Phoenix Dance

Chapter 694 Qu's Auction House

Chapter 694 Qu's Auction House

As for Feng Range and Qing Aoning's refutation at this moment, Qing Aoyang who was standing aside was also watching.

But after hearing Qing Aoning's rebuttal, when the people around here looked at the brothers and sisters more contemptuously than before, Qing Aoyang knew that the situation here seemed to be exactly as Feng Range said, his own Little sister Qing Aoning messed around with Feng Range and the others last night!

Qing Aoyanggui is the prince of a country, and he is also considered a genius in cultivation, so he still understands some gaffes.

As far as the current matter is concerned, it is obvious that his sister is wrong.Bringing him here to provoke him now is nothing more than bringing him along to bring shame on himself!

For this, Qing Aoyang's heart was full of annoyance.Immediately, he turned to his sister Qing Aoning and snorted coldly, "Ao Ning, you are getting worse and worse! Come back with me now, and you are not allowed to leave the door of your bedroom until the evening banquet !"

Saying that, Qing Aoyang turned and left with a gloomy expression.

Seeing Qing Aoyang's reaction at this time, Qing Aoning's arrogant face changed slightly.Immediately, without caring about Feng Range and the others, she chased Qing Aoyang and left...

"Brother Aoyang, what's wrong with you? Wait for me...Brother Aoyang, don't listen to their nonsense, what they say is not true..."

When he saw the figures of Qing Aoyang and Qing Aoning drifting away, Ouyang Huang, who was standing beside Feng Range, spoke.

"Little Geer, I really didn't expect you, who have never talked much, to be eloquent now! By the way, Xiao Geer, what did you play on that unruly princess when she left just now?" ? Tell me about it!"

"Stunned?" Hearing Ouyang Huang's question at this time, Feng Range, who was completely unprepared, was slightly taken aback!
Then, he said softly, "Didn't Qing Aoyang say that the savage princess would also attend the banquet at night, so I just made something to make her face ashamed! She thought I wouldn't provoke her, but she did. I'll be fine? Then let's see if I, Feng Range, is someone she can afford to provoke! Hmph!"

When Feng Range said this now, when he finished speaking, he snorted coldly!
After humming, he closed the door and went directly back into the room.

Hearing Shen Leng's words and his indifferent reaction, Ouyang Huang froze in place for a moment.

Such an indifferent little Ge'er, just like when he first saw her, made it hard to see what she was thinking.

Ever since he didn't get any clues about the promotion altar in the library of Qingwu Academy last time, he could see her depression.It's just that what he didn't expect was that the emotions that had been suppressed in her heart, she would explode today!

But that's good, at least she let out what's in her heart!In this way, she should feel much more comfortable in the future!

Ouyang Huang never cared about what would happen to others.And Feng Range is the only one who can make him care!

After confirming that Feng Range was basically fine, Ouyang Huang stood at the door for a while, then walked back to the bed.

After taking a few glances at Feng Range who had started to sit cross-legged again, she narrowed her eyes and returned to the bed to start meditating.

They meditated until noon, when Mo Xuan came and knocked on their door, saying that they had gone downstairs to have lunch, and then they could go to the auction site.

With Mo Xuan's greeting, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang felt that it was almost time.So, I quit the practice and went downstairs to have lunch.

When they went downstairs, they found that there were quite a lot of people eating in the inn today.In particular, many of them were discussing the matter of going to the auction at the dinner table, as if they were also going to participate in the auction.

The three of Feng Range listened quietly to the discussion of others, but the three of them did not discuss in private.

After a simple meal, Ouyang Huang said, "Let's go!"

Then, the three of them stood up one after another, and then walked towards the outside of the inn.

At the same time as they left the inn, some people who had eaten with them before also walked out of the inn, ready to go to the auction together.

The location of the auction house had spread throughout the entire imperial city two days ago.So at this moment, Feng Range and the others went there without finding a way at all, and just followed the adults.

This auction was held by the most famous Qu's Auction House in Mingsen Continent.The Qu family is the richest family on this continent. They made their fortune by holding auctions thousands of years ago, and they have endured for a long time!

The power of the Qu family, even the power of the Three Kingdoms on this big road, is very afraid of it.However, fortunately, their Qu family was not interested in anything other than the business auction party.

If not, with the current financial strength and status of the Qu family, I am afraid that the royal families of the Three Kingdoms are afraid, and they will join hands to eradicate it!
Regarding these situations, Mo Xuan told Feng Range and Ouyang Huang what he had heard before on their way to the auction.

At the entrance of Qu's Auction House, because there are regulations here, if you want to participate in the auction, you must pay two hundred gold coins before you can enter.The three of Feng Range paid [-] gold coins before walking in one by one.

After walking inside, the three of Feng Range saw the entire auction site, which was more than three times bigger than the one held by Feng Range in Qingwu City last time.

Although Feng Range and the others said that they came not too late, they also came not too early. At this moment, the entire auction hall is already full of no less than one-third of the people.

Among them, some boxes were already full of people, and a red light was lit at the door.

Seeing this scene, even the three of Feng Range, who were used to seeing the scene, were a little dumb at this moment.

After that, they randomly found three connected seats and sat down.Anyway, they are just here today to take a look, and they may not necessarily auction things, and they can sit anywhere.

After they sat down, because the entire venue was not fully occupied, it would take a while before the auction officially started!
During this quiet period, the three of Feng Range sat upright and observed the surrounding situation, including those who came to participate in the auction.

This idleness lasted for nearly half an hour...

After the entire auction site was full of people, the three of Feng Range went to the Qu's Auction House and an old man who presided over the auction came on stage.

"Everyone who came to participate in today's Qu's auction, good afternoon!"

"it is good!"

"it is good……"

(End of this chapter)

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