Phoenix Dance

Chapter 695 The Auction Goes On

Chapter 695 The Auction Goes On

After the old man opened his mouth, there was almost a hundred responses.

Hearing him speak, many people in the audience greeted him.Seeing this situation, Feng Range thought, the old man on this stage should have a high status in the Qu family, and in this continent, right?

If not, who would answer the words of an old man!
Of course, the other party is also the auctioneer of this auction, if everyone present still respects him.That's because their ultimate goal is to come to the things in this auction.

If this easily offends the auctioneer arranged by the auction house, it will also be a slap in the face of the auction house, and the loss outweighs the gain!
At the beginning, the theme was entered in the excitement of most people.

At this time, the old man who presided over the auction spoke again, "Everyone, I believe everyone has been looking forward to today's auction for a long time, right? Then the old man will not delay everyone, and the auction will officially start next." Please come to our first lot, a 200-year-old Thousand Bone Grass!"

"Thousand bone grass, it's still 200 years old, I must take this medicinal herb!"

"This Thousand Bone Grass is an indispensable medicinal material for refining healing elixirs. It is 200 years old, and it is extremely rare! I must do my best to get it!"


Those who are interested in this first lot are generally alchemists, doctors and the like.Therefore, the appearance of the first lot did not detonate the atmosphere of the audience.

As for Feng Range, after seeing them take out the first lot, she knew that although she was also an alchemist, she was also a doctor.However, the interest in this 200-year-old Qiangucao Fengrange is really not too great!
You know, under the influence of the strong aura in her Shihuang space, the medicinal materials planted by Shihuang in her have a minimum age of 500 years, and more even reach a thousand years or ten thousand years.

If there is anything else that Feng Range is interested in, it is only rare, she does not have it in the original space, and she wants to get some to cultivate, then she will be interested.

Otherwise, no matter how old she is, she won't be so impulsive to buy it!
For the 200-year-old Thousand Bone Grass on the stage, the lowest price offered at the auction was ten gold coins, which is very low!However, while the three of Feng Range and many people in the audience were watching quietly, the bid for the Thousand Bone Grass was mentioned by some alchemists and doctors as a high price of 300 million.

However, according to Feng Range's understanding of alchemists and doctors, and their desire for a medicinal material, she thinks that the price should be increased by half before being auctioned off!
And at this moment, the bidding that had been stagnant for the time being began to move again, "350 million gold coins! This old man will win this Thousand Bone Grass!"

"You bid 350 million gold coins, my old man bids 400 million gold coins! This thousand bone grass, I will also order!"

"You! 400 million, right? Then I'll bid 450 million gold coins!"

"Four hundred and five, I'm five million!"


In just a short while, the price directly increased by 200 million gold coins.Seeing that the price has been greatly increased, and it is the bidding of two old men, Feng Range thinks that the two bidders must have enmity!The bidding between the two of them seems to be angry and hostile!
However, at this time, other people's problems have nothing to do with her, so Feng Range will pay more attention.

It's just that this is an auction, and the bidding still has to have a result.As far as the bidding between these two parties was concerned, it finally stopped at one party's bidding price of 820 million gold coins.

At this time, another old man hummed unconvinced, "Smelly old man, I will give you this 200-year-old thousand bone grass! Next time, when the old man brings enough gold coins, he will definitely not give it to you!" You have a chance to steal the old man's medicine again!"

"Your thing? Immortal, this is an auction, and those who can get it! Now that I can auction it, this Thousand Bone Grass belongs to me, so be jealous!"

"Hmph! Old man, don't be complacent, you will never have such a chance again in the future!"

"Old man, I'll wait, old man!"


Just after the previous two old men stopped bidding, they were still arguing endlessly, which shocked all the spectators present!
At this moment, the old man who presided over the auction on the stage said, "Master Liang, Master Fu, both of them are highly respected alchemy masters, why make the juniors here laugh at me! Next, congratulations to Master Fu We won the first lot, 200-year-old Thousand Bone Grass! After the auction is over, we will go to the backstage to conduct transactions in a unified way! Next, we will invite the second lot to be sold as a premium elixir Shengji Dan, five Bundled and sold, the starting price is still ten gold coins!"

"100 million gold coins!"

"110 million gold coins!"

"150 million gold coins!"

"200 million gold coins!"

"210 million gold coins!"


While the two old men were arguing endlessly, as soon as the old man who hosted on the stage spoke, the whole scene fell silent.Because there were no other bidders, the final buyer of the Thousand Bone Grass fell into the hands of Master Fu who bid 820 million gold coins.

However, just as the first auction was over, the second lot that the host called out immediately caused a sensation in the audience!
A respectable healing pill, this is what everyone yearns for!
In this person's life, no one can guarantee that he will have a little injury or illness.This high-grade elixir is naturally very effective, it can be said to be a holy medicine that can't be found!
As soon as the elder host gave a low price, those who could afford the price in the entire auction site raised their prices crazily.

"200 million gold coins, the bid is so low, are you insulting these noble medicines at this time? I bid 500 million gold coins!"

"Is 500 million a lot? I bid 1000 million gold coins!"

"Hey! 500 million is not much, 1000 million is a lot? I bid 2000 million gold coins!"


The price soared wildly, and after a while, a few arrogant people in the box directly mentioned the high price of 2000 million gold coins.Seeing that the last bidder raised the price to such a high level, the auctioneers sitting in the lobby were stunned!

This rich man's auction method is really amazing!Their way of bidding cannot be said to be driving up the price indiscriminately, but it has cut off the auction hopes of ordinary people!

However, it seems that many people are already used to this situation. Otherwise, how could the whole scene suddenly become silent...

(End of this chapter)

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