Phoenix Dance

Chapter 684 Shocking Scandal

Chapter 684 Shocking Scandal

After Feng Range Yujian returned to Mengxian Tower, in order to hide the fact that she had left the room, she returned to the room through the window she had gone out before.

When she returned to the room and jumped down from Yujian, she saw Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan come back.

Seeing her come back from the window with a sword at this moment, Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan looked at her with inquiring expressions in their eyes.

After noticing the expressions of the two of them at this time, Feng Range put away the long sword, then walked in front of them and said, "The annoying guy who followed Qing Aoyang broke in, I just brought He went out to teach a lesson!"


Hearing Feng Range speak directly at this time, Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan were a little stunned!

Although Feng Range didn't speak very clearly at the moment, the smart Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan still understood the meaning of her words.

If Feng Range just came here, who would she find annoying?

That's the only man who showed a bad attitude towards her when they walked past them when they first walked into this dream fairy building.

Although Ouyang Huanghe Mo Xuan didn't know how Feng Range dealt with that person at the moment, but with his understanding of Feng Range's temperament.Since that person was annoying to her and broke into her room with her idea, her lesson must be serious!
Based on the principle of trusting Feng Range, Ouyang Huang didn't ask Feng Range what he did.Just mentioned another thing to her!
"Xiao Ge'er, just now Mo Xuan and I went for a stroll outside and heard a piece of news! People outside are saying that when the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet is held, in addition to the banquet in the palace, there will also be a competition in the palace. Everyone who is at the party must participate."

"Huh? How could there be such an arrangement? The person who posted to us before didn't mention this competition, why did it suddenly pop up now? Moreover, the purpose of holding this competition is the Qing Emperor's purpose. what is it then?"

After hearing what Ouyang Huang said suddenly, Feng Range's expression was slightly taken aback, seeming a little confused.

You know, Ouyang Huang is now the city lord of Qingwu City, although he is absolutely free to do anything, but as the city lord in Ming Qing country, it is hard to guarantee that he will be bound by Ming Qing emperor!So, when she heard Ouyang Huang say that Ming Qinghuang had other arrangements for holding the Mid-Autumn Banquet this time, she couldn't help but think about it!
You know, this companion is like a tiger, no matter which era or dynasty the emperor is, it is not so worry-free!

In order not to cause any serious trouble to the three of them in the future, Feng Range decided that they should analyze the purpose of Ming Qinghuang's doing this.

However, just after she asked her question, Ouyang Huang said in disbelief, "Whatever his purpose is, as long as he doesn't cause us any trouble! If he doesn't open his eyes and wants to embarrass us, this young It doesn't matter if Master Wu doesn't do it! Anyway, we are not afraid of troubles, so we just settle it!"


Hearing Ouyang Huang's very casual and domineering opening at this time, Feng Range was taken aback after hearing it, expressing that he was speechless!
Probably the only person in this world who can ignore the emperor of a country and speak out provocatively, besides Feng Range, is Ouyang Huang!
However, what Ouyang Huang said was true, anyway, they were afraid of trouble, and the soldiers came to cover up the water and cover them with earth, no matter what the hell Ming Qinghuang was up to!

Anyway, there are still three days before the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, so let's wait until then to talk about those things!

And now, shouldn't they have a good rest!

Although Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan both went out for a stroll before, Fengrange plans to go out for a stroll tomorrow.

Since she has already come here, she might as well walk around and see if she can find something that interests her here!
You know, Feng Range has become more interested in this continent since he got the root of the soul-cultivating tree outside Shaoyang City!

She still doesn't know how long she will stay here, and whether she can find anything that interests her!

If she stayed at home, those things wouldn't come running towards her like a 'da da da'.So, after tomorrow, she decided to go out and have a look!

What's more, Mo Xuan also said that Yan Jiulou is in the imperial city, and she still wants to go there to have a look.

After all, the reason why she came here so early was that Yan Jiulou was not!

After thinking about it like this, Feng Range turned to Mo Xuan and said, "Mo Xuan, you should go to rest early! Let's go to Yanjiu Tower tomorrow to have a look!"

"Okay!" Hearing Feng Range's words at this time, Mo Xuan responded casually.Then, he nodded and prepared to leave and go back to his room.

After Mo Xuan left, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang didn't delay much, so they just meditated and rested...

Early the next morning, when the three of Feng Range walked out of the room and were about to go downstairs for breakfast, they heard the noise downstairs!
"Have you heard that Qin Siyuan, the son of General Qin, messed with a group of beggars last night, and when he was discovered, he was covered in blood in a miserable state!"

"I've heard about what you said! I heard that there were more than a dozen beggars at the scene. The scene was very chaotic and spectacular! It's a pity that I didn't see it at the scene!"

"Cut! Do you still want to watch it? I guess you just want to throw up after watching it! That scene, just thinking about it, is unbearable, disgusting!"


Hearing the messy voices coming from below, the eyes of Feng Range and the others narrowed slightly!

At the same time, Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan turned their heads to look at her, wondering whether it was the woman beside them who caused this.

When feeling the eyes of Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan, Feng Range glanced at them respectively.Then he said lightly, "Tit for tat!"

"Stun!" Upon hearing Feng Range's sudden opening, Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan immediately realized that this little woman really did it!
Immediately, he was taken aback for a moment, expressing that he was a little speechless!

Last night, although Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan knew something about her, they never expected her to be so decisive and ruthless!
As far as Feng Range's action is concerned, Qin Siyuan who offended her will be ruined forever!

As long as Qin Siyuan is ruined, I'm afraid his family will also be ashamed because of his scandal!

But, as Feng Range said, Tit for Tat!If Qin Siyuan didn't take Feng Range's idea, how could he be punished by Feng Range to such an extent!In general, this result was caused by that Qin Siyuan himself, no one can be blamed!

And since this matter has nothing to do with them, they will continue to go downstairs to eat...

(End of this chapter)

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