Phoenix Dance

Chapter 706

Chapter 706

"Are you going to chop off my head?" I heard those people say a lot, but at this moment, Feng Range suddenly opened!
And with her opening, she didn't need someone to answer her.She didn't hit Qing Aoning hard at first, but as soon as her words fell, she started to hit harder.

Her strength is far higher than that of Qing Aoning, and if she really wants to beat Qing Aoning violently, it is simply an easy thing to do.

She hit Qing Ao Ning violently, and said coldly, "Is that how I, Feng Range, make people feel easy to bully? Your princess is bullying, and if you attack me, be poisonous and dumb. Could it be that this lady can't even fight back! It turns out that my husband's position as the city lord of Qingwu City is not that important! Then it's worth not to sit! Hahaha! If you want to chop off my Feng Range's head, it's up to you Do you have any skills!"

Feng Range said this coldly, and as soon as her words fell, she hit Qing Aoning even harder.

She didn't use any attack martial skills this time, she directly condensed the Vajra body, concentrated her strength on the two fists, knocked Qing Ao Ning unconscious, and fell to the ground.

After dealing with Qing Aoning, the instigator, Feng Range's eyes turned to those who had spoken rudely to her before.

Feng Range's gaze was particularly cold at this time. After being swept by her gaze, these people shuddered one by one, a little scared!

Feng Range used to be the charming daughter of the Feng family, and also the pride of heaven on the Jishen Continent, but she had never been threatened and insulted like today, so she was angry!

It's good that Feng Range is not angry, but once angry, none of these people will be able to live well!

With one enemy and many, it is a bit difficult for her to deal with these people!
But bullying the few with more, Feng Range smiled coldly at this moment!She didn't care if she exposed the space treasure, the space bracelet that stores living things, and directly summoned more than 500 blood clans of the secret party from it.

After they came out, they bowed to Feng Range and said, "Ma'am!"

"En!" Hearing their greetings, Feng Range nodded slightly.Then, he continued to say to them, "The people present have slandered this lady and said that she will behead her. You don't need to hurt their lives, just maim them one by one! Do it!"


Hearing Feng Range's order, those hundreds of blood races started to fight.

When these blood races appeared, those who threatened Feng Range were all a little frightened!Now that Feng Range directly said that they would be maimed one by one, they were terrified and wanted to run away.

It's just that the helpers Feng Range called out this time are blood clans, and their body skills are not comparable to ordinary practitioners and ordinary people.

Seeing that someone was about to flee, the hundred blood races immediately flew around and stopped them one by one!Afterwards, as Feng Range said, each of them was maimed, leaving only one life.

When they started to make a move, Feng Range and Mo Xuan didn't make a move, they just stood aside and watched quietly!

As early as when these blood races followed him, Feng Range discovered that their strength was actually average.But after more than a year, after practicing the exercises she gave them, their strengths are now comparable to those of Wu Zong's first and second ranks.It is almost on par with Mo Xuan's current strength.

Now Feng Range only dispatched a hundred of them, if all of them were dispatched, it would be a huge force.

Most of the people who came to this Mid-Autumn Festival banquet were ordinary people. Even if there were practitioners, they were not very strong.If it is said that there are only three or four people who can entangle with Fengrange's blood clan, it also includes the two old men and the old man among the young men that Mo Xuan and her had paid attention to earlier.

However, their strength is almost at the level of Wu Zong's elementary level. Facing a blood race, they may be able to fight against each other!But with one against two, no matter how high this person's status is, he will still be beaten by Feng Range's people!
Just when the old man was controlled by two blood clansmen and was about to beat him up violently, the young man who had been protected by the old man looked in the direction of Feng Range, and finally his eyes stayed on Mo Xuan.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he yelled at Mo Xuan, "Mo Xuan, you little bastard, you dare to come back! Now you still dare to let others attack Grandpa and me, little bastard, are you tired of living? Why don't you let them go?" Let go of Grandpa! Little beast!"

Originally, Feng Range's gaze had been paying attention to the whole scene, and he didn't pay much attention to the old man and the boy.

But at this moment, when he suddenly heard the gloomy young man swearing at Mo Xuan as a little beast, Feng Range's eyes turned coldly towards the young man.At the same time, a glint of tyranny flashed in his eyes!
This person who abused her so harshly, is it time to seek death at this time!
Before Mo Xuan could speak, Feng Range spoke coldly, "Are you calling Mo Xuan a beast, are you looking for death? Come, treat these two well! Two, abolish the dantian for me too!"


"You can't do that!"

Feng Range was furious at this time, so he ordered people to attack without mercy!And after hearing Feng Range's order at this time, as well as the coldness in his tone, the grandparents and grandchildren were terrified at this moment!
However, their resistance seemed so helpless in front of Feng Range, and they were soon surrounded by Feng Range's people!And, it was shot very quickly!
When their wailing sounded, Feng Range turned to look at Mo Xuan.

At this time, when Mo Xuan saw Fengrange's people attack those two people whom he hated for a long time but couldn't attack them, his eyes became very calm!

Seeing his reaction at this time, Feng Range said softly, "Mo Xuan, you are my follower and my partner with Huang. No one can bully you! When we leave here, You just take some people to settle your matter first, and then go back to Qingwu City to join us!"

"it is good!"

When Feng Range said that she not only regarded him as her follower, but also as her partner, Mo Xuan was stunned for a moment.

But after being dazed, he nodded and readily agreed to Feng Range's sudden proposal!
Seeing that Mo Xuan agreed, Feng Range didn't say much after that.

At this time, some blood races who had completed the task returned to Feng Range, and Feng Range sent them back into the space bracelet to continue practicing.

As for the others, Feng Range just waited.Wait a minute, Ming Qinghuang should have received the news to rush over!

(End of this chapter)

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