up and walked over.When she walked in front of him, Feng Range could see his face clearly because of the phantom array, but he couldn't see Feng Range anyway.

At this moment, Feng Range heard the flower picker curse secretly, "What the hell did that woman do in this room, why can't she see anything!"

After seeing this person's appearance clearly, Feng Range's eyes froze slightly!Hearing what he said again, Feng Range's heart gradually turned cold.

This person... turned out to be the one who followed Qing Aoyang to eat here before, and who showed obscenity to her when he was with her!

It's him!Feng Range also thought that Xiaoxiao broke into her place with evil intentions in the future!I didn't expect it to be this person!

Based on Feng Range who hated this person in the first place, coupled with his current intrusion, Feng Range decided that he must treat him better later!

At this time, Feng Range's heart became even colder!She smiled coldly, and immediately shook her hand, swaying the powder in her hand.

When the powder of MI medicine appeared in front of this person, he inhaled a little bit, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Seeing that he was put down so easily, Feng Range didn't think about him at this time, and was ready to do what she was going to do next.

However, due to being too disgusted with this person, Feng Range didn't want to lift him up, but she must take him out of here.For a moment, she wondered what to do?

How can I get this person out without doing it myself?This seems a bit nerve-wracking...

Feng Range lowered her eyebrows and pondered. Anyway, her medicine powder is very effective, and this person will not wake up for a while, so let her think slowly...

She thought about it for a while before she came up with an idea!
Because she really didn't want to touch this person, she took a rope and tied him up under mental control.Then, he took out his long sword, tied one end to the hilt, and prepared to leave the room with the sword through the window!

Because she didn't want anyone to see her, Feng Range thought it would be better to go out from the window at this moment.

At the same time, she also controlled her speed a little bit, avoiding others carefully, it should be easy to leave the room without a sound!

As for what she is going to do next, Feng Range is not happy to be seen to be in charge of her.If not, Feng Range thinks it will be troublesome if this matter is going to break out.

After she was all set, she started to act.

When she was going out of the window, she deliberately looked outside, and after making sure that no one outside would see her, she went out of the window quickly with Yu Jian, and then went to the higher place Yu Jian in the sky .

Because Fengrange Yujian's speed is really fast, and because of the cover of night, they are almost silent and no one notices after they except the room.

After leaving the room smoothly, Feng Range is now going to find a gathering place for beggars.

However, because she is not familiar with this place, it is not easy to find it quickly.So, she decided to use her divine sense to find it.

Anyway, because of her strong mental power, even if she uses her spiritual sense to search the imperial city unscrupulously at this moment, she is not afraid of being noticed!Because, Feng Range doesn't believe that there will be someone on this continent with stronger spiritual power than her!

After scanning around for a while, Feng Range quickly found a place where no less than ten beggars gathered.

Although there are not as many beggars in this place as Feng Range imagined, they are already pretty good!
Afterwards, Feng Range drove Yu Jian towards the place where more than ten beggars gathered.

When they reached the sky above that place, Feng Range did not land below.Although she can have no cleanliness, she doesn't like to go to a dirty place to stay.

Anyway, what she wants to do can also be done on Yujian, so there is no difference between going down and not going down!

At this time, Feng Range took out the Xiongxiong powder that he had prepared a long time ago, and sprinkled some on all the beggars below.

After sprinkled on them, Feng Range sprinkled some on that person as well.At this time, she controlled her mental power again and untied the rope on him.

Without the restraint of the rope, the person began to fall completely.Seeing this, Feng Range's expression didn't change a bit, he condensed a Qi needle on his fingertips, flicked it lightly, and shot at a certain acupuncture point on the man's body.

After being shot by Feng Range's air needle, she heard a slight sound, "Mmm..." and then the man woke up.

However, after he wakes up now, what awaits him next is hellish torture!

Fengrange's medicinal powder works very quickly and is also very strong.After it touched all of them, it worked wonders soon.

Feng Range didn't leave for a while, she stood on the imperial sword and proudly looked at the scene below!
She saw that after her medicinal powder took effect, the faces of the beggars below were flushed, and they tore each other's shabby and shabby clothes one after another.

When they saw the person who was dropped from the air by Feng Range and fell to the ground and fell among them, many of the beggars surrounded him and began to tear his clothes!

Seeing this scene, that person hadn't realized what happened, why did he come here suddenly?He was overwhelmed by the beggars crawling towards him...

"Ah! You guys... get out of the way... get out of the way..."

"Um... ah... um... ah... um..."

"Ah... um... ah... um..."

The effect of Fengrange's powder is very powerful. After the initial atrocities under them were over, the unsightly scene began!

After seeing all this going on smoothly, Feng Range didn't want to watch these filthy scenes again.So he collected his consciousness and prepared to go back to the inn.

It's time for Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan to come back...

(End of this chapter)

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